

时间:2018-10-11 01:35:04



 The few surfaces not covered by signs are often clad in a distinctive1, dark green-gray, striated2 aluminum3 siding. 这仅存的没有被商标遮盖的建筑,一般都被包裹在有特色的阴暗铝灰条纹的铝制外壁板之中。

Take-out sandwich shops,film processing drop-offs, peep-shows and necktie stores. 比如三明治快餐小店,卖劣质影碟的小贩,卖西洋镜和领带的小买卖。
Now these provisional structures have,in some cases,remained standing4 for the better part of a human lifetime. 现在这些临时的建筑,在一些地方仍然屹立不倒,展现着人们生活另一种美好的时光。
The temporary building is a triumph of modern industrial organization,a healthy sublimation5 of the urge to build, 这些暂住“居民” 也是现代工业化中的胜利者。它们也是对建楼欲望的一种升华。
and proof that not every architectural idea need be set in stone. That's the end. 还向人们证明了,不是每一个建筑都是一成不变、无法更改的。这个故事也讲完了。
And the next story is called, "On the Human Lap." 下一个故事叫做:《在人类的膝盖上》
For the ancient Egyptians the lap was a platform upon which to place the earthly possessions of the dead,30 cubits from foot to knee. 对于古代埃及人来说膝盖是一个平台,用来放置死去的人生前尘世的财产。这个平台的长度就是从脚到膝盖上。
It was not until the 14th century that an Italian painter recognized the lap as a Grecian temple, upholstered in flesh and cloth. 直到14世纪一位意大利画家第一次把这种膝盖上的平台视为古希腊人的神庙,只不过这座神庙是用肉体和衣服布置起来的。
Over the next 200 years we see the infant Christ go from a sitting to a standing position on the Virgin's lap,and then back again. 在之后的200年里,我们看到婴儿基督在圣母的膝盖上,从坐姿变成站姿,然后又回到坐姿。
Every child recapitulates6 this ascension, straddling one or both legs, sitting sideways,or leaning against the body. 每一个孩子都是如此,跨立在一条或两条腿上,或者倾斜地坐着,又或者倚着上身。



1 distinctive Es5xr     
  • She has a very distinctive way of walking.她走路的样子与别人很不相同。
  • This bird has several distinctive features.这个鸟具有几种突出的特征。
2 striated striated     
  • The striated and polished surfaces are called slicken-sides.有条痕的磨光面则称为擦痕面。
  • There are striated engravings on this wall.这面墙上有着条纹状的雕饰。
3 aluminum 9xhzP     
  • The aluminum sheets cannot be too much thicker than 0.04 inches.铝板厚度不能超过0.04英寸。
  • During the launch phase,it would ride in a protective aluminum shell.在发射阶段,它盛在一只保护的铝壳里。
4 standing 2hCzgo     
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
5 sublimation dhFyV     
  • Presently, entrepreneurship, innovation and excellence-creating are the sublimation of the spirit. 在新的历史条件下,“创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华。 来自互联网
  • Luleng deems that public will is a sublimation of human's free volitions. 摘要卢梭认为,公意就是人类自由意志的升华。 来自互联网
6 recapitulates f272e8c2838db63f165d40e29bc32ee6     
n.总结,扼要重述( recapitulate的名词复数 )v.总结,扼要重述( recapitulate的第三人称单数 )
  • A player building a SimCity recapitulates Will Wright's sequence in inventing it. 一位《虚拟城市》玩家总结了威尔发明这个游戏的顺序。 来自互联网
  • He hesitates, he recapitulates. 他犹豫不决,颠三倒四。 来自互联网

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