1.摩登家庭第六季 第64期:怎么带着那玩意儿过海关?
I-I-I don't -- I don't understand. Does everybody get one? 我...我不明白。是每个人都分到那样一盘吗? I was just going to sub in my turkey if you got i...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第63期:我喝醉了吗?
We need a smaller platter or something that makes this look normal-sized! 我们需要一个小一点的盘子,让这只火鸡看起来是正常大小! How do you feel about...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第62期:你不再暗恋我了!
The cranberry sauce is okay, and the gravy is out of the woods. 红莓酱好了,肉汁也终于做好了。 And, thanks to you, those baby carrots are gonna pull t...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第61期:墨西哥实在太脏了!
Hey, sweetie, what are you reading? 宝贝,你在读什么呢? What are you wearing? 你这穿的什么啊? Well, I think it's Dolce Gabbana. 我觉得是杜嘉班纳牌的...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第60期:拿错东西
What is that? 那是什么? Oh, nothing. 没什么。 No. For a second, it looked like...Oh, my God! You have my underwear? ! 别这样。乍一看,挺像...天啊!你...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第59期:你当然不是色狼
This is crazy. 这简直有病。 Let's just go downstairs and tell them that we're here. 我们就下楼告诉他们我们在这里吧。 Are you kidding? 你开什么玩笑? W...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第58期:给你一个下马威!
You see? 看到了吗? As much as you want me to yell, I have a more effective method. 尽管你很想看到我大喊大叫,可我有更有效的办法。 When you say to a c...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第57期:一次才是意外,色狼!
I don't love being the person who hides in her garage with her secret crib turkey, but it's not always fun being the backstop. 我不喜欢跟藏在摇篮里的...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第56期:你是叫我摘掉婚戒吗?
Okay, okay. You give in to her every whim, and I'm mean daddy. That's not true. 好吧,好吧。她每次想要什么你都给,我成了坏爸爸。才没有。 Isn't it? Wha...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第55期:一颗牙
We really need to remember to return this backpack to Lily. 我们一定要记得把这个背包还给莉莉。 Oh, and, honey, don't forget Mitchell hates raisins. 亲...