

时间:2012-11-28 05:47:27



   [00:01.70]I came here for a marker... 我是来拿回魔术笔的...

  [00:04.14]and I’m not leaving without one! 没拿到绝不离开!
  [00:25.94]Kasi! Kasi!
  [00:29.14]That marker in your mouth, I peed on it! 你嘴里的那支笔 上面可有我的尿!
  [01:12.06]Hey! 嘿!
  [01:14.74]Sweetheart you never told me that you went to a fat camp. 亲爱的 你从没告诉我你参加过减肥夏令营
  [01:17.62]It was called "Get Fit Camp". 是"健身夏令营"
  [01:19.10]I can’t believe my family is showing you all the pictures of my childhood. 真不敢相信她们给你看了我所有的童年照片
  [01:22.22]My favorites are when you’re a baby... 我最喜欢你婴儿时候的照片...
  [01:24.38]’cause it looks almost like you’re supposed to be a twin... 因为看起来就象你本来是双胞胎...
  [01:26.90]- but you ate the other baby in the womb.  - Brad. - 但你在子宫里吃掉了妹妹  - Brad
  [01:28.78]- That’s why you’re so powerful.  - Stop. - 那就是你如此有力的原因  - 别说了
  [01:30.82]Because you ate your twin sister, you took all of her powers. Else it was a twin. 你吃掉了双胞胎妹妹 吸收了她的力量 本来是两人的力量
  [01:33.54]- Cut it out.  - Baby, I love you. - 别说了 - 宝贝 我爱你
  [01:35.54]It doesn’t bother me if you were a really abnormally1 large child... 无所谓你是否是个异常大的巨婴...
  [01:38.82]with lesbian tendencies, if that was your journey... 有同性恋倾向 如果那就是你的成长历程...
  [01:41.70]- then I’m cool with it.  - What are you saying, lesbian tendencies? - 我可以接受  - 你说什么 同性恋倾向?
  [01:44.74]- I saw the pictures of Joe.  - But Joe wasn’t gay. - 我看到了Joe的照片  - 但Joe不是同性恋
  [01:48.14]Haircuts don’t lie. Ok, what did you do with Joe... 发型把她暴露了 你和Joe在一起都干嘛...
  [01:51.74]like play baseball and ride motorcycles? 打棒球骑自行车吗?
  [01:54.18]I don’t know. We’re just kids. She was really imaginative2. 不知道 我们还是孩子 她很有想象力
  [01:56.62]We used to play games in the basement. She had this game called "Sun Tan". 我们在地下室玩游戏 她叫这个游戏"晒太阳"
  [01:59.78]Pretended we’re on the beach, she’d take lotion3... 假装我们在沙滩上 她拿着乳液...
  [02:02.38]she never wanted me to burn, so she’d rub it... 不想我被晒伤 所以帮我擦...
  [02:06.26]Okay, listen and look at me. You’re better kisser for it. 好了 真要是那样 你也是漂亮的拉拉
  [02:09.94]All I’m saying to you is, it’s not fun when the shoes on the other foot, right. 我是说 即使现在你已经不同以往了 那也并不可笑
  [02:13.70]You shouldn’t have been so shitty with me with the whole, Orlando stuff. 所以你也不要因为Orlando那个名字 给我那个表情
  [02:15.98]when you have so many skeletons4 in your own closet, right? 你自己也还不是隐藏了那么多秘密
  [02:19.18]Do not throw rocks when you live in the house of Joe. 不要五十步笑百步
  [02:23.02]OK, I see your point. 我懂你意思
  [02:24.30]I love you. I’ll see you in a little bit. 我爱你 待会见
  [02:31.66]Mom. 妈
  [02:34.18]I really need to talk to you for a sec. 我需要和你谈谈
  [02:36.06]Kate, I don’t have time for this. I don’t wanna be late for Pastor5 Phil. Kate 我没时间 我不想在Pastor Phil的布道会迟到
  [02:39.14]But I just... 但我只是...
  [02:40.94]I kind of want to talk now. 我现在就想谈谈
  [02:42.14]Well, if it’s important now, it’ll be important after church, right? 如果这件事现在很重要 那礼拜完后它也同样重要 对吧?
  [02:47.10]Well yeah but... 没错 但...
  [02:48.10]Clean yourself up a little, this is a nice church. 梳理一下 那可是个美妙的教堂
  [03:02.78]And now... 现在...
