【一起闲话英语】最喜爱的电影-Favorite Movie
时间:2016-01-20 02:56:41

Jeff, Canada
speaker My favorite movie? I just got a favorite movie last year. It's called Amar, Akbar, and Anthony. It's an Indian Bollywood movie and it's about three brothers who get separated after they're born and they are Hindu, but they get separated and one gets raised as a Muslim, one gets raised as a
Christian1, and one gets raises as a
Buddhist2 and it's a
hilarious3 Bollywood comedy, about three brothers who get separated at birth and then they reunite later on in their life in a very comical way.
Fred, Canada
speaker My favorite movie. Well, my favorite movie would have to be the Matrix. It would sound a bit
cliche4 but I really thought it was such an
advancement5 in technology when they came out with the first one. I was however a bit disappointed with the two last ones. I thought the first one was incredible so I was impressed by that one so, I would put it on top of my list of favorites movies.
Good, Thailand
speaker I love watching movies when I have free time. I love watching something mysterious, imaginary and something like fiction, so my favorite movie would be the Lord of the Rings.
Rebecca, Australia
speaker My favorite movie was The Descent. I went and watched it last year with my friends. It was a very, very scary movie about women going into a cave and seeing
weird6 creatures down in the cave, so that was very, very scary. The three of us were extremely scared. We watched it during the day though so we came out during the day time. I couldn't watch it at night. It was too scary.
Katia, Mexico
speaker What is my favorite movie? My favorite movie, I would have to say, that is Braveheart, and why? It's a very inspiring story, it's also romantic. It has action, but definitely, it has a lot of inspiration and the history is also very interesting, so I would have to say Braveheart is my favorite movie.
Reky, Indonesia
speaker My favorite movie is an Indian movie called Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. I watched when I was in high school. It's really nice, romantic and very entertaining movie. I think I watched it about six times. I still like the movie now.