1.Report Finds Amazon Tribe Has High Mercury Levels
Report Finds Amazon Tribe Has High Mercury Levels The Yanomami tribe of Brazil is the largest native tribe in the Amazon rainforest. The group has lit...
2.Vatican Opposes Sex Change Operations, Surrogacy
Vatican Opposes Sex Change Operations, Surrogacy The Roman Catholic Church has declared its opposition to sex change operations and surrogacy. The Vat...
3.VOA新闻杂志2024 猛禽F150霸榜美国销量榜42年
Americas Best-selling Vehicle Still on Top after 42 Years 猛禽F150霸榜美国销量榜42年 America's best-selling vehicle has not changed during the past 42...
4.VOA新闻杂志2024 加沙地带医疗系统正在崩溃
加沙地带医疗系统正在崩溃 A World Health Organization (WHO) official who recently returned from the Gaza Strip said recently that the health care syste...
5.VOA新闻杂志2024 干旱导致水位下降, 巴拿马运河运力大减
干旱导致水位下降, 巴拿马运河运力大减 Officials have ordered restrictions on shipping traffic in the Panama Canal because of reduced water levels. 由于...
6.VOA新闻杂志2024 北极寒流席卷美国
北极寒流席卷美国 Many parts of the world have experienced record-high temperatures in recent days. 最近几天,世界上许多地区都经历了创纪录的高温。 But ...
7.VOA新闻杂志2024 北达科他州矿工意外挖出猛犸象牙
北达科他州矿工意外挖出猛犸象牙 The first person who saw it was working overnight. 第一个看到它的人当时正在通宵工作。 The worker, a shovel operator, sa...
8.VOA新闻杂志2024 巴布亚新几内亚骚乱已造成16人遇难
巴布亚新几内亚骚乱已造成16人遇难 The government of Papua New Guinea declared a state of emergency on Thursday after at least 16 people were killed in ...
9.VOA新闻杂志2024 美国阿拉斯加航空波音客机脱落舱门已找到
美国阿拉斯加航空波音客机脱落舱门已找到 Officials have recovered a part of an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max passenger jet that blew off during a fligh...
10.VOA新闻杂志2024 新加坡将废除国有公寓禁猫令
新加坡将废除国有公寓禁猫令 Sunny is a proud Singaporean citizen who follows the laws of her country. Mostly, anyway. 桑妮是一名自豪的新加坡公民,她遵...