

时间:2012-11-27 07:14:57



   [00:02.74]It’s not considered a good omen1. 被认为不是好兆头

  [00:04.62]Thanks for warning me. 谢谢你的提醒
  [00:07.86]It’s from a folktale my dad used to tell me. 那是个传说 父亲以前讲给我的
  [00:13.86]He loved telling stories. 他喜欢讲故事
  [00:17.02]And he had a beautiful eye. 他的眼睛很迷人
  [00:18.86]It’s because of him that I went to art school. 因为父亲的缘故 我去了艺术学院
  [00:20.90]-So you’re an artist. -I used to be. - 你是个艺术家 - 过去是
  [00:26.38]Yeah. 是的
  [00:29.46]He died a few months ago. 他几个月前去世了
  [00:31.78]I’m sorry. 很抱歉
  [00:35.26]That’s just been my year, you know. 只剩下我了 你知道
  [00:40.78] husband... ...我丈夫...
  [00:45.66]I don’t know why I thought things were gonna get easier. 不知道为什么 我觉得事情总会变好的
  [00:51.34]Yeah, we all did. 是的 我们都是
  [01:02.38]I think I’m gonna go in now. 我想该回屋了
  [01:04.94]-I think I’ll go for a walk. -Okay. - 我出去走一会儿 - 好的
  [01:09.62]-Good night. -Night. - 晚安 - 晚安
  [01:22.34](PIPES CREAKING)
  [01:28.90]Danny still up? I told him that we’d talk every night. Danny睡了吗? 我说过要每晚和他通话
  [01:32.18]Aw. Well, don’t wake him. Did he do his inhaler before he fell asleep? 好的 别叫醒他 他睡前用呼吸器了吗?
  [01:37.66]Jack2, I told you. Jack 我告诉过你的
  [01:43.34]You’re gonna have to go in there, wake him up and give him his medicine. 你得去叫醒他 给他吃药
  [01:45.82](PIPES RUMBLING)
  [01:56.62]Yes, I have been thinking about it. Of course I’ve been thinking about it. 是的 我一直在考虑
  [02:00.54]I’m not ready to talk about it. 但我现在不想谈这个
  [02:07.66]Jack, please, let’s have that conversation when I get back, like I said. Jack 等我回去后再谈吧
  [02:12.26]Can I just say good night to Amanda? 我能和Amanda说晚安吗?
  [02:13.62]Okay. Okay. Hold on. 好的 别挂
  [02:18.02](MOUTHS) No. No.  不 不要
  [02:21.82]Ade, she’s out, iPod on and everything. She’s asleep. Ade 她不在 iPod还开着 她已经睡了
  [02:25.14]Well, let Miss Amanda know that I know she’s not asleep... 好了 告诉她 我知道她没睡
  [02:26.30]Really? 真的?
  [02:28.54]...and that I love her very, very much. ...还有 我非常爱她
  [02:30.54]Ade, I love you. Ade 我爱你
  [02:33.50]Let’s just say good night. Okay? 说晚安好吗?
  [02:33.74]I love you. 我爱你
  [02:38.30]Good night. 晚安
  [03:04.54]MAN: Dad.   父亲
  [03:07.34]What happened? Are you okay? 出什么事了?你还好吗?
  [03:08.70]We’re doctors, we can’t control everything all the time. 我们只是医生 不是上帝
  [03:11.78]I’m asking if you’re all right. 我在问你还好吗
  [03:14.06]This is my last surgery3. I don’t have time for this. 这是最后一个手术 我没时间回答你
  [03:19.82]Look after yourself. 照顾好你自己
  [03:27.10]Jen, I’m... Jen 我...
  [03:36.54]Look, your mother and I, we’re worried about you. 听着 你母亲和我 我们很担心你
  [03:40.34]We just wanna make sure that you’re safe. 我们只想确定你是安全的
  [03:43.18]Since when? 从什么时候?
  [03:43.98]Since when is it my mother and you? Since when is it "we"? 什么时候开始是我妈和你 什么时候是"你们"
  [03:48.90]All right. Okay. That’s not why I’m here, Mark. 我在这里不是为了... Mark
  [03:52.26]Why the hell4 are you here? 那你为什么在这儿?
  [03:55.46]Mark. Mark
  [04:48.50]-Any problems with the anesthesia? WOMAN: No problems. - 麻醉有问题吗? - 没问题
  [04:50.18]-Absolutely none? You sure? WOMAN: Yes. - 绝对没问题? 你肯定? - 是的
  [04:54.58]-Miles Davis again, Dr. Flanner? -Bach today. Bach. - 还是放Miles Davis的爵士吗 Flanner医生? - 今天是放巴赫 巴赫
  [05:09.42]WOMAN: Charge. MAN: Charging. - 电击 - 电击
  [05:09.58]Three, four, five, six... 3 4 5 6...
  [05:09.86]Talk to me! Come on, now! 开口说话! 拜托 马上!
  [05:14.26], eight, nine, 10, 11... ...7 8 9 10 11...
  [05:30.46]-Good morning. -Good morning. - 早上好 - 早上好
  [05:32.34]Coffee’s ready. Can I make you something for breakfast? Coffee好了  早餐给你做什么?
  [05:34.70]Um, maybe later, I gotta go into town. 呃 迟些时候吧 我要到镇上去
  [06:39.74]CHARLIE: You looking for someone? -Yeah. This Robert Torrelson’s house? - 你找人? - 是的 这是Robert Torrelson的家吧?
  [06:43.22]Yeah, that’s my father. You with the bank? 是 他是我爸爸 你是银行的人?
  [06:48.22]No, I’m Paul Flanner. Is he in? 不是 我是Paul Flanner 他在吗?
  [06:56.46]What the hell do you want coming here? 他妈的你来这里干什么?
  [06:58.02]Your father wrote me a letter, said he wanted to talk. 你父亲写信给我说想和我谈谈
  [07:00.22]-Get back in your car and go. -I told you, he wrote me. - 开你的车滚回去 - 我告诉你了 是他写信给我
  [07:03.62]And I told you to leave. Nobody here has nothing to say to you. 那我就告诉你滚蛋 这里没人和你有话可说
