

时间:2018-11-01 01:23:07



   I think I'll start out and just talk a little bit about what exactly autism is. 我想,我就从解释自闭症是什么来开始我的演讲吧

  Autism is a very big continuum  自闭症的症状范围很广
  that goes from very severe -- the child remains1 non-verbal2 --  有的自闭症非常严重,他们从小孩开始就一直不会说话
  all the way up to brilliant scientists and engineers.  但也有的自闭症患者最终成为了伟大的科学家和工程师
  And I actually feel at home here,  今天来到这里,我感到了家的温暖
  because there's a lot of autism genetics here.  因为这里有很多自闭症的基因
  You wouldn't have any...  你该不会……
  It's a continuum of traits3.  就是说,自闭症一系列的症状
  When does a nerd turn into Asperger, which is just mild autism?  比如,一个怪人变成了埃斯博格综合症,但你们知不知道那只是很轻微的自闭症?
  I mean, Einstein and Mozart  可以想象,包括爱因斯坦、莫扎特
  and Tesla would all be probably diagnosed4 as autistic spectrum5 today. 以及Tesla在内这些人今天都会被诊断为自闭症患者
  And one of the things that is really going to concern me is  有一件事情让我感到很有必要去做的
  getting these kids to be the ones that are going to invent the next energy things, 就是如何教育这些孩子,使得他们成为发明下一代能源的人
  you know, that Bill Gates talked about this morning.  正如盖茨先生今天早上所讲到的
  OK. Now, if you want to understand autism, animals. 假如你希望了解自闭症或者是动物
  And I want to talk to you now about different ways of thinking.  我希望先跟你们介绍一下人不同的思维方式
  You have to get away from verbal language.  你需要摆脱单纯的用言语思考的习惯
  I think in pictures, I don't think in language. 我是用图像来思考的,我不是用语言来思考的
  Now, the thing about the autistic mind is it attends to details. 而自闭症患者很多又是对细节非常着迷的
  OK, this is a test where you either have to pick out the big letters, or pick out the little letters,  好,这是一个测试,你可以从图上挑出那些大的字母或者是挑出小的字母
  and the autistic mind picks out the little letters more quickly. 自闭症患者通常会更快的挑出小的字母
  And the thing is, the normal brain ignores the details.  而事实上,普通的大脑是忽略这些细节的
  Well, if you're building a bridge, details are pretty important  假如你要造桥,那细节是非常重要的
  because it will fall down if you ignore the details.  因为假如你忽视细节的话,桥就会垮掉
  And one of my big concerns with a lot of policy things today is things are getting too abstract. 而我今天对于政策最为关心的一点是,这些政策很多都非常抽象
  People are getting away from doing hands-on stuff. 很多人也慢慢的失去了动手的能力
  I'm really concerned that a lot of the schools have taken out the hands-on classes, 看到许多学校把手工课踢出课表,我感到忧心忡忡
  because art, and classes like that, those are the classes where I excelled7. 因为我恰恰是在艺术、以及手工这一类的课程上特别的优秀
  In my work with cattle,  在我很牛群打交道的日子里
  I noticed a lot of little things that most people don't notice would make the cattle balk8. 我注意到了许多平常人不会注意到的细节,这些会使得牛群不安
  Like, for example, this flag waving, right in front of the veterinary facility.  比如这面旗帜,它刚好是树立在兽医室前面
  This feed yard was going to tear down their whole veterinary facility 这些牛就要把整个的兽医室都毁了
  all they needed to do was move the flag.  而她们需要做的就只是移出那面旗帜而已
  Rapid movement, contrast.  快进。比照
  In the early '70s when I started, I got right down in the chutes to see what cattle were seeing. 70年代我刚开始做这一行的时候,我会钻进洞里,看看牛从洞里能看到什么
  People thought that was crazy. A coat on a fence would make them balk,  人们把我看成是白痴。假如有山羊站在栅栏上,牛群也会不安
  shadows would make them balk, a hose6 on the floor ...  影子会使得牛惊慌,在地板上有水龙头也是这样
  people weren't noticing these things -- a chain hanging down -- 但是人们并没有注意到这些,这些都是一连串的反应
  and that's shown very, very nicely in the movie.  这个在电影里有精彩的展现
  In fact, I loved the movie, how they duplicated9 all my projects. That's the geek side. 我非常喜欢他们在电影里对我的一些项目的复制。哦,这个是我的怪的一面
  My drawings got to star in the movie too.  我的绘画也在电影里展现出来了
  And actually it's called "Temple Grandin," not "Thinking In Pictures." 就叫作坦普·葛兰丁,而不是叫图像思考
  So, what is thinking in pictures? It's literally10 movies in your head. 那么,什么图像思考?可以形象的说,那就是你大脑里有电影在播放
  My mind works like Google for images.  我的大脑可以像谷歌图像搜索那样工作
  Now, when I was a young kid I didn't know my thinking was different.  但是我小的时候并不知道其他人不是这样思考的
  I thought everybody thought in pictures.  我想当然的认为,人人都是图像思考者
  And then when I did my book, "Thinking In Pictures,"  后来,我开始写《图像化思考》一书的时候
  I start interviewing people about how they think.  我开始对别人进行采访,看他们是怎么思考的
  And I was shocked to find out that my thinking was quite different. 我惊讶的发现,我的思维方式那种方式是很不一样的。



1 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
2 verbal mi9wJ     
  • Verbal statements are no guarantee.口说无凭。
  • I delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts.我对他们的暴行提出口头抗议。
3 traits b4a7cb107b59ab9d38b92d8f65efc29a     
n.人的个性,显著的特点,特征( trait的名词复数 )
  • We do not know which behavioural traits are inherited and which acquired. 我们不知道哪些行为特征是遗传的,哪些是后天养成的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His generosity is one of his good traits. 慷慨大方是他的好品质之一。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 diagnosed 615a2f5168d9dcfef319c67955d91496     
诊断( diagnose的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy. 有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。
  • He diagnosed the trouble that caused the engine to knock. 他找出了引擎咔咔响的毛病所在。
5 spectrum Trhy6     
  • This is a kind of atomic spectrum.这是一种原子光谱。
  • We have known much of the constitution of the solar spectrum.关于太阳光谱的构成,我们已了解不少。
6 hose bdqzP     
  • Connect the hose to the tap and turn on the tap.把水管接在龙头上,打开水龙头。
  • After raining,I always hose the yard out.雨后,我总是用软管把院子冲干净。
7 excelled 9674b4e74768b30d81e52e6568bb3eb4     
优于,擅长( excel的过去式和过去分词 ); 胜过平时
  • She has always excelled in foreign languages. 她的外语从来都是出类拔萃。
  • Solomon excelled in wisdom. 所罗门智慧过人。
8 balk RP2y1     
  • We get strong indications that his agent would balk at that request.我们得到的强烈暗示是他的经纪人会回避那个要求。
  • He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood.他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
9 duplicated b3007a674e4344e67a8bd6ddce86b8a6     
adj.复制出的,复写书的v.[遗传学]重复,被复制,复制( duplicate的过去式和过去分词 );复印;使成双
  • The newspaper had commenced as a duplicated broadsheet. 这家报纸最初为双面版。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He duplicated his former mistakes. 他又犯了和以前一样的错误。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
10 literally 28Wzv     
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。

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