1.《复仇》 第285期:维多利亚教训女儿
Charlotte, we need to talk. 夏洛特 我要和你谈一谈 Later. I'm busy. 晚点吧 我忙着呢 Why aren't you in school? 你怎么没去上学 I'm not feeling well. 我身...
2.《复仇》 第284期:夏洛特嗑药
What are you talking about? 你说什么呢 What's going on here? 出什么事了 There's been a setback. 出了点麻烦 Declan's recanted his statement 德克兰收回...
3.《复仇》 第283期:被男朋友出卖
This is your E.H.M. Bracelet. 这个是你的电子监控脚环 It's a gps-enabled monitor that confines you 它内置GPS的监控器 to a 5,000-foot radius of the base...
4.《复仇》 第282期:爱画之人
These are remarkable. 这些画真棒 Yeah. 是啊 More for what they aren't than what they are. 正是因为它们的不足而惊艳 And what aren't they? 什么不足 Comp...
5.《复仇》 第281期:诺兰对杰克的关心
Any idea who wired her the money? 是谁给她汇的钱 Well, I didn't get that far, 这还没查到 but I can tell you, as of three days ago, 但可以告诉你 都过去...
6.《复仇》 第280期:阿曼达对夏洛特的保护
What the hell are you doing in my room? 你在我房间做什么 I'm sorry to invade your privacy. 抱歉侵犯了你的隐私 It's not normally my style, 我通常不这样...
7.《复仇》 第279期:丹尼尔被暴打
How is he? 他怎么样了 He sustained a concussion, two cracked ribs, 脑震荡 两根肋骨骨裂 and a small fracture to his left orbital bone. 左颧骨轻微骨折 M...
8.《复仇》 第278期:女人的阴谋
So it's your belief that Amanda 你认为是阿曼达 and her childhood paramour worked together 伙同她儿时的情人 to murder Tyler and frame Daniel? 谋杀了泰...
9.《复仇》 第277期:断送的文学家
So, Mason, 梅森 this is how you've been spending your days? 你每天就这样打发日子吗 Most of them. 差不多吧 Wine coolers? 不喝酒吗 Oh, I've never been m...
10.《复仇》 第276期:婆媳关系一致
God, I miss you. 我好想你 Are you okay? You look tired. 你还好吗 看上去好累 Yeah, I'm okay. 我没事 It's just like camp, 跟露营一样 only instead of peo...