【一起闲话英语】你觉得你住的地方让你感到快乐吗?-Happy Place
时间:2016-01-14 00:10:51
Anita, Taiwan
speaker Am I happy where I live now? I'm really happy where I live now. It's because my apartment is big and it's new. It's very comfortable. I can do whatever I want. The neighborhoods are good the people around is good and it actually is very convenient because there are many stores and restaurant around. I really like it.
Simon, Canada
speaker Am I happy where I live now? I would have to say "no". I'm not happy. I live next to a really busy street that has traffic twenty-four hours a day and a hospital just down the block so I hear
sirens1 every day and it's in one of the busiest, and biggest cities in the world so I would have to say no. It's too busy and too loud and filled with pollution.
Al, England
speaker No, I'm not happy where I live at all and I'm terrifiedto go home at night because of the prostitution and the drug
abuse2, crime, rats. We also have a big rat problem where I live so.
Mitchell, United States
speaker I am satisfied where I'm living now. I met a lot of nice people, especially now that I'm living in Japan and the culture is real different and the people are really nice and I enjoy entering onsen, which is hot springs, which is natural hot springs in the mountain and plus where I live is kind of countryside, so I enjoy that.
Ruth, England
speaker Am I happy? Yeah, I'm really happy. I really like that fact that my family are close by and that I have really good friends close by and I know my village is really small, but you know, it's very close
knit3 and I like that. It's not always
ideal4 because of the fact that there's not so much to do, but having said that, there are a lot of good places to go to within half-an-hours drive so really I'm quite fortunate.
Todd, The United States
speaker Am I happy? Yeah, I'm pretty happy. I mean the coolest thing is that there's a video store near my house. There's a bunch of restaurant's near my house. There's a park near my house. There's a gym not too far from my house, so it's pretty convenient. The only thing I don't like is neighbor next door plays his music way too loud, but besides that, it's a good place.
