

时间:2018-11-19 01:34:05



   And that wasn't a difficult diagnosis1 to make. 这不是一个困难的诊断。

  I made it and I set to work treating her. 作出诊断后我开始着手帮她治疗。
  I gave her aspirin2. I gave her medications to relieve the strain on her heart. 我开给了她阿司匹林,并给了她一些可以减轻她心脏负担的药物。
  I gave her medications that we call diuretics, water pills, to get her to pee out the access fluid. 我还给了她一些利尿剂,俗称水丸,帮助她将体内多余的水分排出。
  And over the course of the next hour and a half or two, she started to feel better. 在接下来的一两个小时里,她开始觉得好转。
  And I felt really good. And that's when I made my first mistake; I sent her home. 我也感到高兴。而就在此时我犯了第一个错误:我让她回了家。
  Actually, I made two more mistakes. I sent her home without speaking to my attending. 正确的来说,我还犯了两个错误。我在和我的主治汇报之前便让她回了家。
  I didn't pick up the phone and do what I was supposed to do, 我没有做我照着我应该做的,
  which was call my attending and run the story by him so he would have a chance to see her for himself. 拿起电话打给我的主治并让他看一下这个案例,给他一个亲自见见这名病患的机会。
  And he knew her, he would have been able to furnish additional information about her. 我的主治认识她,因此可以提供更详细的病历资料。
  Maybe I did it for a good reason. Maybe I didn't want to be a high-maintenance resident. 或许我有这么做的理由。或许我并不想做一个需要经常地指导的实习医生。
  Maybe I wanted to be so successful and so able to take responsibility 也许我太想可以独当一面,
  that I would do so and I would be able to take care of my attending's patients without even having to contact him. 可以不需要和我的主治沟通便照顾好他的病患。
  The second mistake that I made was worse. 而我犯的第二个错误更加严重。
  In sending her home, I disregarded a little voice deep down inside that was trying to tell me, 在让她回家时,我忽视了我内心一个微小的声音。这个声音试图告诉我:
  "Goldman, not a good idea. Don't do this." “高德曼,这样不好,不要这么做。”
  In fact, so lacking in confidence was I that I actually asked the nurse who was looking after Mrs. Drucker, 其实,当时的我是如此的没有自信,以至于我甚至向照顾Drucker女士的护士寻求了意见:
  "Do you think it's okay if she goes home?" “你觉得让她回家好么?”
  And the nurse thought about it and said very matter-of-factly, "Yeah, I think she'll do okay." 那位护士想了想,然后就事论事的说:“嗯,我觉得没有问题。”
  I can remember that like it was yesterday. 这一切对我来说,都还像是发生在了昨天。



1 diagnosis GvPxC     
  • His symptoms gave no obvious pointer to a possible diagnosis.他的症状无法作出明确的诊断。
  • The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the bridge's collapse.工程师对桥的倒塌做一次彻底的调查分析。
2 aspirin 4yszpM     
  • The aspirin seems to quiet the headache.阿司匹林似乎使头痛减轻了。
  • She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林。

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