TED演讲 第2期:3D捕捉古代奇迹(2)
时间:2018-09-29 08:04:52
The results of our work in the field 我们的成果
are used to produce 被用于媒体创作
media and deliverables to be used 并交付给文物修复人员
by conservators and researchers. 和研究人员使用
We also produce media for 我们也创作用于传播的媒体作品
free through the CyArk website. 通过CyArk的网站就可免费浏览
These would be used for education, 这些可用于教育
cultural tourism, etc. 文化观光等
What you're looking at in here 这个是一个
is a 3D viewer that we developed 我们开发的3D查看器
that would allow the display 能够实时展示
cloud of points 和控制这些数据点集合
in real time, cutting sections through them 查看切面
and extracting dimensions. 提取维度数据
This happens to be the cloud of points 这些是蒂卡尔的
for Tikal. 数据点集合
In here you see a traditional 2D 这个是传统的二维
architectural engineering drawing 手绘建筑工程图
we tell the stories through fly-throughs. 当然查看图像的方式是全景自由视角
And here, this is a fly-through 这是从自由视角
the cloud of points of Tikal, 看蒂卡尔的数据点集合
and here you see it rendered 你能看到
and photo-textured with the photography 它通过我们拍下的照片
that we take of the site. 把这里呈现出照片的质感
And so this is not a video. 但这不是个视频
This is actual 3D points with 这是精确到2到3毫米的
two to three millimeter accuracy. 实际三维定点
And of course the data can be used 这些数据可以用于
to develop 3D models that are 开发无比精确和充满细节的
And here you're looking at a model 这是一个按照斯特灵城堡
that's extracted from the cloud of points 的数据而建的
for Stirling Castle. 模型
as well as for education. 和教育
And finally, we produce mobile apps 最后我们还开发了手机应用程序
that include
narrated5 virtual tools. 包括可视化描述的工具
The more I got involved 越深入
in the heritage field, 世界遗产的领域
the more it became clear to me 我就越清晰的认识到
that we are losing the sites 我们失去这些遗址及其文化的速度
and the stories faster than we can 比我们能实际保存的速度
Of course, earthquakes 毋庸置疑,地震
take their
toll9. 的确在不断侵袭
However, what occurred to me was 但我发现
human-caused destruction, which was 更严重的是人为原因的破坏
not only causing a significant portion 这些行为不仅正在侵蚀宝贵的
of the destruction, but actually 遗迹,事实上
it was accelerating. 其破坏速率也在与日俱增
acid rain, not to mention 酸雨
terrorism and wars. 更不用说恐怖主义和战争
It was getting more and more apparent 我们输掉这场遗产保卫战的势头
that we're fighting a losing battle. 愈来愈明显
We're losing our sites 我们正在失去古迹
and the stories, 失去它们的故事
and basically we're losing 更重要的我们正失去
a piece -- and a significant piece -- 人类共同记忆中
of our collective memory. 十分重要的一部分
Imagine us as a human race 试想如果人类
not knowing where we came from. 对自己的历史一无所知会怎样
Luckily, in the last two or three decades, 还好在过去的二三十年中
digital technologies have been developing 数字技术有了长足发展
that have helped us to develop tools 帮助我们开发了很多工具
that we've brought to bear 我们借此
in the digital preservation, 进行数字保存
in our digital preservation war. 赢得数字保存的战争
This includes, for example, 这些工具包括
the 3D laser scanning systems, 3D镭射扫描系统
ever more powerful personal computers, 更强大功能的个人电脑
high-definition digital photography, 高清数码照片
not to mention the Internet. 以及无须赘言的网络
Because of this accelerated 因为越来越快的
pace of destruction, 毁坏速度
it became clear to us that we needed 我们更清楚认识到
to challenge ourselves and our partners 我们要给自己以及我们的同道人施加更大的压力
to accelerate our work. 以加快工程速度
And we created a project 我们设立了一个
we call the CyArk 500 Challenge -- “数字方舟500挑战”的计划——
and that is to digitally preserve 旨在未来五年间
500 World Heritage Sites 数字化保存下五百个
in five years. 世界遗产
We do have the technology 我们有这个技术
that's scaleable, 并且能扩展应用
and our network of global partners 我们的合作关系遍布全球
has been expanding and can be expanded 并且yijing能快速地
at a rapid rate, 扩张
so we're comfortable 我们有信心