
礼节美语 Business Etiquette 233-Boosting-Sales-I

时间:2013-08-12 07:00:22




  Lisa: Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are very disappointing. What's going on here?
  Frank: I haven't actually seen the new figures. How far have we fallen?
  L: We were in sixth place at the beginning of the year and we've now slipped to the eleventh! That's a considerable drop.
  F: Wow, that's really bad news. Maybe we should brainstorm1 some ideas for a radical2 reinvention of our sales and marketing3 plan.
  L: Yeah, let's do that right now. What do you think the problem is?
  公司副总裁Lisa找到销售部经理Frank, 因为最新销售数字很令人失望,年初的时候还排名第六,we've now slipped to the eleventh. 如今已经滑落到了第11位,下跌幅度很大,That's a considerable drop. Frank听了这个坏消息,觉得应该 brainstorm some ideas,to brainstorm 是头脑风暴,集思广益的意思,看看怎样彻底调整一下公司的销售和市场规划。Lisa建议,择日不如撞日,说谈就谈,问Frank觉得问题出在哪里。
  F: Well, it seems our competitors have managed to carve a niche4 in the market. They are now perceived as more "cool" or trendy than we are. Perhaps we should consider getting some celebrity5 endorsements6.
  L: You mean like a rock star or a famous sports figure?
  F: Yeah, that might help. The person has to be seen as kind of a rebel so we can associate our brand with individuality.
  L: That's not a bad idea. I'll talk to the Board of Directors about that.
  F: I'd also suggest we reevaluate our packaging. Right now the box we sell our product in seems a little drab and colorless.
  Frank说,公司的竞争对手 carved a niche in the market 在市场中找到了属于自己的一块地方,niche is spelled n-i-c-h-e, niche 是缝隙的意思,动词 carve 是雕刻,划出的意思。Frank说,现在消费者都觉得公司竞争对手的产品更时尚,因此不妨找两个名人,给公司做产品代言,get some celebrity endorsements, 但选择的名人一定要带有反叛色彩,让用户觉得我们的产品有个性化,individuality. Frank 还建议,眼下的产品包装有些呆板,a little drab, 可以考虑变化一下。Lisa说:
  L: Yes, we could redesign our packaging. But on the other hand, there is a recent trend to move away from excessive packaging. You help save the environment.
  F: That's another way we could go. We could reduce our packaging, and then advertise our environmentally-friendly business policies. Being "green" is definitely cool these days. Perhaps environmentally-friendly packaging would appeal to a younger customer demographic.
  Lisa说,如今的趋势是放弃过度包装,实现包装简单化,因为这样做有利环保 environmentally-friendly. Frank觉得Lisa说得有道理,公司在包装上可以走环保路线,用环保的新思维来吸引年轻客户群,appeal to 是吸引的意思,demographic is spelled d-e-m-o-g-r-a-p-h-i-c, demographic 在这里指的是消费人群中的一部分。



1 brainstorm 7xCzbR     
  • The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other.她们每个月聚会两次,在一起出谋献策,为各自制定生意目标。
  • We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company.我们可以集体讨论,列出该公司中最有影响的人员的名单。
2 radical hA8zu     
  • The patient got a radical cure in the hospital.病人在医院得到了根治。
  • She is radical in her demands.她的要求十分偏激。
3 marketing Boez7e     
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
4 niche XGjxH     
  • Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche. 玛德琳小心翼翼地把它放在岩石壁龛里。
  • The really talented among women would always make their own niche.妇女中真正有才能的人总是各得其所。
5 celebrity xcRyQ     
  • Tom found himself something of a celebrity. 汤姆意识到自己已小有名气了。
  • He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself. 他常和名人在一起, 希望借此使自己获得名气。
6 endorsements dfbd0f1b5d6e20b7cae6a4e0d7aefd50     
n.背书( endorsement的名词复数 );(驾驶执照上的)违章记录;(公开的)赞同;(通常为名人在广告中对某一产品的)宣传
  • He must make much money on those tennis shoe endorsements he does. 他替那些网球鞋珍重广告,就赚了不少钱。 来自互联网
  • But celebrity endorsements remain an important promotional tool for marketers. 尽管如此,邀明星助阵仍是营销人员重要的推广手段之一。 来自互联网

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