  [03:05.10]the Pastor Phil! Pastor Phil登场!
  [03:09.98]Hello. There’s a new born King. Hallelujah! 大家好 这是新生之王者 哈利路亚!
  [03:15.22]Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!
  [03:17.22]Praise Him! Hallelujah! 赞美主! 哈利路亚!
  [03:19.82]Praise Him! Talk to Him, lady! 赞美主! 向主倾述 女士!
  [03:24.46]Glory to the new born King! 荣耀属于新王者
  [03:28.14]Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!
  [03:32.90]Please be seated. 请坐
  [03:37.90]I’ve been given a note. 我收到了一张便条
  [03:39.90]The Walshes performed the role... 过去3年以来 Walshes夫妇一直扮演...
  [03:41.78]of Mary and Joseph for the last three years... (玛丽和约瑟夫 耶稣的母亲圣母玛丽及其丈夫)玛丽和约瑟夫的角色...
  [03:44.42]they’ve done a great job, but there’s food didn’t agree with them. 他们表演得很出色 但是也有异议
  [03:47.02]So, we’re gonna need a pair of volunteers... 因此 我们需要一对自愿者...
  [03:49.14]to perform the roles of Mary and Joseph. 来继续扮演玛丽和约瑟夫
  [03:55.46]You should do it. 你应该去
  [03:56.70]What? 什么?
  [03:57.86]No, I won’t get in front of a bunch of strangers. 不行 我没法站在一群陌生人前
  [04:00.62]You’re staged trained. You played Pippin in High School. 你受过舞台训练 在高中的时候演过Pippin
  [04:04.14]No. I wasn’t Pippin, I was in Pippin. 不是 我不是演Pippin 我有戏份而已
  [04:07.10]I played a tree because I had a bad stage fright, do you remember this? 我只演一棵树 因为我怯场 记得吗?
  [04:10.38]I know this seems like I’m putting you on the spot and in fact I am. 我知道这看起来好像是我要让大家难堪 事实上也的确是
  [04:13.98]Honey, Pastor Phil needs you. 亲爱的 Pastor Phil需要你
  [04:17.26]- I’m not gonna do it.  - Do I have a volunteer? - 我不会去的  - 有没有自愿者?
  [04:19.54]Or do I still need a volunteer? 有自告奋勇的吗?
  [04:23.14]Kate will play the Virgin6 Mary. Kate来扮演圣母玛丽
  [04:25.10]What? 什么?
  [04:26.10]Hallelujah! The cure of the world! 哈利路亚! 世界的拯救者!
  [04:28.10]I just said I wouldn’t. 我说了我不去
  [04:30.10]Hallelujah! Kate, you stand up! 哈利路亚! Kate 站起来!
  [04:32.86]Stand up, please! 请起立!
  [04:34.46]Look at the joy you’ve brought to this congregation... 看你自愿扮演圣母玛丽...
  [04:39.34]Hello. I still need a Joseph. 大伙儿 我还需要一名约瑟夫
  [04:43.62]Brad, be Joseph. Brad 你来演Joseph
  [04:44.90]I’m not staged trained. I never played Pippin. 我也没上过台呀 都没演过Pippin
  [04:47.26]You don’t have to give the performance. You just have to get up there. 这不是表演的问题 你必须得站起来
  [04:49.94]- Because I don’t wanna be alone.  - It’s not gonna happen for the leap here. - 因为我不想一个人  - 我才不会贸然演出
  [04:52.66]Oh rub a pon-pon, Brad, you stand up! 擦擦砰砰 Brad 你赶快站起来!
  [04:54.94]You’re a part of this, Brad! 就你来演了 Brad!
  [05:15.78]Listen to me, Brad. I’m going to really need you to look out for me up there. 听着 Brad 你在台上的时候可得帮着我点
  [05:18.66]Because I’m starting to get like really nervous. 因为我已经开始紧张了
  [05:21.38]- That stage fright thing.  - How do I look? - 我怯场  - 我看起来怎么样?
  [05:25.02]- What do you think?  - You look fine. I’m trying to get you to... - 你觉得呢?  - 你看起来很好 我正要说...
  [05:28.10]My man’s skirt, is it short or is okay? 我的男士裙 短了还是正好?
