
赖世雄学英语第四册 lesson 26

时间:2005-12-30 16:00:00



  [00:00.00]Lesson 26     The Story of Father's Day
[00:25.55]Father's Day, contrary to popular misconception,
[00:31.61]was not established as holiday in order help promote the sales of greet-ing cards.
[00:39.76]In fact, when a "father's day" was first proposed1,
[00:45.51]there were no Father's Day cards!
[00:49.58]Mrs John B Dodd, of Washington,
[00:54.62]first proposed the idea of a "father's day" in 1909.
[01:01.70]Mrs Dodd wanted a special day to honor2 her father, William Smart.
[01:09.15]William Smart, a Civil War veteran3, was widowed when his wife
[01:16.41](Mrs Dodd's mother)died in giving birth to their sixth child.
[01:23.67]Mr Smart was left to faise the newborn
[01:28.42]and his other five chidren on his own on a rural4 farm in eastern Washington.
[01:36.68]It was after Mrs Dodd became an adult
[01:41.72]that she real-ized the strength and selflessness her father had shown
[01:48.80]in raising his children as a single parent.
[01:53.24]The first Father's Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Spo-kane. Washington.
[02:02.51]At about the same time in various towns and cities across America,
[02:09.18]other people were beginning to celebrate a "father's day".
[02:15.34]In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day.
[02:24.80]Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation
[02:34.23]declaring the 3rd Sun-day of June as Father's Day.
[02:39.66]Father's Day has become a day to honor not only your father,
[02:46.01]but all men who stand for a father figure.
[02:51.05]Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers,
[02:56.09]and adult male friends are to be honored5 on Father's Day.
[03:02.26]II. Dialog6
[03:06.10]A Father's Day Gift
[03:10.17]My boss wore a real stupid tie to work today. Can you guess why?
[03:18.35]He isn't a man of good taste for clothes, is he?
[03:24.28]He is, but I didn't mean that.
[03:29.61]His daughter bought him a tie as a Father's Day gift,
[03:35.98]and he was very to wear it and show it off to us in the office.
[03:43.43]It must be hard being a father.
[03:48.49]No, it's great being a father,
[03:52.62]seeing your children grow-ing up and loving you and admiring you.
[03:58.37]Maybe you'll only feel that way on Father's Day.
[04:04.24]II. Dialog
[04:11.30]A Father's Day Gift
[04:15.35]My boss wore a real stupid tie to work today. Can you guess why?
[04:23.52]He isn't a man of good taste for clothes, is he?
[04:29.48]He is, but I didn't mean that.
[04:35.23]His daughter bought him a tie as a Father's Day gift,
[04:41.60]and he was very to wear it and show it off to us in the office.
[04:49.54]It must be hard being a father.
[04:54.58]No, it's great being a father,
[04:58.74]seeing your children grow-ing up and loving you and admiring you.
[05:04.51]Maybe you'll only feel that way on Father's Day.



1 proposed dkDzql     
  • There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions. 员工对改变工资和工作环境的建议普遍不满。
  • an outcry over the proposed change 对拟议的改革所发出的强烈抗议
2 honor IQDzL     
  • I take your visit as a great honor.您的来访是我莫大的光荣。
  • It is a great honor to receive that prize.能拿到那个奖是无上的光荣。
3 veteran 3i3wX     
  • My grandfather is a veteran of the Second World War.我祖父是二战时的老兵。
  • We often asked the veteran workers for advice.我们常常向老工人求教。
4 rural OC8za     
  • He lived a rural life.他过着田园生活。
  • We left the city for a rural home.我们离开城市,去农村安家。
5 honored honored     
adj.光荣的:荣幸的v.尊敬,给以荣誉( honor的过去式和过去分词 )
  • I hope to be honored with further orders. 如蒙惠顾,不胜荣幸。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This is a time-honored custom. 这是一个古老的习俗。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 dialog IvtxH     
  • At last there can be a reasonable dialog between our two governments.我们两国最后终于能理智地进行对话了。
  • Address every primary view and dialog possible.要尽可能考虑到所有主要的视图和对话。

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