
礼节美语 Business Etiquette 267 You Are What You Wear 1

时间:2013-10-14 06:34:31



   Cathy 早上上班见到同事 Adam.

  Cathy: Hi, Adam, nice tie.
  Adam: Thanks.
  C: By the way, can I ask you a personal question?
  A: Ask away!
  C: How come you're the only one at the office who wears a tie to work every day? I'm not criticizing1 your fashion choices, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to.
  A: No.  I'm happy to answer that question! I assume2 you're like most people: you prefer to wear comfortable clothing whenever possible, right?
  Cathy 问了 Adam 个personal question 私人问题,问Adam 为什么每天上班都西装领带的,而公司的着装标准并不严格,所以其他人一般都是怎么舒服怎么穿。Cathy 还补充说,I'm not criticizing your fashion choices. 意思是说我不是想对你的穿着指手划脚,而是好奇。Cathy 承认,平时如果没事,他就会穿得很随便。
  C: Absolutely! If it's a special event or a business meeting or something, then sure, I'll put on a suit or a nice business dress. But I much prefer to dress more casually3.
  A: I understand that logic4. But of course you've heard about "power-dressing," no?
  C: Yeah....if you wear nicer looking clothes, people take you more seriously, right?
  A: That's the idea. I think everybody knows that the clothing we wear affects how others perceive5 us. But I've also discovered that what I wear affects how I think.
  C: Really? That's an interesting idea.  What exactly do you mean?
  Cathy 说,如果有什么特别活动或是要开会,She'll put on a suit or a nice business dress. 穿西装或套装,否则的话,她还是喜欢穿得随便些,to dress more casually.  Adam 问 Cathy 有没有听过 power-dressing 的说法,也就是说,如果穿得正式,别人就会更把你当回事。Adam 说,他发现,power-dressing 不仅会影响别人对自己的看法,同时也会对他自己的精神状态产生影响。
  A: Well, there's a lot of research out there that says the position of our bodies affects our thoughts.
  C: I've heard about that. I read an article that said if you sit up straight your thoughts become sharper than if you were slouching.
  A: Exactly! But there are some new studies that show what you are wearing can also affect your thoughts.
  C: Give me an example.
  A: Scientists found that students who were wearing white lab coats performed better on tests than students who were wearing their own clothes.
  C: Ah! So because the white lab coat has an association6 with intelligence7, the students' brains actually got more intelligent?
  有很多研究显示,一个人身体的姿势,往往会对人的思维产生影响,比如,坐直了就比窝着的时候思维更敏锐。Slouch is spelled s-l-o-u-c-h, slouch 意思是很放松地窝在那里,蜷在那里。Adam 补充说,现在的一些新的研究结果发现,what you are wearing can also affect your thoughts. 一个人的穿着也会对他的思维产生影响。比如说,穿着实验室白大褂的学生,考试往往比穿日常衣服的学生成绩好,因为穿着白大褂,会让学生觉得自己智商更高,因此考试时大脑的表现也就更出色。



1 criticizing c7d68a4f610512583437df2c52ef54ac     
v.评论,批评( criticize的现在分词 )
  • He committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates. 他犯了指责队友的大错。
  • She's always criticizing her husband for being sloppy. 她总是指责她的丈夫做事马虎。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 assume 6Ouyn     
  • I assume that he won't cheat you.想来他是不会骗你的。
  • We can't assume anything in this case.在这种情况下我们不可能做出假设。
3 casually UwBzvw     
  • She remarked casually that she was changing her job.她当时漫不经心地说要换工作。
  • I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad.我不经意地提到我可能会对出国工作感兴趣。
4 logic j0HxI     
  • What sort of logic is that?这是什么逻辑?
  • I don't follow the logic of your argument.我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在。
5 perceive Y3uzc     
  • Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?你看出来是红颜色还是绿颜色?
  • I can't perceive any difference between these coins.我看不出这些硬币的区别。
6 association 6O1yp     
  • Our long association with your company has brought great benefits.我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益。
  • I broke away from the association ten years ago.我10年前就脱离了那个团体。
7 intelligence IbtzQ     
  • He was a man of intelligence and of firmness of will.他是个聪明而又意志坚定的人。
  • He equals me in strength but not in intelligence.他和我力气相等,但智力不同。

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