

时间:2018-11-19 01:47:07



   So I signed the discharge papers, and an ambulance came, paramedics came to take her home.  我在出院单上签了名, 一辆救护车来后急救人员将她送回了家。

  And I went back to my work on the wards1.  之后我回到了我在诊所的工作。
  All the rest of that day, that afternoon, I had this kind of gnawing2 feeling inside my stomach.  在接下来的一天中, 那天下午, 我的肠胃有着一种翻滚的感觉。
  But I carried on with my work. 但我还是照常的继续工作。
  And at the end of the day, I packed up to leave the hospital and walked to the parking lot to take my car 在工作结束后,我整理了下便离开了医院。
  and drive home when I did something that I don't usually do.  在我走向停车场去取我的车的路程中,做了一件我平常不会做的事情。
  I walked through the emergency department on my way home.  我从急诊室借了道。
  And it was there that another nurse, not the nurse who was looking after Mrs. Drucker before, but another nurse, said three words to me   而就在那里,另外一位护士,不是之前照顾Drucker女士的那位,对我说了
  that are the three words that most emergency physicians I know dread3. 绝大部分急诊医生都害怕听到的三个字。
  Others in medicine dread them as well, but there's something particular about emergency medicine because we see patients so fleetingly4.  其他科系的医生也害怕这三个字, 但因为急诊医生看的病人都来去匆匆, 这三个字对我们有着特别的意义。
  The three words are: Do you remember?  这三个字是: 记得吗?
  "Do you remember that patient you sent home?"  “记得吗?你送回家的那个患者?”
  The other nurse asked matter-of-factly.  那位护士就事论事的问道。
  "Well she's back," in just that tone of voice.  “她又回来了。” 她就用了这样平常的语调。
  Well she was back all right.  她的确回来了。
  She was back and near death.  回来时已经濒临死亡。
  About an hour after she had arrived home, after I'd sent her home,  在我让她回家后大约一个小时后,
  she collapsed5 and her family called 911 and the paramedics brought her back to the emergency department 她昏倒在了地上,她的家人打了911, 急救人员将她重新带回了急诊室。
  where she had a blood pressure of 50, which is in severe shock.  此时的她已严重休克, 血压只有 50。
  And she was barely breathing and she was blue. 她的呼吸极其微弱,面色发青。
  And the emerg. staff pulled out all the stops.  急救人员们使出了浑身解数。
  They gave her medications to raise her blood pressure.  他们给了她提升血压的药物。
  They put her on a ventilator.  并将她连接上了人工呼吸器。



1 wards 90fafe3a7d04ee1c17239fa2d768f8fc     
区( ward的名词复数 ); 病房; 受监护的未成年者; 被人照顾或控制的状态
  • This hospital has 20 medical [surgical] wards. 这所医院有 20 个内科[外科]病房。
  • It was a big constituency divided into three wards. 这是一个大选区,下设三个分区。
2 gnawing GsWzWk     
  • The dog was gnawing a bone. 那狗在啃骨头。
  • These doubts had been gnawing at him for some time. 这些疑虑已经折磨他一段时间了。
3 dread Ekpz8     
  • We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。
  • Her heart was relieved of its blankest dread.她极度恐惧的心理消除了。
4 fleetingly 1e8e5924a703d294803ae899dba3651b     
  • The quarks and gluons indeed break out of confinement and behave collectively, if only fleetingly. 夸克与胶子确实打破牢笼而表现出集体行为,虽然这种状态转瞬即逝。 来自互联网
5 collapsed cwWzSG     
  • Jack collapsed in agony on the floor. 杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。
  • The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 房顶在雪的重压下突然坍塌下来。

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