

时间:2012-11-27 07:12:12



   [01:13.30](ALARM CLOCK BEEPING)

  [01:35.98]ADRIENNE: Amanda! Amanda!
  [01:40.22]Amanda, turn that down! Amanda 关掉它!
  [01:42.74]Jeez. 该死
  [01:48.86]Danny, are you still on that thing? We’ve gotta go, honey. Danny 怎么还在玩? 我们该走了 孩子
  [01:51.86]We gotta get rolling here. 我们得收拾一下
  [01:53.78]Did your sister come in here to help you with anything? 你姐姐来帮过你吗?
  [01:55.82]Uh-huh. 啊哈
  [01:57.62]Your father’s gonna be here in five minutes. 5分钟后你父亲就来了
  [01:59.10]Please get motivated. Get dressed. 快起来 穿好衣服
  [02:00.98]Amanda. Amanda? Amanda Amanda?
  [02:02.42](HEAVY METAL MUSIC PLAYING LOUDLY ON STEREO) - 这儿实在吵死了 - 什么?
  [02:04.22]-I can’t even hear myself think in here. -What?
  [02:07.30](MUSIC STOPS) 你自己都不动手
  [02:07.94]...get ready to leave this house in time for your father if you won’t help?
  [02:09.14]How can I help you... 让我怎么帮你收拾东西 准时出发
  [02:13.70]I have a ferry to catch and I’ve only got two hands. 我还要赶渡船 我只有两只手
  [02:14.02]You can do it, Mom. I believe in you. 你能行 老妈 我相信你
  [02:16.58]-Count them: one, two. -She can count too. - 数一下: 一 二 - 她也会数数
  [02:20.70]That’s enough, smart mouth. 够了 就你嘴甜
  [02:21.66]What is that on your stomach? Go wash it off. 你肚子上是什么? 去洗干净
  [02:24.98]-Are these clean? ADRIENNE: No. - 这些干净吗? - 不行
  [02:25.14]Actually, I can’t wash it off, because it’s a real tattoo1. 洗不掉 那是纹身
  [02:29.22]-What? -Whoa. - 什么? - 喔
  [02:32.02]-Wait till Dad sees. -You’re an idiot2. - 老爸要看见了 - 你个小白痴
  [02:32.06]You got a tattoo without asking permission? 你没经同意就纹身了?
  [02:34.70]-Please! DANNY: No, you are! - 别吵了! - 不 你才是!
  [02:37.70]-You are! -Out! - 你是! - 滚!
  [02:37.86]-Get out of my room! DANNY: Stupid idiot! - 别在我屋里! - 你才是白痴!
  [03:12.58]I don’t wanna go with Dad. 我不想和老爸走
  [03:16.58]Oh, honey... 哦 宝贝...
  [03:17.26]It’s Orlando, Dan. There’s lots to do, it’ll be fun. 是去奥兰多啊 Dan 会有好多好玩的东西
  [03:21.22]No, it won’t. 不 不会的
  [03:21.74]Okay, so it won’t. But you know what, we’ll talk every day. 好的 就算不会 但你知道 我们会每天聊天
  [03:25.58]Okay. 就这样
  [03:27.50]You’re being so brave. 你要像个男子汉
  [03:29.66]Mm. 嗯
  [03:30.66]Amanda, your father’s here. You better cover that thing up... Amanda 你父亲来了 最好盖住那东西...
  [03:33.94]...unless you wanna deal with your father. ...否则有你好受的
  [03:36.34]You look tired. 你看上去很累
  [03:37.42]Yeah. I’m sure I do. 是啊 我是很累
  [03:47.46]-Who wants to have some fun around here? AMANDA: Daddy. - 谁想来玩会儿? - 老爸
  [03:50.06]JACK3: Ah. Oh. 哦
  [03:52.54]-Go on. DANNY: Come on. How you doing? - 来这里 - 孩子 你好吗?
  [03:54.02]Come on, give me a big hug. Ade. 来 抱一下 Ade
  [03:59.62]Jack. Jack
  [04:08.26]-Danny’s medicine’s in his backpack. JACK: He takes them every night. - Danny的药在背包里 - 他每晚都吃
  [04:11.66]-She’s got a report due. -On Magellan. Yeah, she and I talked. - 她有篇周一要交的报告 - 关于Magellan  她和我说过
  [04:14.82]Look, Ade, between you and me, we got it covered. Ade 我们俩的事 别告诉孩子们
  [04:16.50]I’ve gotta get on the road. Shouldn’t you be leaving? 我这里没事 你不该走了吗?
  [04:19.10]-Sit down. -I’ve got a ferry to catch. - 坐下好吗 - 我还要赶渡船
  [04:20.74]-For a minute, please. -Ahem. - 就一分钟 求你了 - 嗯
  [04:22.18]Yeah? 好吧?
  [04:29.94]I wanna come home. 我想重归于好
  [04:31.58]What? 什么?
  [04:33.38]I don’t know how I could have been so stupid. 我不知道自己怎么那么蠢
  [04:37.78]I know any chance that you could forgive me... 我想如果你能原谅我...
  [04:38.94]-Forgive you? -... is out the window. - 原谅你? - ...是我的错
  [04:41.62]-Only- -Only what? - 只是 - 只是什么?
  [04:43.54]I want a chance. I’m not saying that I deserve4 it. 我只想要一个机会 我知道自己不配
  [04:45.62]-Jack, I can’t. Please. -I’ll try like anything. - Jack 我不能 抱歉 - 我会尽力的
  [04:46.62]Adrienne. I love you. Adrienne 我爱你
  [04:49.98]I love you so much. 我真的很爱你
  [04:52.66]...and I’ll do anything in my power to get it back. ...我愿做任何事情来弥补
  [04:56.82]Jack, you can’t just walk in here and do this to me out of the blue. Jack 你不能这么跑来 突然就告诉我这个
  [05:04.02]Because it didn’t work out with what’s-her-name? 这根本行不通 她叫什么?
