

时间:2012-11-28 05:41:13



   [00:02.56]You’re a grown, strong, confident, successful man. 你是一个成熟的 强壮的 自信的 成功的男人

  [00:07.20]I really don’t want to get into this. 我真的不想跟你讨论这个
  [00:09.08]Brad, let me just let you know the truth. They’re intimidated1 by you. Brad 我来告诉你事实吧 他们对你的到来 感受到了威胁
  [00:12.84]What you need to do is go out there... 你需要做的就是 出去...
  [00:14.96]and set some healthy boundaries... 和他们讲明底线...
  [00:16.32]and demand that they respect you. You know what I’m saying? 让他们尊重你 明白吗?
  [00:19.44]Hey, big city, come to open up some presents! 嘿 城里人 出来拆礼物了
  [00:25.40]You can do this, baby. 你能做到的 宝贝
  [00:31.48]Right, right. 对 对
  [00:33.76]Okay, gentlemen. 好了 先生们
  [00:35.92]Can we just take it down a notch2, please? 我们就此打住 好吗?
  [00:38.40]I’m not a kid, you can’t talk to me like that anymore. 我不是小孩 你们不能再那样跟我说话了
  [00:41.08]We’re adults. Understand? 我们都是成年人了 明白吗?
  [00:42.56]I’m a grown man with hair on my chest, right? 我是个有胸毛的成年人了 对吧?
  [00:45.20]There’s gonna be certain boundaries that exist between us. 我要和你们约法三章
  [00:48.84]Now they might be invisible. So I know you gentlemen won’t be able to see them... 虽说我知道你们看不见这条界线...
  [00:52.32]but you certainly gonna be able to respect the fact that they’re there. 但是你们必须明白这的确存在
  [00:56.28]These boundaries are not to be crossed. 你们不准越界
  [00:59.12]And if they’re crossed, there’s gonna be real consequences to that. 如果你们越界 后果会很严重
  [01:07.04]Thank you. 谢谢
  [01:12.68]Welcome back, Stud! 欢迎回来 小崽子!
  [01:15.68]Don’t! 不要
  [01:16.96]Stop! 停下
  [01:22.72]Stop it! 快停下
  [01:31.52]No, you boys could get hurt. 不行 可能会伤到你们
  [01:33.88]Come in! 快来呀
  [01:34.88]- Come on!  - Take us in! - 拜托啦!  - 让我们加入吧!
  [01:36.64]- Go!  - Yes! - 去吧!  - 太好了!
  [01:42.52]Get it! 抓住了!
  [01:46.92]Google me, bitch! 搜索我吧 婊子
  [01:48.40]What? 什么?
  [01:49.40]Google me. You might wanna look me up sometime, Barbara! 在网上搜索我 也许以后你想要找我报仇 Barbara!
  [01:53.24]No! Dad! 不要! 爸爸!
  [01:55.08]Stop! 停下来!
  [01:56.72]Let’s open the presents... 我们来拆礼物吧...
  [01:58.36]so Orlando can get to his other Christmases, all right? 这样Orlando就能参加其他圣诞节了 好吗?
  [02:01.40]Let’s do it. 来吧
  [02:10.76]Baby. 宝贝
  [02:12.92]It’s me. It’s me. Are you okay? 是我 是我 你还好吧?
  [02:15.52]Did you break anything? 伤到哪里了么?
  [02:19.92]I am so proud of you. 我真为你感到骄傲
  [02:22.68]Orlando, just go to the tree. Orlando 快到圣诞树那儿去
  [02:32.12]Gosh, wasn’t it so hard to find gifts... 天啊 要找到十美元以下的...
  [02:34.40]under the 10 dollar cap? 礼物是不是很难?
  [02:35.84]The first gift is to Connor. 第一件礼物是给Connor的
  [02:37.48]- The 10 dollar what?  - 10 dollar spending cap. - 十美元什么?  - 十美元的消费预算
  [02:40.16]Uncle Brad and his special friend Kate, maybe... 这是Brad叔叔和他的特殊朋友Kate送你的礼物 也许...
  [02:42.76]Brad? Brad?
  [02:44.44]Think about I’ll be your nice uncle... 你知道我给你买了什么之后...
  [02:45.88]after you see what I got you. Go ahead, open it up. 会觉得我是你的好叔叔 快 拆开来看吧
  [02:49.40]- Brad?  - Yeah. - Brad?  - 干嘛
  [02:51.20]What? 怎么了?
