

时间:2012-11-26 06:00:48



   [00:03.12]Hey, what are you doing here? 你来这儿有事吗?

  [00:10.20]l... I came to see my dad. 我…是来看我爸的
  [00:10.64]Um, then I just thought I’d stop by. 然后就想顺便来看看你
  [00:15.08]What’s going on? 发生了什么事?
  [00:18.92]Nothing. 没什么
  [00:21.40]l... I was gonna see if you were doing anything later tonight, um, 我本来想看看你晚上有什么事情没有
  [00:26.44]and you are. 看来你们有事
  [00:29.20]You’re busy, so... Why don’t you hang out? - 既然你们在忙,那我… - 一起出去怎么样?
  [00:30.64]No, thanks. l... 不用了,我…
  [00:34.84]No, I have to go. 我得走了
  [00:36.52]I’ll see you tomorrow. 明天见
  [00:43.16]You suck. 你真烂
  [00:43.24]You suck. 你真烂
  [00:44.00]You both suck. 你们两个都烂
  [00:52.92]Okay. 好啦
  [00:55.56]Come on. 别这样嘛
  [00:59.44]Can you drive around for just a little bit longer? 你能不能多开一段路?
  [01:03.84]No, I can’t. All right. Yeah. - 不行 - 那好
  [01:04.60]We’ll go back to your place, then. 那我们就回你住的地方
  [01:05.32]I’m dropping you off. 我只管把你送到家
  [01:08.28]What? What? Come on. Come on. 啥?别这样,咱们好商量
  [01:10.60]You gotta let me sleep over. Like, I’m not kidding. 你得让我找个地方过夜,我说的是真的
  [01:14.04]Please, dude, you gotta do this for me. 求你了,老兄,帮我一次吧
  [01:14.96]You have to. She’ll call one of her friends. 你必须得帮我,她正在打电话给她朋友
  [01:17.92]She’s calling one of her friends right now. She’s doing it. 叫别人也过来,她都已经答应了
  [01:26.84]You’ve only had sex with one person your entire life. 你这一辈子只和一个人上过床
  [01:28.92]Would you sh... Now, you can change that. - 你给我闭… - 现在正是你翻身的机会
  [01:31.00]Tonight, right now. Mm-hmm. 就在今晚
  [01:35.68]You can change it. 你将改写历史
  [01:40.16]Cool tent. 好漂亮的帐篷
  [01:44.72]Thanks. 谢谢
  [01:48.52]So do you live here for real? 你真的住在这里面?
  [01:51.20]Yeah. Um, temporarily. 是的,但只是临时的
  [01:52.48]Hey, do you get any, like, wild animals out here? 这附近有没有什么野生动物?
  [01:59.28]We’re in a backyard. 我们在别人的后院里面
  [02:01.92]All right. Hey, take this. 好了,来尝尝这个
  [02:03.76]Now be careful. That’s White Widow. 悠着点,这是“白寡妇”
  [02:08.04]It’s really strong. 后劲很厉害的
  [02:08.16]It’s good. Trust me. 很不错的,相信我
  [02:10.16]Put on some music. 来点音乐吧
  [02:15.48]Come on, we’re dancing. 来吧,来跳舞
  [02:17.92]Get up. Come on. Get up. Give me your hand. 起来吧,把你的手给我
  [02:22.36]Lucy? Lucy, my hand. Take my hand, Lucy. 露西? 来,抓住我的手
  [02:23.80]Get up. 起来吧
  [02:27.84]Bill, dance. Come on. 比尔,你也来
  [02:28.68]Hold on. 等一下
  [02:30.00]Come on, Bill. Come on. 来啊,比尔,来啊
  [02:30.68]Come on, Bill. Get up. 来啊,比尔,爬起来
  [02:33.96]Come on, Billy. 来哟,比尔
  [02:36.24]Come on. 来啊
  [02:40.52]Bill, dance with us. 比尔,和我们跳舞吧
  [02:43.20]He’ll be sorry. 他会后悔的
  [02:55.16]# I am the wonder #
  [02:55.36]# I am the storm #
  [02:59.88]# I am the flashlight #
  [03:00.12]# I twist, sudden explosion #
  [03:17.40]What’s going on out there? 外面在搞什么?
  [03:20.52]Let him have some fun. 让他开心开心吧
  [03:23.32]It’s 10:30. 现在是晚上十点半
  [03:26.16]Go do some sit-ups. 你做几个仰卧起坐就好了
  [03:29.32]No. 不要
  [03:33.04]Do not tell him. It’s a secret. 别告诉他,这是秘密
  [03:33.28]Wait. Wait. 等一下,等一下
  [03:36.44]I have a really good secret. 我有一个很酷的秘密
  [03:42.84]I got fake1 boobs. 我的乳房是假的
  [03:43.72]No way. You slut. 胡说,你这淫人
  [03:45.24]I know! 说的没错!
  [03:45.48]I love that bra. 那胸罩一级棒
  [03:47.44]And then the matching panties with the little bows at the sides. 最好配条内裤,两边都有小蝴蝶结的那种
  [03:53.68]Oh, my God. 哦,上帝
  [03:54.28]Fucking sweet. 太赞了
  [03:56.24]Can I touch ’em? Of course. - 我能碰碰么? - 当然可以
  [03:59.00]What? 怎么啦?
  [03:59.20]Oh, my God. 哦,上帝
  [04:00.00]Oh, my God. Bill, don’t you wanna touch these? 哦,老天爷…比尔,你不想来碰碰?
  [04:00.84]Me, too. Mm-mm. 我也要碰
  [04:05.12]Don’t you wanna feel them? 想来摸一下么?
