
Scene 73 担心

时间:2024-05-06 03:26:41



Scene 73 担心

❶ 你为何闷闷不乐啊?Why are you so glum1?

对话 A: Why are you so glum? 你为何闷闷不乐啊?

B: I read a sad story. 我看了一个悲剧故事。

❷ 你怎么了?What's the matter?

同类表达 What's wrong? 怎么了?

Are you all right? 你还好吧?

这样回答 Nothing. I'm just tired. 没什么,我只是累了。

❸ 你有什么心事吗?Is there anything on your mind?

同类表达 What's on your mind?

What are you worried about?

What's eating you?

❹ 你的所作所为让我很担心。What you did makes me very nervous.

对话 A: What you did makes me very nervous. 你的所作所为令我很担心。

B: I'm sorry for that. 我很抱歉。

❺ 你今天有点儿不大对劲。Something is wrong with you today.

对话 A: Something is wrong with you today. 你今天有点儿不大对劲。

B: Nothing to worry about. I didn't sleep well yesterday. 不用担心,我只是昨晚没睡好。

❻ 我很担心,因为我和他失去联系有一段时间了。I'm worried about him as he's been out of touch for a while.

对话 A: I'm worried about him as he's been out of touch for a while. 我很担心他,因为我和他失去联系有一段时间了。

B: Have you asked other friends? Maybe he has been in contact2 with them. 你没问问其他朋友吗?也许他一直和他们保持联络呢。

❼ 她总是忧心忡忡的。She always has something to worry about.

对话 A: Serena felt blue today. 塞雷娜今天心情不好。

B: She always has something to worry about. 她总是忧心忡忡的。

❽ 没必要担心。It's unnecessary3 to worry.

对话 A: It's late. Jenny is still out! 很晚了,珍妮还没回来!

B: It's unnecessary to worry. 没必要担心。

❾ 到底怎么回事?What's going on?

同类表达 What's happening? 发生什么事了?

❿ 怎么闷闷不乐的?Why the long face?

对话 A: Why the long face? 为什么闷闷不乐的?

B: My girlfriend just dumped4 me. 女朋友刚把我甩了。



1 glum klXyF     
  • He was a charming mixture of glum and glee.他是一个很有魅力的人,时而忧伤时而欢笑。
  • She laughed at his glum face.她嘲笑他闷闷不乐的脸。
2 contact ZZHym     
  • We agreed to contact again as soon as possible.我们同意尽快再次联系。
  • She is still in close contact with Sarah.她仍然同萨拉人联系密切。
3 unnecessary OghyI     
  • There's no sense in taking unnecessary risks.做不必要的冒险毫无意义。
  • It's unnecessary to go into details.无须细说。
4 dumped dumped     
adj.废弃的v.倾倒( dump的过去式和过去分词 );丢下;随便堆放;释放
  • Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. 太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒。
  • They dumped his belongings unceremoniously on the floor. 他们粗暴地把他的物品摔到地板上。

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