
美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-4-22

时间:2016-05-26 09:22:29




This is AP News Minute.

Dozens of immigrant advocates rally outside the Supreme Court as the justices consider 2 programs that could shield roughly 4 million people from deportation. Texas is leading 26 states dominated by Republicans in challenging the program President Obama annouced in 2014. The High Court is expected to decide by late June.

2 US marine aircrafts were deployed to a village in southern Japan to aid relief efforts after 2 powerful earthquakes hit the area. Access to the village has been cut off due to landslides, the damage to roads and bridges, stranding hundreds of residents.

More than a foot of rain fell in parts of Houston Monday, submerging sbdivisions and several major interstate highways. The flooding forced the closure of schools and knocked out power to thousands of residents.

A duck in Wisconsin is getting a new lease on life thanks to a pair of 3D-printed feet. A middle school technology teacher printed the flippers for Phillip the duck after he lost his feet to frostbite.

Matthew Burgoyne, The Associated Press, with AP News Minute.


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