  [05:08.90]Now, Adrienne, you know that. All you’ve gotta do is look at the children. Adrienne 你知道 看在孩子们份上
  [05:13.66]-Come on. Come to Orlando with us. -What? - 来吧 我们一起去奥兰多 - 什么?
  [05:15.02]We’ll put the kids on the dumb5 rides. It’ll give us time to be alone. 让孩子们玩木马 这样我们可以在一起
  [05:19.62]Oh, Jack, I can’t, I can’t. Jack 我不能
  [05:20.42]I told Jean that I would help her, you know. 我告诉Jean要去帮她 你知道
  [05:24.82]-I’m going to do what I said I would do. -Okay. Okay. Okay. - 我得说话算数 - 好吧 好吧
  [05:29.10]When I get back, we’ll talk? 等我回来 我们再谈?
  [05:30.98]Yeah, okay. 好的
  [05:32.06]We’ll talk when you get back. 等你回来 我们再谈
  [05:34.06]Jack, okay, we’ll talk then. 好的 我们到时候再谈
  [05:38.38]Hey, guys. 嘿 孩子们
  [05:42.86](DOORBELL RINGS)
  [05:58.02]AGENT: Oh, Dr. Flanner. I thought we’d missed you. 哦 Flanner医生 我想我们会很想你
  [05:58.90]No, I- Tell them I hope they’re happy here. 请转告他们 祝他们过的愉快
  [07:53.10]JEAN: You remember where I keep the extra towels? 你记得多余的毛巾放哪吗?
  [07:55.62]I know where everything is. I’ll be fine. 我知道每件东西的地方 你放心
  [07:57.90]JEAN: You have to wait for the hot water to burble up. 热水你得等一会 有响声才行
  [07:58.66]You reminded me twice. 你说了两次了
  [08:01.26]And I got an emergency generator6... 我有个应急发电机...
  [08:02.74] case the storm turns into anything and you lose power. ...如果风暴来了 停电了
  [08:06.70]It’s never been turned on before, so I wouldn’t count on it. 不过我从没用过 所以也不指望它
  [08:09.58]If it gets stuck, kick it hard. And that goes for most things around here. 如果不好使 就使劲踢它 这儿的电力全靠它
  [08:14.46]Jack wants to come back. Jack想复合
  [08:16.98]Uh-huh. I wouldn’t worry about the storm, though. 啊哈 我不担心风暴
  [08:19.74]Weatherman’s always predicting this, predicting that. 即使气象员说这说那
  [08:21.54]-What do you think? -I’m not gonna say... - 你怎么看? - 我不会发表...
  [08:24.10]...because if I do and you say you’re gonna let him come back to you... ...如果我说什么 你会说想让他回来的...
  [08:27.58]You gonna let him come back? 你想让他回来吗?
  [08:34.82]The storm boards are underneath7 the house. 风暴护板就在下面
  [08:35.06]Uh-huh. 啊哈
  [08:38.14]If they issue a warning, just get out of here. 如果有预警 就离开这儿
  [08:38.42]I’ll figure it all out. 我会找到的
  [08:41.50]This place has been through so many hurricanes... 这里经常有飓风...
  [08:45.22]...I wouldn’t even worry about it. Won’t feel a thing. ...但我不担心那个 从没当回事
  [08:49.86]So, what happened? 到底怎么了?
  [08:51.86]Jack get tired of that Miss Flip-Curl he was reptiling around with? Jack厌倦了那个小情人?
  [08:53.46]Your best friend? 你最好的朋友?
  [08:55.42]She was not my friend. 她不是我朋友
  [08:56.22]She was in my car pool. You’re my best friend. 只是一起拼车而已 你是我最好的朋友
  [08:59.22]Don’t play me. 别逗我了
  [09:00.98](JEAN CHUCKLES) 孩子们想过正常的生活 你知道?
  [09:03.86]What? The kids want things back to normal, you know?
  [09:06.54]Doing it for the children? Which reminds me... 为了孩子们? 我想起件事...
  [09:10.26]...when are you gonna send me Miss Amanda so I can out-attitude her... ...什么时候把Amanda带过来 我可以教育教育她
  [09:12.94]...and send her home right? 修整好给你送回去?
  [09:14.90]I wish you would. I wish you would.
  [09:16.10](CHUCKLES) 但愿如此
  [09:21.30]Where was that man? Hmm? 那个男人在哪?
  [09:25.18]Where was Jack when your father died? 你父亲去世时Jack在哪?
  [09:28.86]Your father, who was so good to him too. 你父亲以前对他不错
  [09:32.62](SIGHS) 算了...
  [09:35.46]When do the guests arrive? 客人们什么时候来?
  [09:35.98]Guest, meaning one. Tonight. 只有一个客人 今晚到
  [09:38.78]I thought about closing this place down... 我原打算关门...
  [09:41.06]...but when a man calls from Raleigh and he offers to pay double the price... ...但他从Raleigh打来电话 说要付双倍的价钱
  [09:47.34] my grandmama used to say, "Count your blessings8, keep on stepping. " ...我祖母常说 “心怀感激 不断向前”
  [09:50.82]Which is exactly what you need to do when it comes to Reptile9 Jack. 这句话正适合你 特别是遇到Jack这种冷血动物时
  [09:54.66]You should have married that hippie potter with the great ass10 back in school. 你真该读书的时候 嫁那个翘臀嬉皮陶艺家
  [09:58.82]Hell, I should have married the hippie potter with the great ass. 该死 我才应该找个翘臀嬉皮陶艺家