  [05:30.54]- Honestly.  - It’s a little short. - 坦白的说  - 有点短
  [05:32.10]Okay, here’s Jesus. 好了 这是耶稣
  [05:35.26]They don’t use a doll? 不用娃娃吗?
  [05:37.18]- Here are your scripts.  - Scripts? - 这是你的剧本  - 还有剧本?
  [05:39.58]- I’m not ready for scripts...  - Hi, Jesus. - 我还没准备好念台词啊...  - 你好 耶稣
  [05:42.26]No one ever told me there’s gonna be lines... 没人说过会有台词啊...
  [05:44.02]- Hi, Jesus.  - Actually, his name’s Bernard. - 你好 耶稣  - 其实 他叫Bernard
  [05:46.22]Okay. Hi, Bernard. 好 你好 Bernard
  [05:48.22]Okay, I got lines. I gotta try to get my voice ready. 好的 我拿到台词了 现在要试试我的声音怎么样
  [05:51.38]Red leather. Yellow leather. Red leather. Yellow leather. 红凤凰 黄凤凰 红凤凰 黄凤凰
  [05:54.66]This is a good baby. 真是好孩子
  [05:56.66]Look at this baby. 看看这个孩子
  [05:58.66]Baby, baby Jesus is really kind of cute. 亲爱的 这个演耶稣的孩子真可爱
  [06:02.10]This child is a blessing7 to the both of us. 这个孩子是上帝给我们两个的恩赐
  [06:05.10]Really? 真的?
  [06:06.58]What, do you think I should do it bigger? 什么 你觉得我应该再大点声?
  [06:09.10]Should I do: "This child’s a blessing for the both of us." 我应该说: "这个孩子是上帝给我们两个的恩赐"
  [06:12.18]I’m not angry. I’m inspired. 我不是生气 而是受到了启示
  [06:14.14]Oh, my God. There’s so many different ways to play this thing. 噢 我的上帝啊 表演的方法还真多
  [06:17.14]Can I ask you a question seriously? 说真的 我能问你个问题吗?
  [06:19.14]My wife is pregnant8, but is not my child. 我的妻子怀孕了 但却不是我的孩子
  [06:21.38]But I’m cool with it because God got her pregnant? 但是我是如此的平静 因为是上帝让她怀孕的?
  [06:27.98]Are we ready to see the result... 我们已经准备好...
  [06:30.14]of that immaculate conception9? 看圣灵怀胎的结果了吗?
  [06:32.66]Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!
  [06:34.14]Brad, I don’t feel good. Brad 我感觉不是很好
  [06:36.94]You should hold the baby. 你应该抱着这个孩子
  [06:38.42]Sweetheart, I gotta get ready. 亲爱的 我必须要做准备去了
  [06:40.70]Just remember, acting10 is reacting. 记住: 表演就是表演你的反应
  [06:43.70]And Joseph and Mary, went from Galilee... 约瑟夫和玛丽 从Galilee而来...
  [06:46.18]and out of the city of Nazareth. 出了Nazareth城
  [06:48.06]Okay, find your truth. I’ll blow the roof of this bitch. 好了 你去想你的 我来震撼他们一把
  [07:00.10]I can’t do this. 我做不来
  [07:01.26]Check it out, baby. They’re digging my walk. 看那 亲爱的 他们正注视着我的步伐
  [07:11.70]Because there was no room in the inn, they stayed in the stable. 因为旅馆里没有房间了 他们在马房安顿了下来
  [07:18.18]And Mary wrapped the baby in swaddling clothes... Mary把孩子裹在襁褓里...
  [07:21.06]and placed him in a manger. 放到了马槽中
  [07:34.06]And Mary wrapped the baby in swaddling clothes... Mary把孩子裹在襁褓里...
  [07:37.18]and placed him in a manger. 放到了马槽中
  [07:43.10]Put it in it. 把他放进去
  [07:46.98]Brad, help me swaddle. Brad 帮我包一下
  [07:48.86]I’ve gotta save my line, we’re losing the audience. 我还要念台词 会失去观众的
  [07:51.26]It’s deadlier out there. 我可帮不上忙
  [07:52.74]Come on, Mary! 快啊 Mary!
  [07:56.74]This child is a blessing for the both of us. 这个孩子是上帝给我们两个的恩赐
  [08:02.62]That’s right! 这就对了!
