TED演讲 :老兵为何恋战(3)
时间:2018-10-12 04:53:45
Young men will go to great lengths, 年轻人对这种刺激。
to have that experience. 的感受更加深刻。
It's wired into us. 这种感觉输入到我们体内。
It's hormonally supported. 伴随着激素的作用。
The mortality rate for young men in society, 社会上,年轻男性的死亡率。
is six times what it is for young women, 是女性的6倍。
from violence and from accidents, 不管是因为暴力,还是意外。
just the stupid stuff that young men do: 反正就是年轻人喜欢干的那些蠢事。
jumping off of things they shouldn't jump off of, 从不该跳的地方跳了下去。
lighting1 things on fire they shouldn't light on fire, 把不该点的东西点着了。
I mean, you know what I'm talking about. 总之你懂得。
They die at six times the rate, 年轻男性的死亡率。
that young women do. 6倍于年轻女性。
you would be safer in the fire department, 如果呆在美国城市里的消防队。
or the police department in most American cities, 或者警察局。
than just walking around the streets of your hometown, 会比在老家的街上闲逛。
looking for something to do, 找事情干,要安全得多。
statistically. 这仅仅是从数字的角度看。
You can imagine how that plays out in combat. 你可以想象一下如果是在战争中这是不是也是一样。
At Restrepo, every guy up there was almost killed, 在雷斯特雷波,几乎每个人都命悬一线。
including me, 包括我在内。
including my good friend Tim Hetherington, 包括我的好朋友蒂姆·赫瑟林顿。
who was later killed in Libya. 他后来在利比亚牺牲了。
There were guys walking around, 那里的士兵。
with bullet holes in their uniforms, 穿着被子弹打穿的制服。
rounds that had cut through the
fabric3, 子弹打穿了布料。
and didn't touch their bodies. 没碰到他们的身体。
I was leaning against some sandbags one morning, 一天早上,我靠着沙袋站在那儿。
not much going on, sort of spacing out, 没事可干,正想什么想得出神。
and some sand was kicked into the side of, 这时一些沙子飞起。
sort of hit the side of my face. 打在了我的侧脸上。
Something hit the side of my face, and I didn't know what it was. 我感觉到有东西打在我脸上,但是不知道是什么。
You have to understand about bullets, 你应该知道子弹这玩意儿。
that they go a lot faster than sound, 它飞起来比声音还要快。
so if someone shoots at you, 如果有人朝你开枪。
from a few hundred meters, 射程也就几百米的话。
the bullet goes by you, or hits you obviously, 子弹或者与你擦肩而过,或者击中你。
half a second or so before the sound catches up to it. 而枪声半秒之后才会传来。
So I had some sand sprayed in the side of my face. 所以当我感到有沙子打到我的侧脸上时。
Half a second later, I heard dut-dut-dut-dut-duh. 半秒之后,我听到了突突突突的枪声。
It was machine gun fire. 这是机关枪的声音。
It was the first round, the first burst, 这是第一轮袭击。
of an hour-long firefight. 枪战维持了一个小时之久。
What had happened was the bullet hit, 刚开始我感觉到的飞来的沙子应该是子弹溅起的。
a bullet hit three or four inches from the side of my head. 这颗子弹隔着三四英尺从我脑袋边飞过。
Imagine, just think about it, because I certainly did, 想象一下,其实我后来也的确想了。
think about the angle of
deviation4 that saved my life. 就是这点偏差救了我一命。
At 400 meters, it missed me by three inches. 400米开外射来的子弹,3英尺的偏差,没有击中我。
Just think about the math on that. 想想这些数字吧。
Every guy up there, 那里的每个士兵。
had some experience like that, 都曾有过这样的经历。
at least once, if not many times. 如果不是几次的话那至少也有一次。
The boys are up there for a year. 这些年轻人在那儿待了一年之后。
They got back. 然后回家。
Some of them got out of the Army, 一些人复员之后回到家时。
and had tremendous psychological problems when they got home. 心理上还有严重的问题。
Some of them stayed in the Army, 一些人继续留在军队。
and were more or less okay, psychologically. 心理状况稍微好些。
I was particularly close to a guy named Brendan O'Byrne. 我和一个叫布伦丹·欧博恩的小伙子走得很近。
I'm still very good friends with him. 我们现在也还是好朋友。
He came back to the States. He got out of the Army. 他回到美国之后离开了部队。
I had a dinner party one night. 一次,我举办了个晚宴。
I invited him, 邀请了他。
and he started talking with a woman, 在晚宴上他和一位女士交谈。
one of my friends, 这位女士也是我的朋友。
and she knew how bad it had been out there, 她知道战地生活的险恶。
and she said, Brendan, 她说:布伦丹。
is there anything at all that you miss about 在阿富汗打仗。
being out in Afghanistan, about the war? 有没有什么让你怀恋的?