1 tattoo LIDzk     
  • I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身。
  • He had a tattoo on the back of his hand.他手背上刺有花纹。
2 idiot FcWze     
  • Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark.只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。
  • You are behaving like a perfect idiot.你表现得像个十足的白痴。
3 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
4 deserve owaxR     
vt.应受,值得;vi. 应受报答,值得受赏
  • You really deserve a good beating,you naughty boy.你这个调皮孩子真该打。
  • I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me.我不配得到这些赞扬。
5 dumb 4k1zE     
  • She is very kind to the dumb children.她对哑童非常好。
  • It was dumb of you to say that.你说这种话太愚蠢了。
6 generator Kg4xs     
  • All the while the giant generator poured out its power.巨大的发电机一刻不停地发出电力。
  • This is an alternating current generator.这是一台交流发电机。
7 underneath VKRz2     
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She wore a coat with a dress underneath.她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙。
8 blessings 52a399b218b9208cade790a26255db6b     
n.(上帝的)祝福( blessing的名词复数 );好事;福分;因祸得福
  • Afflictions are sometimes blessings in disguise. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We don't rely on blessings from Heaven. 我们不靠老天保佑。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
9 reptile xBiz7     
  • The frog is not a true reptile.青蛙并非真正的爬行动物。
  • So you should not be surprised to see someone keep a reptile as a pet.所以,你不必惊奇有人养了一只爬行动物作为宠物。
10 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。

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