时间:2018-11-21 00:26:51
Why do they do that? Well, we all do the same thing. 嫌疑人为什么会这样?这其实是人之常情。
We rehearse our words, but we rarely rehearse our gestures. 我们会事先想好说什么,但很少事先想好做什么样的动作。
We say "yes," we shake our heads "no." 我们说“是”而我们却在摇头表示“否”。
We tell very convincing stories, we slightly
shrug1 our shoulders. 我们说的故事非常有说服力,但我们却轻轻地耸了耸肩。
We commit terrible crimes, and we smile at the delight in getting away with it. 我们犯了严重的罪,而在侥幸逃脱时面露微笑。
Now, that smile is known in the trade as "duping delight." 这种微笑被称为“欺骗的喜悦”。
And we're going to see that in several videos moving forward, but we're going to start -- for those of you who don't know him, this is presidential
candidate2 John Edwards who shocked America by fathering a child out of
wedlock3. 我们会在接下来的几个视频中看到,现在开始可能有人不认识他,我先介绍一下他是前总统候选人约翰·爱德华兹,他因育有一个私生子而震惊全美。
We're going to see him talk about getting a paternity test. 我们将看到他谈论进行亲子鉴定的事。
See now if you can spot him saying, "yes" while shaking his head "no," slightly shrugging his shoulders. 看看你们能否发现,他在说“是”的时候,他的头却在摇、肩膀在耸。
Lots of people do that. I'd be happy to participate in one. 很多人那么做。我很乐意去做鉴定。
I know that it's not possible that this child could be mine, because of the
timing4 of events. 我知道这个孩子不可能是我的,因为时间不对。
So I know it's not possible. Happy to take a paternity test, and would love to see it happen. 我知道这不可能是我的。我乐意进行亲子鉴定。也很想知道结果。