时间:2018-10-30 00:53:49
And the question to me becomes: 对我来说,问题就变成了:
What do we do, 我们要做什么
as our science gets to be so good 当我们的科学在解剖学上
that we reach the point where we have to admit 我们已经到了不得不承认
that a democracy that's been based on anatomy 基于解剖学上的人的民主
might start falling apart? 也许正在崩溃的时候
I don't want to give up the science, 我不想对科学失去希望
but at the same time it kind of feels sometimes 但是同时,有的时候隐约觉得
like the science is coming out from under us. 科学的发展是受到我们影响的
So where do we go? 因此我们将走向何方?
It seems like what happens in our culture 看起来我们的社会
is a sort of pragmatic attitude: 有着一种实用主义的态度:
"Well, we have to draw the line somewhere, “好,我必须在某处画一条界限,
so we will draw the line somewhere." 那么我就在那画一条界限”
But a lot of people get stuck in a very strange position. 但是很多人会因此陷在一个非常尴尬的位置
So for example, 举个例子
Texas has at one point decided 德克萨斯州有一个决定
that what it means to marry a man 嫁给一个男人
is to mean that you don't have a Y
chromosome2, 意味着你没有Y染色体
and what it means to marry a woman means you do have a Y chromosome. 同时如果你娶一个女人意味着你有Y染色体
Now in practice they don't actually test people for their
chromosomes3. 现实中,他们实际上不会去检测染色体
But this is also very bizarre, 但是这也非常奇怪
because of the story I told you at the beginning 因为我一开始告诉了大家那个关于
about androgen insensitivity
syndrome4. 雄激素不敏感综合征的故事
If we look at one of the founding fathers of modern democracy, 如有我们看一下现代民主制度的奠基人之一
Dr. Martin Luther King, 马丁·路德·金,博士
he offers us something of a solution in his "I have a dream" speech. 在他的“我有一个梦想”的演讲中,为我们提供了一个解决方法
He says we should judge people "based not on the color of their skin, 他认为我们“不应该根据一个人的肤色
but on the content of their character," 而是应该根据他的品格”去评判一个人
moving beyond anatomy. 摒弃人种差异
And I want to say, "Yeah, that sounds like a really good idea." 我想说“是的,那听起来确实是个好方法”
But in practice, how do you do it? 但实际操作中,你怎么去做?
How do you judge people based on the content of character? 你如何根据他的品德去评判他?
I also want to point out 我还想指出
that I'm not sure that is how we should distribute rights in terms of humans, 我不太确定我们应该如何分配人类的权利
because, I have to admit, that there are some golden retrievers I know 因为,我不得不承认,有些黄金猎犬
that are probably more deserving of social services 比起我知道的一些人似乎更应该
than some humans I know. 得到社会的帮助
I also want to say there are probably also some yellow Labradors that I know 我还想说,我知道有些拉布拉多似乎
that are more capable of informed, intelligent, mature decisions 比有些40岁左右的人在性关系问题上
about sexual relations than some 40-year-olds that I know. 更慎重,更聪明,更能作出成熟的决定
So how do we operationalize 因此我们如何去衡量
the question of content of character? 品德的问题?
It turns out to be really difficult. 结果证明是非常困难的
And part of me also wonders, 我还想知道
what if content of character 如果品德的好坏
turns out to be something that's scannable in the future -- 在未来可以被扫描出来——
able to be seen with an fMRI? 也许可以用核磁共振成像看见?
Do we really want to go there? 我们真的愿意走到那一步吗?
I'm not sure where we go. 我不确定我们将走向何方
What I do know is that it seems to be really important 我知道的是应该思考一下
to think about the idea of the United States being in the lead 美国所引领的民主存在的问题
of thinking about this issue of democracy. 看起来是非常重要的
We've done a really good job struggling with democracy, 我们在争取民主的问题上已经做得非常好了
and I think we would do a good job in the future. 我认为今后同样会做的更好
We don't have a situation that Iran has, for example, 我们情况和伊朗不同,比如
where a man who's sexually attracted to other men 一个男人在性方面对其他男人有吸引力
is liable to be murdered, 那么他是可以被杀的
unless he's willing to submit to a sex change, 除非他愿意改变自己的性取向
in which case he's allowed to live. 那么他将可以活下来
We don't have that kind of situation. 我们没有那样的情况
I'm glad to say we don't have the kind of situation with -- 我非常高兴的说我们没有那样的情况--
a surgeon I talked to a few years ago 对一位外科医生说,那是在数年之前
who had brought over a set of conjoined twins 他带来一个连体婴儿
in order to separate them, partly to make a name for himself. 希望可以帮助他们分离,某种程度上也想让自己出名
But when I was on the phone with him, 但是当我跟他通电话时
asking why he was going to do this surgery -- 问他为什么希望做这个手术——
this was a very high-risk surgery -- 因为这是个危险性很高的手术——
his answer was that, in this other nation, 他答道,在这个国家
these children were going to be treated very badly, and so he had to do this. 这样的孩子将会被残忍的对待,因此他必须要帮助他们这么做
My response to him was, "Well, have you considered political asylum 我对他的回答是,“恩,你为他们考虑过政治避难
instead of a separation surgery?" 而不是进行手术吗?”
The United States has offered tremendous possibility 美国为像这样的孩子保持他们自己的特征
for allowing people to be the way they are, 提供了很大的可能
without having them have to be changed for the sake of the state. 他们从不用为了国家改变自己的身体
So I think we have to be in the lead. 因此我认为我们应该要引领这种思想