

时间:2011-10-24 08:34:37



  Angela:Hey Lydia, what are you reading?
Lydia:I’m looking at my horoscope for this month! My outlook is very positive.  It says that I should take a vacation to someplace exotic, and that I will have a passionate1 summer fling!
Angela: What are you talking about?  Let me see that... What are horoscopes?
Lydia: It’s a prediction of your month,  based on your zodiac sign. You have a different sign for the month and date you were born in. I was born on April 15th, so I’m an Aries. When were you born?
Angela: January 5th.
Lydia: Let’s see. . . you’re a Capricorn. It says that you will be feeling stress at work, but you could see new, exciting developments in your love life . Looks like we’ll both have interesting summers!
Angela: That’s bogus. I don’t feel any stress at work, and my love life is practically nonexistent. This zodiac stuff is all a bunch of nonsense.
Lydia:No, it’s not, your astrology sign can tell you a lot about your personality. See? It says that an Aries is energetic and loves to socialize.
Angela:Well, you certainly match those criteria2, but they’re so broad they could apply to anyone. What does it say about me?
Lydia:A Capricorn is serious-minded and practical. She likes to do things in conventional ways. That sounds just like you!

  horoscope n.星象
outlook n.预测,前景
fling n.一时的行乐
zodiac n.十二宫图
Aries n.白羊座
Capricorn n. 摩羯座
bogus adj.假的; 伪造的
astrology n.占星术; 占星学
serious-minded a.认真的

  Angela: Lydia,你在读什么?
Lydia: 我正在看这个月的星象。关于我的预测很棒。那上面说我应该去某个异域的地方去度假。那样我就会有一个激情的夏日艳遇。
Angela: 你在说什么?让我看看,什么是星象?
Lydia: 根据你的星座,对每个月所发生的事进行预测。你出生在哪个月份,就有对应的星座。我是4月15日出生的,所以我是白羊座,你是什么时候出生的?
Angela: 1月5日。
Lydia: 让我看看……你是摩羯座。星象说工作时你会感到有压力,但是你会在爱情中刚看到新的,让人激动的进展。看起来我们的夏天都很有趣。
Angela: 那是骗人的,我并没有感到工作上的压力,而且我根本没遇到爱情。这个星象图只是一派胡言。
Lydia: 不是你说的那样,占星术星座能告诉你很多个性方面的事。明白了吗?那上面说白羊座精力充沛,而且爱社交。
Angela: 你当然符合这些标准,但是所说的内容太广泛了,它适用于每个人。关于我,那上面说了些什么?
Lydia: 魔蝎座很认真而且很实际。她喜欢按常规的方式做事。听上去很像你的性格。




1 passionate rLDxd     
  • He is said to be the most passionate man.据说他是最有激情的人。
  • He is very passionate about the project.他对那个项目非常热心。
2 criteria vafyC     
  • The main criterion is value for money.主要的标准是钱要用得划算。
  • There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition.参赛的标准很严格。

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