时间:2018-11-21 00:50:30
And what I thought I'd do is, I'd make a TED1 premiere. 我想我要做的是,办一个TED首演。
I'm not sure if this is going to be good or not. I just be doing it. 我不知道能不能成功。只要试试看。我只是做做看。
I thought what I'd do is, I'd use three versions of physical thinking to make something. 我想要用三种肢体思考的方法来做个什么东西。
I want to introduce you. This is Paolo. This is Catarina. 我要向大家介绍:这是保罗,这是卡特琳娜。
They have no idea what we're going to do. 他们不知道我们将要做什么。
So this is not the type of choreography where I already have in mind what I'm going to make, 所以这不是一种已知的舞蹈编排,
where I've
fixed2 the routine in my head and I'm just going to teach it to them, and these so-called empty
vessels3 are just going to learn it. 我脑海中已经有成品舞的那种,我要打破惯例只是要教他们,这所谓的两个人就能学会。
That's not the methodology at all that we work with. 这不是我们通常用的方法。
But what's important about it is how it is that they're grasping information, how they're taking information, how they're using it, and how they're thinking with it. 这里的关键点在于他们是如何获取和接受信息的,他们如何运用这些信息来思考。
I'm going to start really, really simply. 我从非常简单的开始。
Usually, dance has a
stimulus4 or
stimuli5, and I thought I'd take something simple, TED logo, we can all see it, it's quite easy to work with, 通常,舞蹈都有一个或多个刺激因素,我用个简单的TED标志,我们都能看到,用起来很简单,
and I'm going to do something very simply, where you take one idea from a body, and it happens to be my body, 我将要做的也很简单,就是你从一个肢体提取一个信息,假设这个肢体是我的身体,
and translate that into somebody else's body, so it's a direct transfer,
transformation6 of energy. 然后将它翻译成另一个人的肢体语言,所以这是个直接的信息传递,能量的传递。