

时间:2012-11-27 07:19:44



   [00:52.38]Okay, this is where I’ll be flying into Esmeraldas. 坐飞机可以到埃斯梅拉达 (厄瓜多尔地名)

  [00:55.98]And then you take this long road... 然后是很长一段路...
  [01:01.66]...closer up into these mountains over here. ...到达这里的山区
  [01:04.26]That’s where Mark’s clinic is, on the south incline1 of these mountains. Mark的诊所就在这里 在山的南坡
  [01:08.70]Wow. 哇
  [01:10.50]There’s no phones, electricity, running water. Nothing. 这里没有电话 没有电和自来水 一无所有
  [01:15.58]Nothing. It’s true. And then I take... 什么都没有 真的...
  [01:18.42]...of course, the long road here up to that, which continues along here... ...我沿着这条路走 再这样走...
  [01:25.30]...and up this very steep2 mountain... ...爬上陡峭的山脉...
  [01:30.46]...and down this beautiful... ...下到美丽的...
  [01:33.18]...beautiful broad valley. ...美丽宽阔的河谷
  [01:36.50]Then up this steep incline over here and around the river. 再爬上陡峭的山 跨过河流
  [01:42.58]And then, oh, there’s the post office I’m gonna be sending you letters from. 然后就到了邮局 我可以给你寄信
  [01:48.74]Yeah. 好吧
  [01:50.54]Then come around this beautiful tree over here... 绕过美丽的树丛...
  [01:54.90]...and, oh, there’s another post office right there. ...还有一个邮局
  [01:59.58]I’ll send you another one. And another one. 我会再给你寄信 再给你寄信
  [02:10.50]I don’t know how long I’m gonna be down there with Mark. 我不知道我要和Mark在那里呆多久
  [02:15.50]Maybe a long time. 可能会很久
  [02:20.54]I know. 我明白
  [02:25.54]As long as it takes. 无论多久都行
  [02:30.70]It’s the most important thing. 那才是你最重要的事情
  [04:40.94]JACK3: You said we’d work it out! 你说过有办法!
  [04:43.30](DOOR SLAMS)
  [04:43.70](AMANDA CRIES)
  [04:47.22]AMANDA: Daddy. 父亲
  [04:55.74]Come here, baby. 过来 孩子
  [04:58.54]You’ll see him in a bit. He wanted me to talk to you first. 他过会来 他让我和你们先谈谈
  [04:59.90]Here it comes. Here comes the crap and the bullshit. 又来了 都是废话
  [05:02.90]-Please, just listen. Come here, honey. -What is there to listen to? Dad’s gone. - 拜托 过来听我说哦 亲爱的 - 有什么好听的? 爸爸都走了
  [05:08.78]Your father and I are not going to be together. 我和你爸爸不会在一起
  [05:13.22]You mean Dad wanted to come back and you wouldn’t let him. 爸爸想回来 你不让吧
  [05:16.50]He will always be your father, but I will not be his wife. 他会一直是你们的爸爸 但我不做他的妻子
  [05:20.30]Okay, I know that he’s not perfect, okay? 好吧 我知道他不完美
  [05:23.06]But you say that we don’t have to be perfect. 但你说过 不能要求人完美
  [05:24.58]-It’s not about that. -Why can’t you just forgive him? - 不是那回事儿 - 那你为什么不原谅他?
  [05:29.14]I forgive your father. It’s not about the past. 我原谅了他 不是以前的原因
  [05:30.14]Of course it is! 就是的!
  [05:31.94]-Amanda, stop it. -God, I hate you! - Amanda 闭嘴 - 天哪 我恨你!
  [05:33.30]-I really hate this! -Stop it, please. - 我恨你! - 别说了 求你
  [05:35.30]-No! -Yes! Listen to me. Listen to me. - 我不! - 好了! 你听我说 听我说
  [05:38.90]I know that this is hard for you to understand. 我知道这对你来说很难理解
  [05:42.98]AII I can tell you is that, listen, I am still your mother... 我只能说 我还是你母亲...
  [05:46.02]...and I am not going anywhere, baby. ...我哪儿也不会去 孩子
  [05:49.34]I love you so much, no matter what, for my whole life. 无论发生什么 我都很爱你 一辈子爱你
  [05:54.22]Do you understand? That goes for your father too. 明白吗? 你父亲也一样
  [05:55.10]That goes for your father too, Danny. 你父亲也一样 Danny
  [06:00.34]But this was my decision. 这是我的决定
  [06:03.46]You have to trust that I made the right decision. 你们得相信我的决定是对的
  [06:09.18]Amanda. Amanda
  [06:14.58]Come here, baby. 过来 宝贝
  [06:18.14]It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be all right. 会没事的 都会好的
