时间:2018-10-25 00:38:03
Day three of the ice cream wars, you get to the beach early, and set up right in the center of Teddy territory, 在“冰淇淋战争”的第三天,你更早的来到了海滩并把你的冰淇淋车放在了泰迪地盘的中间,
assuming you'll serve the 75% of beachgoers to your south, leaving your cousin to sell to the 25% of customers to the north. 假设你可以服务在你南边75%的海滩行人,留给你表兄弟服务北边25%的顾客。
When Teddy arrives, he sets up just south of you stealing all of the southerly customers, 当泰迪来的时候,他把车放在了你的南边。偷走了原本属于你的所有的南边的客户,
and leaving you with a small group of people to the north. 并且只给你留了很少一点儿的在北边的顾客
Not to be outdone, you move 10 paces south of Teddy to
regain1 your customers. 为了不被淘汰,你移到了泰迪南边10步远的地方以重新获得你的顾客
When you take a mid-day break, Teddy
shuffles2 10 paces south of you, 在你中午休息的时候,泰迪又移到了你南边10步远的地方
and again, steals back all the customers to the far end of the beach. 再次获得了直到最南边的所有顾客。
Throughout the course of the day, both of you continue to periodically move south towards the bulk of the ice cream buyers, 在这一天里,你们不停的移动到对方的南边以获得南边的冰淇淋买家
until both of you eventually end up at the center of the beach, 直到你们最终都到达了海滩的中间,
back to back, each serving 50% of the ice-cream-hungry beachgoers. 背对背,各自服务50%的冰淇淋买家。
At this point, you and your competitive cousin have reached what game theorists call a Nash
Equilibrium3, 在这一点上,你和你的表兄弟达到了博弈论中所谓的纳什均衡,
the point where neither of you can improve your position by
deviating4 from your current strategy. 你无法通过移动你的位置以获得更高的收益。
Your original strategy, where you were each a quarter mile from the middle of the beach, 你原计划是俩人都在海滩1/4的位置来平分顾客,
didn't last, because it wasn't a Nash Equilibrium. 但好景不长,因为它不是一个纳什均衡。
Either of you could move your cart towards the other to sell more ice cream. 你们各自都可以移动位置以卖出更多的冰淇淋。
With both of you now in the center of the beach, 现在你们俩都处于海滩的中间,
you can't reposition your cart closer to your furthest customers without making your current customers worse off. 你无法移动位置来节省最远的顾客要走的路程,而且也不能使你当前客户需要走的路程加长。
However, you no longer have a socially
optimal5 solution, 但是,您不再有社会最优的解决方案,
since customers at either end of the beach have to walk further than necessary to get a sweet treat. 因为顾客在海滩的两端,为了获得甜蜜享受的他们必需走那么远。
Think about all the fast food chains, clothing boutiques, or mobile phone kiosks at the mall. 想想所有的快餐连锁店、服装精品店或者在商场的移动电话亭。
Customers may be better served by distributing services throughout a community, 也许当他们平均分布的时候顾客可能会获得更好的服务,
but this leaves businesses vulnerable to aggressive competition. 但是这使企业受到激烈的竞争。
In the real world, customers come from more than one direction, and businesses are free to compete with
marketing6 strategies, 在现实世界中,客户来自四面八方,并且企业之间用营销策略自由竞争,
but at the heart of their strategy, companies like to keep their competition as close as possible. 但关键是企业要保持自己的竞争力。