  [02:52.20]X-Box. This is awesome3. X-Box(微软推出的游戏机) 太棒了
  [02:54.52]Top shelf for you, pal4. 这是豪华版的 伙计
  [02:56.08]It’s got the triple5 core processor, control the whole deal. 它拥有三核处理器 控制整套设备
  [02:59.48]It’s a 10 dollar spending cap. 这是十美元的消费预算
  [03:01.36]How did you find an X-Box for under 10 dollars? 你怎么用十美元就买到了X-Box?
  [03:04.56]It’s like someone’s trying to show off how much money he makes. 好像有人故意炫耀自己的财富
  [03:07.60]Maybe someone’s family didn’t tell him... 也许某人的家人没有告诉他...
  [03:09.40]there’s a 10 dollar spending cap. 有个十美元的消费预算
  [03:11.28]Or maybe if you came home you’d know crap like that. 或许如果你多回家 就能知道这些事儿了
  [03:14.28]Guys can we try to stay positive here? 伙计们 我们能不能高兴点?
  [03:16.28]What’s the problem? We’re trying to give some gifts to some children. 这是怎么了? 我们只是想给孩子们些礼物
  [03:19.28]It’s Christmas. Let’s keep the momentum6 going here. 这是圣诞节呀 我们继续吧
  [03:21.76]The next gift is to Cody. This is from your Dad, okay? 下个是给Cody的礼物 这是你爸爸送给你的礼物 好吧?
  [03:27.80]I’m sure this is a good gift too. Okay? 我肯定这也是个非常好的礼物 对吗?
  [03:32.20]Good, tear it up. 很好 拆开它
  [03:35.84]A flashlight? 一个手电筒?
  [03:38.52]That’s it? 就这个?
  [03:40.24]Why don’t you love me, Daddy? 为什么你不爱我 爸爸?
  [03:45.40]I didn’t know that there’s a 10 dollars cap. 我不知道有个十美元的消费预算
  [03:47.56]Well, my gift from Santa Claus better be straight cool. 好吧 圣诞老人给我的礼物最好能有点看头
  [03:50.36]I have a feeling that your gift from Santa... 我觉得圣诞老人给你的礼物...
  [03:52.92]will probably be around 10 dollars too. 大概也只值十美元左右
  [03:55.32]Why? Is Santa Claus cheap like my Daddy? 为什么? 圣诞老人和我爸爸一样小气么?
  [03:57.92]No, Santa is Dad. Dad is... 不 圣诞老人就是爸爸 爸爸是...
  [04:02.32]Right. 这下好了
  [04:04.20]I don’t understand. 我不明白
  [04:05.68]What’s happening? What’s the problem? 怎么了? 有什么问题吗?
  [04:09.44]There’s no Santa Claus? 没有圣诞老人吗?
  [04:12.52]You’re joking with me, right? You’re kidding me. 你们开玩笑的 对吧? 你们开玩笑的
  [04:15.72]They know there’s no Santa Claus, right? 他们知道圣诞老人不存在 对吧?
  [04:21.88]There is a Santa Claus. 有圣诞老人的
  [04:23.36]Cody, come on. Cody 别这样
  [04:24.36]You and Santa Claus don’t love me. 你和圣诞老人都不爱我
  [04:27.44]That’s not gonna bring back Santa. That’s not gonna bring... 那样也换不回圣诞老人 那样换不会...
  [04:29.92]When he gets hurt inside and can’t get... 当他内心受到伤害时 又不能很好的用语言...
  [04:32.32]his emotions into words, he takes to streaking7. 来表达自己的情绪 他就习惯裸奔
  [04:36.80]Don’t worry, he always comes back. 不用担心 他会回来的
  [04:39.08]Nobody loves me! 没人爱我
  [04:43.24]Okay, look. I’m really, really sorry. 好吧 听着 我非常非常抱歉
  [04:45.72]- I just assumed...  - All right, all right. - 我只是假装...  - 好了 好了
  [04:48.40]Let’s keep it moving. 我们继续吧
  [04:49.60]I’m starting to lose the balls over here. 我都要没耐性了
  [04:52.40]All right? 好吗?
  [04:58.16]That’s a satellite dish. 那是一套卫星天线装置
  [04:60.32]Why would I want a satellite? 为什么要给我买卫星?
