
美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-4-25

时间:2016-05-26 09:24:39




This is AP news minute. 

1. The two presidential front-runners both came out of the New York primary with major victory. Hillary Clinton won the democratic vote while Donald Trump cut the republican side. 

2. Utah's governors have signed the measure, declaring pornography a "public health crisis". Speaker at the ceremony of signing described  porn as a plague, pandemic and is said to worsen children's minds and threaten marriages. 

3. Michigan's attorney general is expected to announce criminal charges on Wednesday, stemming from the Flint water crisis. Two regulators and city employee are expected to face charges, including violate the state's drinking water law and tampering with evidence. 

4. And the Africa nation of Cameroon burned a huge illegally trafficked elephant tusks and finished ivory products. The burn is part of efforts to stop illegal smuggling of animal products and to save central African forest elephants.  


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