时间:2018-10-10 01:43:53
As a lover of human anatomy1, 作为人体解剖学的爱好者,
I'm so excited that we're finally putting our bodies at the center of focus. 我很高兴我们终于开始关注人体之美了。
Through practices such as preventive medicine, patient empowerment and self-monitoring 从预防医学、病患赋权、自我监测,
down to now
obsessing2 over every single step we take in a day. 到现在我们甚至痴迷于每天走多少步。
All of this works to promote a healthy connection between ourselves and our bodies. 所有这一切都旨在让我们与自己的身体建立良好关系。
Despite all this focus on the healthy self, 尽管有如此多对于自身健康的关注,
general public knowledge of the anatomical self is lacking. 大众对于解剖学的了解仍十分匮乏。
Many people don't know the location of their vital organs, or even how they function. 很多人还不了解重要器官的位置,甚至不知道它们怎么发挥功能。
And that's because human anatomy is a difficult and time-intensive subject to learn. 这是因为人体解剖学是门非常复杂,耗力劳神的学科。
How many of you here made it through anatomy? 在座多少人拿到了解剖学学位?
Wow, good -- most of you are in medicine. 哇哦,好的——各位大都是学医的。
I, like you, spent
countless3 hours memorizing hundreds of structures. 我和你们一样,花了大量时间熟记上百种身体结构。
Something no student of anatomy could do without the help of visuals. 没有视觉辅助,同学们不可能做到。
Because at the end of the day, whether you remember every little structure or not, 因为最终,不管每个结构记没记住,
these medical illustrations are what makes studying anatomy so
intriguing4. 这些医学插画都会成为解剖学迷人的地方。
In looking at them, we're actually viewing a manual of our very selves. 看着这些图,其实就是看着一本关于自身的说明书。
But what happens when we're done studying? 但课程完成之后呢?
These beautiful illustrations are then shut back into the pages of a medical textbook, 这些美丽的插画 便尘封于医学课本里,
or an app, referenced only when needed. 或某个APP中,只在需要的时候才有人查看。