  [08:08.06]Your line. 你的台词
  [08:11.26]I forgot my line. 我忘了
  [08:12.42]- What?  - I forgot my line. - 什么?  - 我忘词了
  [08:14.94]Thank goodness I memorize yours too. 谢天谢地我也背了你的台词
  [08:18.30]We shall name him Jesus. 我们给他起名为耶稣
  [08:21.30]Glory to God! 光荣的上帝啊!
  [08:24.98]And peace on earth to the highest point on earth! 愿地球上永远和平!
  [08:32.22]The swaddle cloth here, this thing isn’t big enough to swaddle the baby. 这布太小了 包不起来
  [08:34.90]Someone’s got to give a performance here. 总得有人来表演啊
  [08:37.02]I’m nervous, Brad. I can’t feel my legs. Please don’t do this to me. 我很紧张 Brad 腿都不听使唤了 别让我演了
  [08:39.78]It’d appear that my wife is better at... 看起来我的妻子更善于...
  [08:42.26]making babies than swaddling them, no? Yes? 生孩子 却不善于包孩子 是不是?
  [08:49.14]Brad, you’re wearing the swaddling cloth on your belt. Brad 你把襁褓布别在腰带上了
  [08:52.30]Woman, do your job and swaddle this baby! 女人啊 干好你的活 把孩子包裹好!
  [08:56.86]Brad, I can’t. You’re wearing the swaddle around your belt! Brad 不行啊 你把襁褓布别在腰带上了!
  [09:00.06]Enough! This child’s life is now in jeopardy11. 够了! 这个孩子的生命危在旦夕
  [09:03.34]Unfit mother, give me this baby. 不称职的母亲啊 把孩子给我吧
  [09:09.22]And I, Joseph, shall swaddle this baby! 而我 Joseph 将把孩子裹好!
  [09:15.38]And I, Joseph, will protect this child. 而我 Joseph 将保护好这个孩子
  [09:21.06]Forgive her, son... 原谅她吧 孩子...
  [09:22.94]for she knows not what she’s done! 因为她不知道自己做了什么!
  [09:33.74]Yeah! 耶!
  [09:43.02]Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!
  [09:44.18]That’s the message of Christmas. 这就是圣诞节的讯息
  [09:47.54]Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!
  [09:52.54]Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!
  [09:56.94]Brad, that was...! Brad 这真是...!
  [10:00.42]# All is calm. # # 一切归于平静 #



1 abnormally 4f4250824160765a0687bb005cf55562     
  • His eyes were abnormally large. 他的眼睛异常大。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Blood vessels develop abnormally in cancer tumours. 在癌肿瘤中血管出现不正常。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 imaginative qa3xq     
  • The imaginative child made up fairy stories.这个想像力丰富的孩子自己编神话故事。
  • Scott was an imaginative writer.司格特是位富于想象力的作家。
3 lotion w3zyV     
  • The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.这种洗液应均匀地涂在皮肤上。
  • She lubricates her hands with a lotion.她用一种洗剂来滑润她的手。
4 skeletons 138f64f4bf514101e6f6e68f9b00bcd9     
n.(建筑物等的)骨架( skeleton的名词复数 );骨骼;梗概;骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)
  • Only skeletons of buildings remained. 只剩下了建筑物的框架。 来自辞典例句
  • It looks like six skeletons in front of that stone door! 在这石头门前看上去就象有六副骨骼! 来自辞典例句
5 pastor h3Ozz     
  • He was the son of a poor pastor.他是一个穷牧师的儿子。
  • We have no pastor at present:the church is run by five deacons.我们目前没有牧师:教会的事是由五位执事管理的。
6 virgin phPwj     
  • Have you ever been to a virgin forest?你去过原始森林吗?
  • There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。
7 blessing UxDztJ     
  • The blessing was said in Hebrew.祷告用了希伯来语。
  • A double blessing has descended upon the house.双喜临门。
8 pregnant IP3xP     
  • She is a pregnant woman.她是一名孕妇。
  • She is pregnant with her first child.她怀了第一胎。
9 conception GX2yW     
  • He's got a pretty strange conception of friendship.他对友谊有一种非常独特的见解。
  • A good novelist needs great power of conception.一个好的小说家需要丰富的想象力。
10 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
11 jeopardy H3dxd     
  • His foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.他愚蠢的行为可能毁了他一生的前程。
  • It is precisely at this juncture that the boss finds himself in double jeopardy.恰恰在这个关键时刻,上司发现自己处于进退两难的境地。

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