  [05:01.52]Okay, that’s not a satellite, it’s a satellite dish. 好吧 那不是卫星 而是卫星天线
  [05:04.44]And it’s terrific9. Because you get more channels and viewing options. 这非常棒的 因为有了它你就能接收到更多的电视频道
  [05:07.32]You think I don’t get enough channels? 你认为我的电视频道还不够多吗?
  [05:09.96]Well, your TV right now is a radio, so... 现在你的电视只能当收音机了 所以...
  [05:12.48]Wait. 等等
  [05:13.48]How much does this gift? Gonna cost me a month? 这件礼物多少钱? 相当于我一个月的工资吧?
  [05:17.84]Nothing. We’re paying for the services. 没有 我们来支付服务费
  [05:20.12]- So, nothing actually.  - Wait, wait. - 因此 事实上不用花钱  - 等等 等等
  [05:22.32]Just because I drive a van for a living... 就因为我靠开货车谋生...
  [05:24.72]doesn’t mean I need a fancy lawyer son... 但并不意味着我就需要一个自负的律师儿子...
  [05:27.16]- paying the bills for me.  - Okay, you win. That’s right. - 来为我买单  - 好吧 你赢了 说得对
  [05:29.40]If you want to pay for the stuff, you pay for it. Wherever you want. 如果你要付钱的话 那你就付吧 随便你
  [05:31.76]The installation guy comes on Tuesday, he’s gonna install it. 星期二安装人员会过来给你装好的
  [05:34.92]Cancel it. We install things ourselves in this house. 取消吧 在这个家里 我们都是自己安装
  [05:37.20]Dad, I think you’ll want a professional to handle this. 爸爸 我想你应该让专业人员来处理这件事情
  [05:40.92]If you think I’ll allow a sex predator10... 如果你以为我会允许一个性掠夺者...
  [05:43.96]in a uniform to wander around my house... 穿着制服在我家里走来走去...
  [05:46.56]and touch my underwear11... 还碰我的内衣...
  [05:48.96]You cannot think... no, no, no. 你简直无法想象... 不行 不行 不行
  [05:52.44]I’ll see you top side in five. 五点钟内 我们房顶上见
  [05:54.32]All three on the roof. 你们三个都到房顶来
  [05:55.84]- Let’s go.  - Okay. - 我们走吧  - 好吧
  [05:59.48]Bring to her mother. I gotta take a grumpy. 抱给她妈 我得去上个厕所
  [06:02.88]Why don’t you just...? 为什么你自己不...?
  [06:05.16]You wanna go over to your mom? 你想去你妈妈那儿吗?
  [06:07.52]Yeah, okay, come here. Be careful. There you go. 好吧 好的 过来 小心点 好了
  [06:13.20]Ain’t it nice to have everybody home for the holiday? 节日里所有人都聚在一起 这不是很好么?
  [06:15.52]Yes, it is. 是的 是很好
  [06:19.20]We’re gonna make bologna sandwiches I think. 我想我们可以做些腊肠三明治
  [06:26.52]Okay, here we go. 好了 我们到了
  [06:30.48]Take her before it explodes. 在她大哭之前 你快抱走
  [06:32.28]Thank you. 谢谢
  [06:34.88]Gotta go and do some man’s work. 必须走了 去做男人的事
  [06:48.20]You gotta use a lock nut. 你需要一个螺母
  [06:49.68]I know what I’m doing. I don’t need any lock nut. 我知道我在做什么 我不需要什么螺母
  [06:52.40]Sorry, I know that you major... 对不起 我知道你在斯坦福大学的专业是...
  [06:54.24]in a satellite dish installation at Stanford. 安装卫星天线
  [06:58.72]Yeah. 是啊
  [06:60.24]That’s great, dude. Mock12 me for being educated. Awesome. 太好了 老兄 嘲笑我是受过教育的 太好了
  [07:03.40]- Hey, Grandpa!  - Hey! - 嘿 爷爷  - 嘿
  [07:05.48]Come play War with me! 下来和我一起玩打仗游戏
  [07:08.40]Maybe later, Grandpa is busy. 也许过会儿吧 爷爷现在很忙
  [07:11.48]Grandma’s boyfriend plays with me whenever I want. 奶奶的男朋友不管什么时候都陪我玩
  [07:15.16]Your grandmother’s boyfriend is a first class ass8 sniffer. 你奶奶的男朋友就是一坨屎
  [07:18.40]You can tell him I said so. 你可以告诉他这是我说的
  [07:20.48]Connor, Connor, go get us some beers, man. Connor Connor 去给我们拿些啤酒来
  [07:24.36]Sounds like you and mom really turned a corner there. 听起来 你和妈妈的关系确实已经不行了
  [07:28.24]Look, I don’t want to speak ill of her on Christmas. 听着 我不想在圣诞节的时候说你母亲的坏话
  [07:30.84]But... 但是...
