

时间:2007-01-26 16:00:00



The usual, eggs, toast and cereal1, coffee if you want.

I think I'll just have cereal for a change?

You prefer to staying in bed another thirty minutes to eating breakfast.

I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening.

I can always eat Pizza or Spaghetti2.

I’m starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.

Don’t forget we’ve invited out to dinner tonight.

I’ll try to get home a little early.

When can we expect you for dinner? Can you come to tonight?

I promised to go to a concert with my sister.

My washing machine went on the blink3 this morning ,so I have to go to the laundromat this afternoon to do the washing.

Sometimes when the windows open , you can hear the neighbour’s phone.

Conversations :


A: It’s time to get up.

B: I just went to bed.

A: You shouldn’t stay up so late watching TV. I told you we had to get an early start.

B: I know ,but that movie was just too good to leave. I guess I’ll just have to pay the price anti-sleepy.

A: Do you want to eat breakfast here?

B: No. why don’t we describe and buy at the coffee shop next door?

A: Ok by me.

Dialogue 2:

A: I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening?

B: Are you asking me?

A: Yes, I am. I really don’t feel much like cooking but the family must eat.

B: Well, you know me .I can always eat pizza or Spagetti.

A: So I've noticed. You are putting on a little weight ,aren’t you?

B: I know, don’t remind me. I’m starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.

A: It’s about time.

Dialogue 3:

A: Did you lock the doors?

B: All except the back door. I left that open for Tim. He took the dog for a walk.

A: Well, I’m going on to bed. I’ m beat.

B: Ok, I’m going to stay up awhile. I’ve got to go over the household budget , We ‘re a little over-spend this month.

A: Please told Tim to close the door to the basement4. I don’t want dog down there tonight.

B: Ok, Good night , see you at breakfast.

Dialogue 4:

A: This is the last of the milk.

B: I know. I intent5 to go to the store today.

A: Would you get some that new cereal we saw advertise6 on TV.

B: Which one?

A: You know . The one with the silly art about how advicements have jump up and down.

B: Oh, you mean kikis.

A: Yeah, That’s the one.

B: Well .I’ll see, sometimes the store don't have some one of new kinds of cereal.

Dialogue 5 :

A: Let’s see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew.

B: Ok , every one asks their parents let them stay out until 2 or 3 in the morning.

A: Well, I’m not everyone-else’s father. I think you need be in the house by ten o’clock.

B: That’s absurd7. I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that.

A: I’ll be worried if you stay out late.

B: Ok, how about midnight curfew . and I'll let you know where I am..



1 cereal Wrzz1     
  • I have hot cereal every day for breakfast.我每天早餐吃热麦片粥。
  • Soybeans are handled differently from cereal grains.大豆的加工处理与谷类的加工处理不同。
2 spaghetti wF9zD     
  • I think you like spaghetti.我以为你喜欢意大利面条。
  • People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house.人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐。
3 blink CW4ze     
  • In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.一眨眼的工夫他就没影了。
  • The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.一眨眼,这男孩就在拐角处不见了。
4 basement oPmyV     
  • It is rather damp in the basement.地下室很潮湿。
  • They live in a basement flat in North London.他们住在伦敦北部的一所地下公寓里。
5 intent 15yxc     
  • He was intent on the job he was doing.他专心致志于正在做的工作。
  • His plan is incompatible with my intent.他的计划与我的意图不相符。
6 advertise KV1zk     
  • It pays to advertise.做广告是值得的。
  • Are lawyers allowed to advertise?准许律师做广告吗?
7 absurd 6ySz2     
  • It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky.相信数字13是个不吉祥的数字是荒唐可笑的。
  • It was absurd of you to do such a thing.你做那样的事是愚蠢的。

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