
听电影学英语-字典情人 20

时间:2011-02-26 06:08:48



[00:17.96]You might need this.
[00:24.28]My second present.
[00:32.48]You know?
[00:33.28]I guess eventually.
[00:54.56]Seems I only ever get to say goodbye.
[01:01.40]Come on.
[01:27.56]I do hope you’re not incorruptible.
[01:33.72]They’re both headed over the mountains.

[01:35.32]I have a party ready to follow them.
[01:38.48]Have you?
[01:40.48]There’s no whiskey trees in the jungle, you know.
[01:43.84]亨利  她差点杀了希珀理
[01:44.04]Henry, she tried to kill Shipperly.
[01:46.52]-能处以绞刑了 -我不能给你人手
[01:46.68]- That’s a hanging offense1. - I can’t spare the men.
[02:00.96]Do you care nothing for your daughter?
[02:05.12]I care a great deal...
[02:08.32]for them both.
[02:12.36]赛希尔, 告诉他
[02:12.52]Cecil, tell him.
[02:16.16]I don’t want John hurt.
[02:21.76]Or my sister.
[02:42.92]He said go after them.
[02:45.12]Come along, idiot2. What are you waiting for?
[02:47.96]快点, 白痴  你再等什么?
[03:28.72]Stay here.
[04:45.48]I thought you’d turn up eventually.
[04:51.44]Handcuff yourselves to the pole.
[04:56.36]快点  我们都不想把孩子吵醒  是吧?
[04:56.52]Come on! We don’t want to wake the baby up, now do we?!



1 offense HIvxd     
  • I hope you will not take any offense at my words. 对我讲的话请别见怪。
  • His words gave great offense to everybody present.他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。
2 idiot FcWze     
  • Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark.只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。
  • You are behaving like a perfect idiot.你表现得像个十足的白痴。

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