
美国故事 SENEWS-2006-0826-Feature

时间:2007-05-14 01:06:54



The old Indian was sitting in the snow. It was Koskoosh, former chief of his tribe1. Now all he could do was sit and listen to the others. His eyes were old, he could not see. But his ears were wide open to every sound. Aha, that was the sound of his daughter Sit-cum-to-ha, she was beating the dogs, trying to make them stand in front of the snow sleds. He was forgotten by her and by the others too. They had to look for new hunting grounds, the long snowy wide waited. The days of the northlands were growing short. The tribe could not wait for death. Koskoosh was dying2.

The stiff3 crackling noises of frozen4 animal skins told him that the chief’s tent was being torn down. The chief was a mighty5 hunter. He was his son, the son of Koskoosh. Koskoosh was being left to die. As the women worked, old Koskoosh could hear his son’s voice drive them to work faster. He listened harder; it was the last time he would hear that voice. A child cried and a woman sang softly6 to quiet it. The child was Koo-tee, the old man thought. A sickly child, it would die soon. And they would burn a hole in the frozen ground to bury it. They would cover its small body with stones to keep the wolves away. Well, what of it, a few years and in the end--death. Death waited, never hungry. Death had the hungriest stomach of all. Koskoosh listened to other sounds he would hear no more. The man tying strong leather rope around the sleds to hold their belongings7. The sharp sounds of leather whips8 ordering the dogs to move and pull the sleds. Listened to the dogs' cry, how they hated the work. They were off, sled after sled moved slowly away into the silence. They had passed out of his life. He must meet his last hour alone.

But what was that? The snow packed down hard under someone’s shoes. A man stood beside him and placed a hand gently on his old head. His son was good to do this. He remembered other old men whose sons had not done this who had left without a goodbye. His mind traveled into the past until his son’s voice brought him back.

“It is well with you?” his son asked. The old man answered, “It is well.” “There’s wood next to you and a fire burns bright.” The son said. “The morning is great and the cold this year. It will snow soon even now, it is snowing. The tribesmen hurry. Their loads are heavy and their stomachs flat from little food. The way is long and they travel fast.”

“I go now, all is well?” “It is well. I am as last year’s leaf that sticks to the tree. The first breath9 that blows will knock me to the ground. My voice is like an old woman’s. My eyes no longer show me the way my feet go. I am tired and all is well.” He lowered10 his head to his chest11 and listened to the snow as his son rode away. He felt the sticks of wood next to him again. One by one the fire would eat them and step by step death would cover him. When the last stick was gone the cold would come. First, his feet would freeze then his hands. The cold would travel slowly from the outside to the inside of him and he would rest. It was easy, all men must die. He felt sorrow12 but he did not think of his sorrow. It was the way of life. He had lived close to the earth and the law was not new to him. It was the law of the body. Nature was not kind to the body. She was not thoughtful13 of the person alone. She was interested only in the group, the race, the species14.

This was a deep thought for old Koskoosh. He had seen examples of it in all his life. The trees sap in early spring, the newborn green leaves soft and fresh as skin. The fall of the yellowed dry leaf. In this alone was all history.

He placed another stick on the fire and began to remember his past. He had been a great chief too. He had seen days of much food and laughter15. Fat stomachs when food was left to rot16 and spoil17. Times when they left animals alone, unkilled; days when women had many children. And he had seen days of no food and empty stomachs. Days when the fish did not come and the animals were hard to find. For seven years, the animals did not come. Then he remembered when as a small boy how he watched the wolves killed a moose. He was with his friend Zing-ha who was killed later in the Yukon River. Aha, but the moose. Zing-ha and he had gone out to play that day. Down by the river they saw fresh steps of a big heavy moose. “He is an old one,” Zing-ha had said. “He cannot run like the others. He has fallen behind. The wolves have separated18 him from the others. They will never leave him.” And so it was. By day and night, never stopping, biting at his nose, biting at his feet, the wolves stayed with him until the end. Zing-ha and he had felt the blood quicken19 in their bodies, the end would be a sight to see.

They had followed the steps of the moose and the wolves. Each step told a different story. They could see the tragedy20 as it happened. Here was the place the moose stopped to fight. The snow was packed down for many feet. One wolf had been caught by the heavy feet of the moose and kicked to death. Further on, they saw how the moose had struggled to escape up a hill. But the wolves had attacked from behind. The moose had fallen down and crashed to wolves. Yet, it was clear the end was near.

The snow was red ahead of them, then they heard the sounds of battle. He and Zing-ha moved closer on their stomachs so the wolves would not see them. They saw the end. The picture was so strong it had stayed with him all his life. His dull blind eyes saw the end again as they had in the far off past. For long, his mind saw his past.

The fire began to die out and the cold entered his body, he placed two more sticks on it, just two more left. This would be how long he would live. It was very lonely. He placed one of the last pieces of wood on the fire, listen, what a strange noise for a wood to make in the fire. “No, it wasn’t a wood.” His body shook as he recognized the sound. Wolves! The cry of a wolf brought the picture of the old moose back to him again. He saw the body torn to pieces with fresh blood running on the snow. He saw the clean bones lying grey against the frozen blood. He saw the rushing forms of the grey wolves, their shining eyes, their long wet tongues and sharp teeth. And he saw them form a circle and moved ever slowly closer and closer.

