

时间:2011-10-12 08:29:14



  A: Trina, will you marry me?
B: Yes! Yes! And yes! Jared ,of course I’ll marry you!
A: Oh, Babe, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you! I can’t wait for all the adventures we’re  going to have, for all the fights and the laughter. I can’t wait to grow old and wrinkly with you.
B:  Oh, Jared!  I can’t wait for our wedding!  I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already chosen a date! Six months from now in the summer! Melissa saw you buying the ring last month so I’ve had plenty of time to start planning!
A: She what?
B: Oh don’t worry, sweetie, I didn’t know when you were going to propose. It was still a nice surprise!  As I was saying, I’ve got it all planned out. There’s almost nothing left to do!  I wrote up our guest  list and we will have roughly four hundred guests attending.
A: Four hundred?
B: No need to sweat it. My parents agreed to pay for most of the wedding, which is going to be low-budget anyway. So roughly four hundred people, which means that the hall at Northwood Heights  will be our reception venue1. I thought it would be nice if we had the wedding at your parents’ church and my uncle of course would be officiating. We’ll meet with him soon for some pre-wedding counseling2. The music for the wedding ceremony was  a no-brainer. My step-sister and her string quartet will take care of that. My cousin will be the official photographer.  I thought it would also be nice if his daughter could sing a solo3. Did you know that she’s going to be a professional opera singer?
A:  Ah...
B: And then of course the ladies at the church would love to be our caterers for the banquet and we’ll get the Youth Group to serve us.  I was thinking that your friend’s band could be our entertainment for the night.  though they might have to tone5 it down a bit.  Or we could hire a DJ. Your sister’s husband could get us a discount with that company that does the decor at weddings.   what’s their name again?  I was thinking that we could have an island paradise- themed wedding and our theme color would be a soothing6 blue like Aquamarine.   And there will be a huge seashell on the wall behind the podium where we’ll make our toasts!  What do you think of small packages of drink mixes for our wedding favors? Who else am I missing? Oh, your uncle could be our florist7 and his wife could make our wedding cake!
A: Wow.
B: See? It’s going to be wonderful! Oh this wedding  is going to be everything I ever dreamed of.
A: If I survive the next six months.
wrinkly adj. 有皱纹的
propose v.求婚
roughly adv.概略地, 粗糙地
venue n. 婚礼接待处
officiate v.主持(仪式等)
no-brainer n.无需用脑的事
caterer4 n. 备办食物者, 备办宴席者
decor n. 装饰
toast n.祝酒
favor (宴会上赠予客人的)小礼物
florist n.花匠

  A: Trina,你愿意嫁给我吗?
B: 愿意,我愿意。Jared,我会嫁给你。
A: 亲爱的,我迫不及待想和你共度余生。我期待那些一起要经历的冒险,以及所有的飞行和笑声。我等不及想和你你一起变老。
B: Jared,我真想马上举行婚礼。我希望你不介意,我已经选了结婚的日子。距现在6个月的夏季,Melissa看见你上个月买了戒指,所以我有很多时间去计划婚礼。
A: 她怎么了?
B: 亲爱的,别担心,我不知道你什么时候会求婚。对我来说真是个惊喜。正像我所说的,我把一切都计划好了。几乎没有什么事要去做。我已经写了需要邀请客人的名单,大概有四百名客人要参加我们的婚礼。
A: 四百人?
B: 别紧张。我的父母同意支付婚礼的大部分花销,那样我们的花销就会低得多。大概会有四百人,那意味着所有Northwood 山庄的地方都会作宾客接待处。我想如果在你父母的那个教堂举行婚礼,我的叔父来主持婚礼,那会很好。我们要快点见他来请教些婚礼前的准备事宜。婚礼仪式的音乐无很简单。我的姐姐和她的乐团回来演奏。我的表弟会作正式的摄影师。如果他的女儿能来个独唱那就更好了。你知道吗她要成为专业的舞剧歌手?
A: 喔
B: 教堂的女士们会准备婚礼宴席,我们会请Youth Group来服务。我想你朋友的乐队在晚上能带来些乐子,虽然他们水平可能一般。或者我们雇DJ。在做婚礼装饰时,你妹妹的丈夫可以让那个公司给我们些折扣。他们叫什么名字?我正在想可以办一个欢乐岛主题饿婚礼,主题颜色可以像Aquamarine那样的平和的蓝色。在祝酒礼台后面的墙上挂一个巨大的海贝,你认为用小包装的混合饮料做小礼物如何?我有什么没提到吗?对了,你叔叔可以做花匠。他妻子能为我们做婚礼蛋糕。
A: 哇。
B: 明白了?婚礼会很棒,这个婚礼会有我梦想的一切。
A: 如果6个月后我还能活着的话。



1 venue ALkzr     
  • The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.大厅给婚礼和其他社会活动提供了场所。
  • The chosen venue caused great controversy among the people.人们就审判地点的问题产生了极大的争议。
2 counseling GvQzb6     
  • A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he's putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program. 一位身份数百万的媒体大亨,坦诚地告诉他全体员工他将暂时搁置他的事业以便参加戒酒班,令员工大为惊愕。
  • She will need medical help and counseling to overcome the tragedy. 她将需要医疗帮助和心理咨询来平复这场悲剧。
3 solo ywpw8     
  • Tara is currently working on a solo album.塔拉眼下正忙着制作个人专辑。
  • There's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony.在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。
4 caterer caterer     
n. 备办食物者,备办宴席者
  • My wife went to a lot of trouble; she called a caterer. 我太太花了很多心血,她找了专办派对的人来。
  • The wedding reception has been organized by an outside caterer. 婚宴由外界的饮食公司承办。
5 tone bqFyP     
  • There was a tone of mockery in his voice.他说话的语气含有嘲笑的意味。
  • Holmes used an informal,chatty tone in his essays.霍姆斯在文章中语气轻松随便。
6 soothing soothing     
  • Put on some nice soothing music.播放一些柔和舒缓的音乐。
  • His casual, relaxed manner was very soothing.他随意而放松的举动让人很快便平静下来。
7 florist vj3xB     
  • The florist bunched the flowers up.花匠把花捆成花束。
  • Could you stop at that florist shop over there?劳驾在那边花店停一下好不好?

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