  [06:21.14]It’s all gonna be okay. 都会好起来的
  [07:05.78]DANNY: Hey, Mom! Watch this! 妈妈 看呀!
  [07:14.02]Keep it up, honey! 加油 宝贝!
  [07:29.42]PAUL: Dear Adrienne, saying goodbye to you...  亲爱的Adrienne 和你道别...
  [07:31.98]... was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do...  ...是我最痛苦的事...
  [07:33.58]... and I know I’ll never do it again.  ...再也不想这样
  [07:35.18]I’m gonna look at our time apart as a chance...  分开的这段时光...
  [07:36.90]... to get to know you even better than I do.  ...我希望可以更好地了解你
  [07:40.38]ADRIENNE: Dear Paul, after you left, I felt like I was waking up from a dream.  亲爱的Paul 你离开之后  我方觉大梦初醒
  [07:45.82]I am a grown woman, for God’s sake4, not a teenager. I have a teenager.  我是个成熟的女人 不是小女生了 孩子都长成了小女生
  [07:51.42]I kept thinking, was it the storm, the wine...  我一直在想 是那场飓风 那瓶酒
  [07:54.90]... the way you looked at me? ...还是你的眼神吸引着我?
  [07:58.26]I don’t know how or why, but I’m old enough to know...  我不知道为什么 但作为一个成人...
  [07:59.94]... how lucky I am to have found you.  ...我知道 遇见你是多么幸运
  [08:09.58](GIRLS LAUGHING)
  [08:11.54]-Hey, girls. GIRLS: Hi. - 好啊 姑娘们 - 你好
  [08:12.06]GIRL: Hi, Mrs. Willis. 你好 Willis女士
  [08:14.94]Ooh, that’s a lot of stuff5. 好多东西
  [08:17.86]Your mom’s looking pretty good these days. 你妈妈这几天好像挺开心的
  [08:19.54]Anyways... 也许吧...
  [08:24.10]PAUL: It’s so beautiful here.  But believe me, nothing...  这里很美 可是...
  [08:26.10]... nothing can compare to the peaks6 and valleys...  ...再美也美不过你...
  [08:30.26]... I traced7 along the map of your body.  ...玲珑有致的身材
  [08:33.62]Mark is really something.  He never stops working.  Mark很厉害 永无休止地工作
  [08:35.70]He’s available to everybody, all the time.  他总是非常乐于助人
  [08:47.34]ADRIENNE: Dear Paul, if Danny and Amanda were older, I’d be right there by your side.  亲爱的Paul 如果两个孩子长大点儿 我就去你身边陪你
  [08:52.34]But as parents, this is one of the sacrifices we have to make.  但作为父母 我们必须做牺牲
  [08:56.18]If I’ve gone this long without seeing you, talking to you...  既然已很久没见面 没说话...
  [08:59.78]... what’s a few more months? ...再等几个月又何妨呢?
  [09:00.18]... touching8 you...  ...没和你缠绵...
  [09:01.54]PAUL: Listen, it’s not just that you got a hell9 of an arm, it’s everything you are.  这不只是一部分 是你的全部
  [09:07.74]ADRIENNE: When Jack left me, it wasn’t just our marriage ending.  Jack离开我时 我们的婚姻终结了
  [09:10.34]It was the loss10 of all the hopes that I’d had.  我所有的希望也破灭了
  [09:11.78]PAUL: Your compassion11, generosity12, the way you see beauty in simple things.  你富有同情心 宽容大度  善于发现平凡事物的美好
  [09:16.26]ADRIENNE: I tried to move on, but the world didn’t seem that interested in me anymore.  我试着继续活下去 但好像总是不顺
  [09:21.18]PAUL: Part of me wants to jump on a plane and come back. I know I can’t.  我真想分身坐上飞机回到你身边 可我知道我不能
  [09:22.26]ADRIENNE: Dear Paul, I can’t believe it.  Amanda is actually starting to come around.  亲爱的Paul 真难以置信 Amanda正在好转
  [09:27.50]PAUL: I must have seen hundreds of patients.  我已经看了几百个病人
  [09:29.10]ADRIENNE: I’m counting the days.  我在数日子
  [09:31.18]PAUL: I never would’ve believed one weekend could change my life.  我再也没想一个周末会改变我的一生
  [09:33.38]ADRIENNE: And then you came along and helped me believe in myself again.  你出现了 让我重拾信心
  [09:40.06]Mm. Mm. 嗯 嗯
  [09:41.70]Who writes letters like this anymore? 现在还有人写这种东西?
  [09:45.58]-I know. -Let me see that picture again. - 我知道 - 让我再看看照片
  [09:49.66]Looks this good, appreciates you, and he has a dirty mind. 看上去不错  仰慕你 但是思想比较YD
  [09:51.74]-He’s definitely13 a keeper14. -Let me have that. - 一定要抓牢他呀 - 给我吧