A cold wet nose touched his face. At the touch, his soul jumped forward to awaken21 him. His hand went to the fire and he pulled a burning stick from it. The wolf saw the fire but was not afraid. It turned and howled22 into the air to his brother wolves. They answered with hunger in their throats and came running. The old Indian listened to the hungry wolves. He heard them form a circle around him and his small fire. He waved his burning stick at them, but they did not move away, now one of them moved closer slowly as if to test the old man’s strength. Another and another followed. The circle grew smaller and smaller. Not one wolf stayed behind. Why should he fight? Why cling23 to life? And he dropped his stick with the fire on the end of it, it fell in the snow and the light went out. The circle of wolves moved closer, once again, the old Indian saw the picture of the moose as it's struggled before the end came. He dropped his head to his knees. What did it matter after all? Isn’t this the law of life?

You have just heard the American story "The Law of Life". It was written by Jack24 London. Your storyteller was Shep O’Neal. Listen again next week for another American story in VOA Special English


1 tribe XJ2zS     
  • This is a subject tribe.这是个受他人统治的部落。
  • Many of the tribe's customs and rituals are as old as the hills.这部落的许多风俗、仪式都极其古老。
2 dying 1rGx0     
  • He was put in charge of the group by the dying leader.他被临终的领导人任命为集团负责人。
  • She was shown into a small room,where there was a dying man.她被领进了一间小屋子,那里有一个垂死的人。
3 stiff 4G8z4     
  • There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.在那个抽屉里有块硬纸板。
  • You have to push on the handle to turn it,becanse it's very stiff.手柄很不灵活,你必须用力推才能转动它。
4 frozen 2sVz6q     
  • He was frozen to death on a snowing night.在一个风雪的晚上,他被冻死了。
  • The weather is cold and the ground is frozen.天寒地冻。
5 mighty YDWxl     
  • A mighty force was about to break loose.一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
  • The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
6 softly HiIzR4     
  • He speaks too softly for her to hear.他讲话声音太轻,她听不见。
  • She breathed her advice softly.她低声劝告。
7 belongings oy6zMv     
  • I put a few personal belongings in a bag.我把几件私人物品装进包中。
  • Your personal belongings are not dutiable.个人物品不用纳税。
8 whips 50483bd06c568917d007dc110081ce1a     
鞭子( whip的名词复数 ); 组织秘书,政党纪律委员(英国和美国的政党中负责确保本党党员出席政府重大辩论并投票的官员)
  • The solution that the Volvo engineers came up with was WHIPS (Whiplash Protection System). Volvo工程师所提出的解决方案是whips(头颈部保护系统)。
  • Examples on passive safety systems include safety belts, airbags, and WHIPS whiplash protection system. 被动安全系统组成包括安全带、安全气囊,和whips头颈部保护系统。
9 breath 9SCyv     
  • I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.我正要出去呼吸新鲜空气。
  • While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.那老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。
10 lowered b95fd33cd6cc0e9f75ee4f2fbf5b4f3d     
v.(使)降低, (使)跌落( lower的过去式和过去分词 );削弱;削减;减少
  • Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered. 每天傍晚日落时都要降旗。
  • She lowered her eyelids, then sprang them open. 她低垂着眼睑,然后突然睁开。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 chest sUMyW     
  • The bear's chest is hairy.那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的。
  • Mother has a pain in her chest.母亲胸口疼.。
12 sorrow owBwI     
  • It helps to share your sorrow with someone else.向他人诉说你的痛苦对你是有益的。
  • I think she did it more in sorrow than in anger.我觉得她这样做更多是出于悲哀而不是愤恨。
13 thoughtful Wo4wg     
  • She is thoughtful for her friends.她很体贴她的朋友们。
  • This is a thoughtful essay.这是一篇具有思想性的随笔。
14 species FTizN     
  • Are we the only thinking species in the whole of creation?我们是万物中惟一有思想的物种吗?
  • This species of bird now exists only in Africa.这种鸟现在只存在于非洲。
15 laughter s9Kz6     
  • I don't know how my story caused so much laughter.我不知我的故事怎么引起如此大笑。
  • The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter.听众忍不住发出一阵阵笑声。
16 rot wC6zk     
  • Dead plants rot and become part of the soil again.枯死的植物腐烂,又成为土壤的一部分。
  • Much rain will make the fruit rot.这么多雨会使水果腐烂。
17 spoil 4rVyC     
  • Don't bunch the flowers up so tightly,you'll spoil them.别把花束得这么紧,会弄坏的。
  • Overacting will only spoil the effect.表演过火,效果反而不好。
18 separated giszqy     
  • Her parents are separated but not divorced. 她父母分居但没离婚。
  • No child should ever be separated from his mother by force. 绝不能强行使任何一个孩子与母亲分开。 来自《简明英汉词典》
19 quicken qSRxN     
  • A good debate can quicken one's mind.有意义的辩论能使人的大脑更加敏锐。
  • Your heart beat will quicken when you run up the stairs.跑上楼梯时,心跳会加速。
20 tragedy Qngw3     
  • The news of the tragedy really knocked us out.关于这一惨案的消息确实使我们感到震惊。
  • The play was a tragedy,but the acting was laughable.戏是悲剧,可是演得却令人发笑。
21 awaken byMzdD     
  • Old people awaken early in the morning.老年人早晨醒得早。
  • Please awaken me at six.请于六点叫醒我。
22 howled 05af80bdc99e056e401887616c3503bb     
v.嗥叫( howl的过去式和过去分词 );咆哮;吼叫;哀号
  • The angry crowd howled the speaker off the platform. 愤怒的人群把演说者赶下了台。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The wind howled and the waves closed over him. 狂风怒号,巨浪把他淹没了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
23 cling fOLzf     
  • Wet clothes cling to the body.湿衣服贴身。
  • Members of a family should cling together in times of trouble.一家人应该患难与共。
24 jack 53Hxp     
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。

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