  [07:32.56]she’s nothing but a common street whore. 她就是个婊子
  [07:34.52]Okay, that’s great. Nicely said. 好吧 太好了 说得太好了
  [07:36.32]What? What do you call a woman... 什么? 你该怎么称呼一个...
  [07:38.48]who throws away a career, abandons her kids... 放弃自己的事业 抛弃自己的孩子...
  [07:42.76]- What are you talking about?  - What do you call her? - 你在说什么?  - 你怎么称呼她?
  [07:45.04]Dad, she was a cashier, that’s not a really career. 爸爸 她是个收银员 那不算是真正的职业
  [07:47.64]That’s a job. She left you ’cause you wouldn’t talk to her. 那只是一份工作 她离开你 是因为你不和她说话
  [07:51.04]You stopped spending time with her. You shut her out of you life. 不陪她 你把她从你的生活中抹去了
  [07:54.32]I put a roof over her head. And I never lied to her face. 我给了她住的地方 从来没当面对她撒谎
  [07:57.96]I spoiled her, that’s what I did. 我把她宠坏了 那就是我所做的
  [07:59.96]Let that be a lesson to you kids... 就让这件事成为...
  [08:01.68]about being honest with your wives. 你们对妻子忠实的教训吧
  [08:03.84]You can’t spell "families" without lies, am I right? 没有谎言就没有家庭 对吗?
  [08:08.40]- Amen, Dad.  - Yeah. - 说得好 爸爸  - 是的
  [08:12.88]What is she like... two or three months? 她多大... 两三个月?
  [08:16.88]- Nine.  - Wow. - 九个月了  - 喔
  [08:18.48]- Yeah.  - Nine months. - 是的  - 都九个月了
  [08:20.64]She’s not walking or taking care of herself by now? 现在她还不能走路 照顾自己吗?
  [08:23.64]Are you kidding me? Most days I’m lucky to get... 你说笑吗? 很多时候我能把乳头...
  [08:26.52]my boob out of her mouth so I can shower. 从她嘴里抽出来去洗个澡就很不错了
  [08:29.32]- Yeah.  - Does that hurt? - 是的  - 那很痛吗?
  [08:31.08]Breast feeding? 喂奶的时候吗?
  [08:32.08]No. 不痛
  [08:34.08]Maybe at first, but the nipples get tough. 也许开始有点痛 但是乳头会变硬
  [08:37.84]I can even hardly feel mine anymore. 我现在都没感觉了
  [08:41.40]You wanna flick13 one? 你想弹一下吗?
  [08:43.12]- No.  - Please. - 不  - 来吧
  [08:44.12]- No, no, no.  - Go ahead. - 不 不 不  - 不要紧的
  [08:45.52]That’s okay. I have a set of my own. So I’m just gonna pass. 不用了 我自己也有的 所以还是算了吧
  [08:48.60]- Sure. Of course.  - But thanks. - 好吧 当然可以  - 但还是谢谢了
  [08:51.16]Okay, we’re all set! 好了 我们都弄好了
  [08:53.52]Hey! 嘿
  [08:55.32]The picture’s all fuzzy. 画面很模糊
  [08:57.60]Did you get me some sort of cheap old satellite? 你给我买的是廉价的旧卫星吗?
  [08:60.48]No, it’s not a cheap old satellite. 不是 怎么会呢
  [09:02.48]I just gotta adjust it. How about now? 我只要微调一下就好了 现在怎么样?
  [09:05.80]Even worse! 更糟了!
  [09:06.84]I can make it work! Hold on! 我能解决的! 等等!
  [09:08.28]How about now? 现在呢?
  [09:10.12]Dad... ! 爸爸... !