1 incline LxEyv     
  • I incline to his opinion on this matter.对这件事我倾向于他的观点。
  • The coach breast ed a slight incline.马车上了一个慢坡。
2 steep CrIyN     
  • The slope is too steep for us to climb.这斜坡太陡,我们爬不上去。
  • There was a steep climb on the road out of town.市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
3 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
4 sake Us4y9     
  • He loves poetry for beauty's sake.他因为爱美而喜欢诗歌。
  • We can't risk big things for the sake of small ones.我们不能因小失大。
5 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
6 peaks 8b1a038de36c8b0f500e6f438c2540b7     
n.山峰( peak的名词复数 );最高点;尖端;帽舌
  • There have been peaks and troughs in the long-term trend of unemployment. 长期以来失业率一直时起时伏。
  • We looked up at the rocky peaks towering above us. 我们抬头观望高高耸立的遍布岩石的山峰。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 traced 811b93782eec22f6be139a4bfae49197     
描绘( trace的过去式和过去分词 ); 追溯; 发现; 跟踪
  • We finally traced him to an address in Chicago. 我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。
  • The names were traced out in stark black print. 这些名字是用醒目的黑体字印出的。
8 touching sg6zQ9     
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
9 hell Tduzg     
  • It's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth.从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。
  • The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通。
10 loss s0vxZ     
  • His death was a great loss to the country.他的逝世对这个国家是一大损失。
  • Because of the continued loss,the factory closed down.由于连续亏损,工厂关闭了。
11 compassion 3q2zZ     
  • He could not help having compassion for the poor creature.他情不自禁地怜悯起那个可怜的人来。
  • Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.她对于没有母亲的孩子们充满了怜悯心。
12 generosity Jf8zS     
  • We should match their generosity with our own.我们应该像他们一样慷慨大方。
  • We adore them for their generosity.我们钦佩他们的慷慨。
13 definitely RuJzx0     
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
14 keeper 031xU     
  • He found a job as a keeper.他找到了一份当饲养员的工作。
  • He might lose his job as keeper.他也许会丢掉他当监护人的职位吧。

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