1.摩登家庭第六季 第204期:她根本不把隐私当回事
That's not the conversation I thought we'd be having, but...if that's what you need on the outside to feel like the luke you are on the inside -- 我没...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第203期:我今天的行为很不光彩
For your own good. 那是为了你好。 Learning to fend for yourself is an important part of becoming a man. 学会保护自己是成为一个男人的重要一步。 Before ...
3.摩登家庭第六季 第202期:哈佛没录取她
Mom, don't freak out. 妈,别慌。 No, I was worried about this when you two left this morning. 没,你们今早出门的时候我就有点担心了。 Oh, okay, so she ...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第201期:你不似从前英勇
What are you doing? ! - Last item on the list-- move the table. - No. You should not be doing that alone. 你在干什么?!-清单上最后一项-移桌子 -不,你...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第200期:你看起来有点不清醒
I did it again! 我又成功了! I'm gonna get you some water. 我去给你倒杯水。 You seem lightheaded and delusional. 你看起来有点不清醒。 Again! 又一次! ...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第199期:她们嫁给同一个男人
This is just like when Rosalba and Marisol found out that they were married to the same man. 这就像是罗萨尔芭和玛莉索发现她们嫁给了同一个男人。 Mariso...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第198期:给老爸的一个惊喜
Oh, amazing! 好棒啊! Honey, were you listening? Isn't he good? 亲爱的,你听见了吗?他很棒有没有? Really good. - Yeah. 真的很棒。-是啊。 Really good....
8.摩登家庭第六季 第197期:雕刻出书呆女狂野的一面
Oh, boy. Okay, here's a photo, look. 好吧,收到一张照片,看。 She's using the signal. 她在打手势。 What signal? 什么手势? The kids aren't allowed to ...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第196期:两个女人在喷泉里打架
What do you...- I think I've heard enough. 你要做... -我觉得我听够了。 Lucky for you, I've got time for a couple verses of Shortnin' bread. 你真走运,...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第195期:我们该做点父子活动
You're still on that thing? 你还在看吗? What are you constantly looking at on your computer? 你一直盯着电脑到底看什么呢? Is that a question you real...