  [04:08.88]They look nice. 看上去很美
  [04:09.60]Come on. 来嘛
  [04:19.72]Come on. Just once. 摸摸嘛,就摸一下
  [04:35.64]What are you doing? 你干嘛?
  [04:39.52]Making coffee. 煮咖啡
  [04:41.96]Put some pants on. You look like a Froot Loop. 把裤子穿上,别搞得像赤膊鸡一样
  [04:45.60]It’s actually pretty comfortable. 这样子很舒服
  [04:50.64]It’s Saturday. 今天礼拜六
  [04:51.84]Don’t you have school? 你今天不去上学?
  [04:55.44]Don’t worry, I’m making the coffee. 别担心,我在煮咖啡
  [04:55.52]The picnic. 野餐会
  [04:59.60]Jesus. 我的天
  [05:42.16]Again. 再来
  [05:50.04]Always stick close to me. 跟紧我
  [05:50.28]When I’m walking, you always have to be close to me. 当我在走路的时候,你得跟紧我
  [06:11.48]You guys, we gotta get Jess out of here. 两位,我们得带杰西离开这里
  [06:15.08]Sarah brought Jim and Jane. 萨拉把吉姆和简也领来了
  [06:19.40]Come on. 来吧
  [06:22.64]I said 50 yards. 别忘了,50码距离
  [06:23.68]Jess? 杰西?
  [06:24.48]This doesn’t concern you. 这跟你没关系
  [06:28.36]I can’t believe you have the nerve to bring her here. 真想不到,你还有胆带她过来
  [06:29.24]- Sir, you’re gonna have to step back. - It’s not what it looks like, Jessica. - 先生,请你往后退 - 事情不像你看到的那样,杰西卡
  [06:33.36]Let go of me. Meet me at the back entrance. 放开我…我们在后门见
  [06:36.04]Back... Okay. Come on, Lucy, let’s go. Come on. 后门…好的 露西,我们走
  [06:43.68]Hi. I’ll be right back. I’m just gonna check on security. 嗨,我要去检查安保措施,马上回来
  [06:49.56]Get in. 进去
  [06:51.08]Your order said 50 yards. 根据禁令,你得离开50码
  [07:16.96]Um, could I have everyone’s attention, please, ladies and gentlemen? 女士们先生们,请各位注意了
  [07:22.48]It’s almost time for me to introduce my father, Mr. John Jacobi. 我在这里向大家介绍我的父亲 约翰·雅各比先生
  [07:22.52]Ladies and gentlemen. Ahem. 女士们先生们
  [07:28.48]Right. But first I’d like to, uh, take a quick look back 先来简短的回顾一下
  [07:32.64]to the year 1902. 时间上溯到1902年
  [07:56.80]As legend has it, there wasn’t even a road that, uh, would get you here, 根据当时的传言,这里连一条路也没有
  [08:02.40]and once you did get here, well, there wasn’t that much to see. 即使你到了这里,也没有什么可看的风景
  [08:16.92]It was only through our family’s perseverance2 and foresight3 that we were... 历经家族几代人的不懈努力及深谋远虑…
  [08:45.56]What’s going on? 出什么事了?
  [09:33.80]Bill! 比尔!
  [09:38.20]Bill! 比尔!
  [09:42.64]That was fucking awesome4. 真是太精彩了
  [09:45.76]Did you see the crack pipe? 看见那个雷鸣笛没有?
  [09:47.72]Yes, I saw the crack pipe. 嗯,我看见了
  [09:51.20]What I want to know is how it got in my car. 我感兴趣的是,它们怎么会在我的车里
  [09:53.40]You gotta admit it was the highlight of the show. 你承不承认 整个野餐会最高潮的部分就是这个了
  [09:54.44]If I could stand up straight, I’d kill you. 如果我能站稳,我一定把你小子掐死
  [09:55.64]I gotta get some of those crack pipes for homecoming. 我得带点雷鸣笛回去耍耍
  [09:59.88]Why don’t you focus on something productive5? 你为什么不把精力放在更积极的事情上?
  [10:00.48]Having fun is productive. 找开心这档子事就很积极嘛



1 fake RlDx4     
  • He can tell a fake from the original.他能分辨出赝品和真品。
  • You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him.你可以很容易地编造一个借口而不与他一同外出。
2 perseverance oMaxH     
  • It may take some perseverance to find the right people.要找到合适的人也许需要有点锲而不舍的精神。
  • Perseverance leads to success.有恒心就能胜利。
3 foresight Wi3xm     
  • The failure is the result of our lack of foresight.这次失败是由于我们缺乏远虑而造成的。
  • It required a statesman's foresight and sagacity to make the decision.作出这个决定需要政治家的远见卓识。
4 awesome CyCzdV     
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
5 productive nQxxT     
  • We had a productive meeting that solved some problems.我们开了一个富有成效的会议,解决了一些问题。
  • Science and technology are part of the productive forces.科学技术是生产力。

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