时间:2018-10-09 00:58:14
So here we are, in a scary but not inexplicable1 moment of demagoguery, fracture, xenophobia, resentment2 and fear. 我们就是这样,身处一个可怕但并非莫名奇妙的,躁动的,受挫的,排外的,痛恨的,惧怕的时刻。
And I worry for us both if we continue down this road, me not listening, 如果我们继续这条道路:我不听,你感觉没被倾听,
you feeling unheard, you shouting to get me to listen. 你为了让我听而喊叫,我将为你我感到担心。
I worry when each of us is
seduced3 by visions of the future that have no place for the other. 我担心我们中的每一个人都会被不给别人留出路的未来景象所诱惑。
If this goes on, if this goes on, there may be blood. 如果这继续下去,继续这样下去,可能会演变为血案。
There are already hints of this blood in newspapers every day. 在每天的报纸当中,已经有一些血案前兆了。
There may be roundups, raids, deportations, camps, secessions. 可能会出现混乱,暴动,搜捕,驱逐营,分裂。
And no, I do not think that I exaggerate. 不,我不是在虚张声势。
There may be even talk of war in places that were certain they were done with it. 有可能会有战争出现在口口声声认同已不会有战争的地方。
There is always the hope of redemption. 一直以来都有补救的希望。
But it will not be a cheap, shallow redemption that comes through blather about us all being in it together. 但这并非是一个廉价的,浅显易得的救赎,不仅仅是嘴上说说我们团结一致。
This will take more. It will take accepting that we both made choices to be here. 这会需要更多。我们需要承认我们选择在这儿。