  [07:07.66]...that you can just show up, talk your way out of it? ...你只有来到这里说说话 就能推卸一切责任?
  [07:07.90]What do you think... 你天真的以为...
  [07:14.02]Now get. 马上滚
  [07:22.02]-I ain’t telling you again. -Let him know. - 不要让我再说一次 - 告诉他
  [07:47.82]Son of a bitch. 王八蛋
  [07:50.62]ADRIENNE: What happened? -Where are you taking these? - 怎么了? - 你要把这些搬哪去?
  [07:53.10]To the top of the stairs. They’re for the windows. 搬到楼梯顶去用来护窗子的
  [07:56.98]PAUL: I got it. 我来
  [07:57.66]Well, I can do this. 好的 没问题
  [07:59.58]-You sure? -Yep. - 你确定? - 是
  [08:03.42]Damn! 妈的!
  [08:06.54]It’s all right. 没关系
  [08:07.90]Here, let me do it. I’ve got gloves on. 来 我自己搬 我带了手套
  [08:08.78]-I can- -Let me do this. - 我可以的 - 我来搬
  [08:12.58]Okay. 好吧
  [08:15.98]I should go into town and get some supplies. 我该到镇上去买点粮食储备回来
  [08:33.14]MAN: Bye. DOT: All right, y’all take care.
  [08:34.34](MEN CHEER) - 再见 - 好了 你们保重
  [08:38.22]-Adrienne. -Dot. - Adrienne - Dot
  [08:39.02]-Adrienne Willis. -How are you? - Adrienne Willis - 你好吗?
  [08:42.02]Getting folks stocked5 up in case the storm blows in. 存了很多东西以备飓风来时用
  [08:42.10]Half out of my mind, that’s how I am. 只剩半条命了 目前的状态
  [08:46.30]You’d better get ready because it’s gonna hit hard. 你们最好早作准备 这次的飓风很强
  [08:48.10]They say it’s a-coming and it don’t. They say it ain’t and it does. 大家说飓风要来了它没来 大家说不来了它却来了
  [08:53.42]I’m not used to seeing you so late in the year. 过去几年你都不是这么迟才来的啊
  [08:57.14]-I’m looking after things for Jean. -You’ve still got guests at the inn6? - 这次我是来帮Jean照看那房子 - 不要告诉我 旅馆里到现在还有客人?
  [08:59.58]Look out, because it’s gonna happen. 小心哦 它就要来了
  [09:01.18]I know exactly how many cold Buds7 I got back there. 我很清楚那里面放了多少啤酒
  [09:08.18]Hey, Dot, do you hear anything about this family, the Torrelsons? 嘿 Dot 你听说过Torrelson家的事吗?
  [09:09.82]Well, there’s only Robert and their son Charlie left. 听过 只剩下Robert 和他们的儿子Charlie了
  [09:13.82]You know what happened to poor Jill. 你知道可怜的Jill的事了
  [09:17.98]I heard something. 听说过一些
  [09:18.58]They saved all their pennies for some famous doctor from Raleigh. 他们把所有积蓄 砸在了Raleigh的一个名医身上
  [09:22.74]I told her not to do it, I warned her. God rest her soul. 我劝告她不要那样做 我警告过她 愿上帝使之安息
  [09:28.62]You want some candles. 要买些蜡烛吗
  [09:32.34]Yeah, look, I wanna get out of here now. Yeah. As soon as I can. 没错 听着 我想马上离开这里   是的 越快越好
  [09:39.50]Call me back. 回电给我
  [09:42.94]So you’re leaving early? 看来你要提早离开了?
  [09:43.22]Yeah. Yeah, I’m trying to. I’m thinking about it. 是 没错 尽量 希望能行
  [09:47.74]Look, I’m sorry I was a little spun8 out before. 听着 我很抱歉我刚才的失控
  [09:50.62]Does it have anything to do with the Torrelsons? 是不是和Torrelson家有关?
  [09:58.46]I’m sorry, it’s a small town. 抱歉 这个镇很小



1 omen N5jzY     
  • The superstitious regard it as a bad omen.迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆。
  • Could this at last be a good omen for peace?这是否终于可以视作和平的吉兆了?
2 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
3 surgery IH8z9     
  • What time does surgery finish?门诊什么时间结束?
  • Your condition is serious and requires surgery.你的情况很严重,需要动外科手术。
4 hell Tduzg     
  • It's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth.从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。
  • The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通。
5 stocked 53925e80e5a0022a467ce87e2771a820     
  • The shop is well stocked with goods of all kinds. 商店里各色货物,一应俱全。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • He stocked his shop with tinned goods. 他为自己的商店补充罐装食品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 inn t69xs     
  • I shall lodge at the inn for two nights.我要在这家小店住两个晚上。
  • We stayed in a small village inn,right off the map.我们住在一家偏僻的乡村小店里。
7 buds af72d0de2dddfb4371bde9057112ba09     
芽( bud的名词复数 ); 苞; 半开的花; 未长大的叶
  • the first buds appearing in spring 春天的初芽
  • Willow trees breaking out into buds foretell the coming of spring. 柳枝绽青报春来。
8 spun kvjwT     
  • His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire.他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事。
  • Her skilful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺成了细毛线。

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