  [09:11.12]Could you hold her for a sec? I need to bake another thing. 你能帮我抱会儿她么? 我得烤点其他东西
  [09:13.84]No, actually... Okay. 不 事实上... 好吧
  [09:16.88]Okay. 好吧
  [09:17.88]Come on, you can’t break her. 没事 你不会弄坏她的
  [09:19.88]- Okay.  - Yeah. - 好吧  - 好的
  [09:21.16]Okay, you know what...? 好吧 你知道吗...?
  [09:22.60]It’s a satellite, you gotta point it up at the satellite. 这是个卫星 你得把它立起来对着天上的卫星
  [09:25.44]How about now? Is it better now? 现在呢? 好点了吗?
  [09:26.52]No, it’s worse. It’s still crappy. 不 更糟了 还是不清楚
  [09:29.64]I don’t think she likes me. 我认为她不喜欢我
  [09:31.40]She likes you fine. 她非常喜欢你
  [09:33.40]Just give her a chance to warm up to you. 给她个机会 和你培养感情
  [09:36.48]- How about now?  - Worse. It’s worse. - 现在呢?  - 糟糕 太糟糕了
  [09:38.68]Son of a bitch. 该死
  [09:41.24]Take the damn14 thing down. I can do better with rabbit ears. 把那烂东西取下来吧 我兔耳朵(指电视天线)都比它好用
  [09:44.32]I love my rabbit ears! 我喜欢我那对兔耳朵
  [09:49.60]Just tell me "hot or cold". 就告诉我 "好还是坏"
  [09:51.28]- What?  - Hot or cold. - 什么?  - 好还是坏
  [09:52.72]Hot or cold what? What the hell does that mean? 什么冷和热? 那到底是什么意思?
  [09:57.76]How long until she warms up to me? 她要多久才能对我有感情啊?
  [09:60.44]Not long at all. 不会很久的



1 intimidated 69a1f9d1d2d295a87a7e68b3f3fbd7d5     
  • We try to make sure children don't feel intimidated on their first day at school. 我们努力确保孩子们在上学的第一天不胆怯。
  • The thief intimidated the boy into not telling the police. 这个贼恫吓那男孩使他不敢向警察报告。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 notch P58zb     
  • The peanuts they grow are top-notch.他们种的花生是拔尖的。
  • He cut a notch in the stick with a sharp knife.他用利刃在棒上刻了一个凹痕。
3 awesome CyCzdV     
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
4 pal j4Fz4     
  • He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
  • Listen,pal,I don't want you talking to my sister any more.听着,小子,我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。
5 triple Dp0yu     
  • Twelve is the triple of four.十二是四的三倍数。
  • He received triple wages for all his extra work.由于额外的工作他领取了三倍的工资。
6 momentum DjZy8     
  • We exploit the energy and momentum conservation laws in this way.我们就是这样利用能量和动量守恒定律的。
  • The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton's third law.动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。
7 streaking 318ae71f4156ab9482b7b884f6934612     
n.裸奔(指在公共场所裸体飞跑)v.快速移动( streak的现在分词 );使布满条纹
  • Their only thought was of the fiery harbingers of death streaking through the sky above them. 那个不断地在空中飞翔的死的恐怖把一切别的感觉都赶走了。 来自汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)
  • Streaking is one of the oldest tricks in the book. 裸奔是有书面记载的最古老的玩笑之一。 来自互联网
8 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
9 terrific 9pwwG     
  • The game was terrific.那场比赛棒极了。
  • Darren drove at a terrific speed.达伦以惊人的速度驾车。
10 predator 11vza     
  • The final part of this chapter was devoted to a brief summary of predator species.本章最后部分简要总结了食肉动物。
  • Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.科摩多龙是目前存在的最大蜥蜴,它是一种令人恐惧的捕食性动物。
11 underwear gkRwm     
  • He had removed his underwear.他已脱去了内衣。
  • They left off their woollen underwear when the weather got warm.天气转暖的时候,他们不再穿羊毛内衣。
12 mock 4w0yG     
  • Those who mock history will be mocked by history.嘲弄历史的人必将被历史所嘲弄。
  • The students have done mock A levels at school.学生们在学校参加过模拟高级考试。
13 flick mgZz1     
  • He gave a flick of the whip.他轻抽一下鞭子。
  • By a flick of his whip,he drove the fly from the horse's head.他用鞭子轻抽了一下,将马头上的苍蝇驱走。
14 damn jnyzC     
  • Damn this useless typewriter!这台破打字机真该死!
  • I knew damn well what he was going to say.我非常清楚他要说什么。

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