

时间:2018-11-01 03:18:09



   In Nigeria,  在尼日利亚

  open-source, open-source SMS tools are being used by the Red Cross community workers 红十字会的工作人员也在使用开放的短信工具
  to gather information from the local community  他们从当地社区里收集资料
  in an attempt to better understand and mitigate1 the prevalence of malaria2. 为了更好地理解和控制疟疾的扩散
  My colleague, Jason Peat, who runs this program,  我的同事杰森·皮特负责这个项目,
  tells me it's 10 times faster and 10 times cheaper than the traditional way of doing things. 他告诉我短信服务比以前的方法快了10倍,也便宜了10倍
  And not only is it empowering to the communities,  这不仅仅让社区更加有效率
  but really importantly,  更重要的是
  this information stays in the community where it is needed to formulate3 long-term health polices. 这些信息能够一些需要长期的保健项目的社区
  We are on a planet of seven billion people, five billion mobile subscriptions4. 我们生活在一个有七十亿人口的星球上,而有五十亿人拥有手机
  By 2015, there will be three billion smartphones in the world. 在2015年,世界上将会有30亿部智能手机
  The U.N. broadband commission has recently set targets to help broadband access in 50 percent of the Developing World, 联合国最近工作的目标就是把在发展中国家的宽带的使用率提升到50%
  compared to 20 percent today.  从现在20%的水平
  We are hurtling towards a hyper-connected world  我们马上会进入一个网络飞速的世界
  where citizens from all cultures and all social strata5 will have access to smart, fast mobile devices. 所有国家的人民无论贫穷富贵都会有一个智能移动设备
  People are understanding, from Cairo to Oakland, 人们逐渐了解到,从开罗到奥克兰
  that there are new ways to come together,  我们会有全新的方式去沟通、
  there are new ways to mobilize, there are new ways to influence. 去动员、去影响世人
  A transformation6 is coming which needs to be understood by the humanitarian7 structures and humanitarian models. 我们必须理解人道主义的结构、榜样正在发生变革
  The collective voices of people needs to be more integrated through new technologies 人们的心声需要通过新的科技
  into the organizational strategies and plans of actions  转化为有组织的战略和有计划地行动
  and not just recycled for fundraising or marketing8. 而不仅仅为了捐款和销售去循环重复
  We need to, for example, embrace the big data, 比如我们需要接受庞大的数据
  the knowledge that is there from market leaders  市场领头者的知识
  who understand what it means to use and leverage9 big data. 他们懂得如何利用和均衡那些庞大的数据
  One idea that I'd like you to consider, for instance, is to take a look at our IT departments. 我希望你能认真地看看我们的科技部门
  They're normally backroom or basement hardware service providers,  科技人员通常提供不起眼的硬件服务
  but they need to be elevated to software strategists.  而他们需要被软件工程师给提拔
  We need people in our organizations who know what it's like to work with big data. 在我们的组织中,我们需要一些人来懂得如何操控庞大的数据
  We need technology as a core organizational principle. 我们组织的核心技术就是科技
  We need technological10 strategists in the boardroom who can ask and answer the question, 我们的组织需要优秀的科技工程师找出关键问题的答案
  "What would Amazon or Google do with all of this data?" "亚马逊或者谷歌会怎样处理这些数据呢?"
  and convert it to humanitarian good.  继而再为人类作出好的贡献
  The possibilities that new digital technologies are bringing can help humanitarian organizations, 新的电子技术可以让一些组织更有效地帮助人类
  not only ensure that people's right to information is met, 不仅仅确保了人们有权力获得相关信息
  or that they have their right to communicate,  或者有权力互相沟通
  but I think in the future,  而是,在将来
  humanitarian organizations will also have to anticipate  帮助人类的组织们可以
  the right for people to access critical communication technologies 让人类能够获得关键的通讯技术
  in order to ensure that their voices are heard, 从而确保世界可以听到他们的心声
  that they're truly participating, that they're truly empowered in the humanitarian world. 可以知道他们真正在做什么,可以了解他们如何使世界更加博爱
  It has always been the elusive11 ideal  以往让所有的灾民
  to ensure full participation12 of people affected13 by disasters in the humanitarian effort. 都参与到这样的活动中,一直是难以实现的
  We now have the tools. We now have the possibilities.  而现在我们有了工具让这些成为可能
  There are no more reasons not to do it.  没有什么理由阻止我们那样做了
  I believe we need to bring the humanitarian world from analog14 to digital. 我相信我们必须把我们的世界科技化
  Thank you very much.  谢谢大家



1 mitigate EjRyf     
  • The government is trying to mitigate the effects of inflation.政府正试图缓和通货膨胀的影响。
  • Governments should endeavour to mitigate distress.政府应努力缓解贫困问题。
2 malaria B2xyb     
  • He had frequent attacks of malaria.他常患疟疾。
  • Malaria is a kind of serious malady.疟疾是一种严重的疾病。
3 formulate L66yt     
  • He took care to formulate his reply very clearly.他字斟句酌,清楚地做了回答。
  • I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas.他陈述观点的方式让我印象深刻。
4 subscriptions 2d5d14f95af035cbd8437948de61f94c     
n.(报刊等的)订阅费( subscription的名词复数 );捐款;(俱乐部的)会员费;捐助
  • Subscriptions to these magazines can be paid in at the post office. 这些杂志的订阅费可以在邮局缴纳。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Payment of subscriptions should be made to the club secretary. 会费应交给俱乐部秘书。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 strata GUVzv     
  • The older strata gradually disintegrate.较老的岩层渐渐风化。
  • They represent all social strata.他们代表各个社会阶层。
6 transformation SnFwO     
  • Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook.上大学使她的观念发生了巨大的变化。
  • He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.他正在努力使自己由单身汉变为可靠的丈夫。
7 humanitarian kcoxQ     
  • She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.她拥有很多慈善事业,并作了很大的贡献。
  • The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。
8 marketing Boez7e     
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
9 leverage 03gyC     
  • We'll have to use leverage to move this huge rock.我们不得不借助杠杆之力来移动这块巨石。
  • He failed in the project because he could gain no leverage. 因为他没有影响力,他的计划失败了。
10 technological gqiwY     
  • A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。
  • Today,the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.当今, 随着科技进步,生活节奏不断增快。
11 elusive d8vyH     
  • Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。
  • Interpol have searched all the corners of the earth for the elusive hijackers.国际刑警组织已在世界各地搜查在逃的飞机劫持者。
12 participation KS9zu     
  • Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.有些魔术要求有观众的参与。
  • The scheme aims to encourage increased participation in sporting activities.这个方案旨在鼓励大众更多地参与体育活动。
13 affected TzUzg0     
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
14 analog yLDyQ     
  • The analog signal contains high-frequency video information,which helps make up the picture.模拟信号包括有助于构成图像的高频视频信息。
  • The analog computer measures continuously,without proceeding step by step.模拟计算机不是一步一步地进行,而是连续地进行量度。

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