
赖世雄学英语第四册 lesson 24

时间:2005-12-30 16:00:00



  [00:00.00]Lesson 24    Flu and Colds
[00:25.18]There's little escape from the common cold and influenza1, better known as flu.
[00:35.16]Most adults in the United States get two or three colds a year,
[00:43.70]and children get six to ten. Flu is less com-mon.
[00:51.46]On average, about 10 to 20 percent of Americans come down with it each year.
[00:56.39]流感的发病率没有这么高,平均每年有10% ~ 20%的美国人会患上流感。
[01:01.31]Viruses—tiny organisms that attach to your cells and repro-duce inside them—
[01:10.56]cause colds and flu.
[01:15.10]Both illnesses spread easi-ly.
[01:20.27]Colds make you sneeze and cough, give you a runny nose and sore throat,
[01:29.13]and sometimes a headache and a slight fever.
[01:34.88]Flu brings many of the same symptoms—only worse—
[01:41.54]and comes on like a runaway2 truck.
[01:46.61]Now you may feel okay, but the next mi-nute you'll probably have a high fever
[01:55.44]dry cough, and aching muscles.
[02:00.79]Flu can be deadly.
[02:04.76]On average, it kills 20,000 Americans yearly,
[02:12.52]mostly the elderly who often have health problems, such as heart disease.
[02:20.77]Flu virus strains change all the time,
[02:27.25]and every once in a while a super strain emerges
[02:33.50]to claim thousands of lives throughout the world.
[02:39.87]While you can't always avoid getting a cold or Flu,
[02:46.82]you can do something to reduce the risk.
[02:52.56]A flu vaccine3 may serve the pur-pose.
[02:58.13]And staying healthy may aid you in getting over a cold or flu soon.
[03:06.49]In a Clinic
[03:11.66]A guy in my office got the flu the other day.
[03:17.59]Today I seem to have come down with it, too.
[03:23.65]Very likely. You have a slight fever. Do you have a headache, too?
[03:31.70]Yes. I wonder if you could do something to help me re-cover soon,
[03:39.25]because I'll be on a business trip in two days.
[03:45.28]Well, you have to let your flu run its course.
[03:50.84]You must stop working and stay in bed to get plenty of rest.
[03:57.69]Usual-ly it will take 4 to 6 days to make a full recovery.
[04:04.53]But I'm going on a business trip in two days!
[04:10.78]Maybe you'll have to cancel it or postpone4 it.
[04:15.63]If you go out while you are sick, it won't help you recover.
[04:21.59]You may even pass your disease on to others.



1 influenza J4NyD     
  • They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.他们采取措施
  • Influenza is an infectious disease.流感是一种传染病。
2 runaway jD4y5     
  • The police have not found the runaway to date.警察迄今没抓到逃犯。
  • He was praised for bringing up the runaway horse.他勒住了脱缰之马受到了表扬。
3 vaccine Ki1wv     
  • The polio vaccine has saved millions of lives.脊髓灰质炎疫苗挽救了数以百万计的生命。
  • She takes a vaccine against influenza every fall.她每年秋季接种流感疫苗。
4 postpone rP0xq     
  • I shall postpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.在未获悉详情之前我得从缓作出决定。
  • She decided to postpone the converastion for that evening.她决定当天晚上把谈话搁一搁。

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