时间:2018-11-27 08:03:28
So me and my group, L.A. Green Grounds, we got together and we started planting my food forest, fruit trees, you know, the whole nine, vegetables. 因此我和我的团队,“洛杉矶绿地”,我们聚在一起开始种植自己的食物森林,果树,还有整整九种蔬菜。
What we do, we're a pay-it-forward kind of group, where it's composed of gardeners from all walks of life, from all over the city, 我们是一个自由的组织,由来自不同行业不同城市的园丁组成,
and it's completely volunteer, and everything we do is free. And the garden, it was beautiful. 大家全都是志愿者,我们所做的一切都是义务的。花园非常的美丽。
And then somebody complained. 但是很快就有人抱怨。
The city came down on me, and
basically1 gave me a
citation2 saying that I had to remove my garden, which this citation was turning into a
warrant3. 政府指责我,给了我张告票通知我必须移除我的花园,之后告票变成了警告函。
And I'm like, "Come on, really? A warrant for planting food on a piece of land that you could care less about?" 我心想“搞什么,来真的?禁止在一小块土地上种食物,而之前这块土地却没人关心?
And I was like, "Cool. Bring it." 然后我想,“酷,就这样吧。”
Because this time it wasn't coming up. So L.A. Times got ahold of it. 因为这次什么都没发生。所以洛杉矶时报报道了。
Steve Lopez did a story on it and talked to the councilman, and one of the Green Grounds members, 斯蒂夫·洛佩兹写了个关于它的故事,并和议员以及一个绿地组织的成员进行了交谈,
they put up a
petition4 on Change.org, and with 900 signatures, we were a success. 他们将请愿书上传到了Change.org,并且收集到了900个签名,我们成功了!
We had a victory on our hands. My councilman even called in and said how they
endorse5 and love what we're doing. 我们用我们的双手获得成功。议员甚至前来拜访,表达了他有多么赞赏和热爱我们所做的。
I mean, come on, why wouldn't they? L.A. leads the United States in
vacant6 lots that the city actually owns. 我的意思是,当然啦,他们怎么能不这么做呢?洛杉矶所拥有的空地的数量在美国名列前茅。
They own 26 square miles of vacant lots. That's 20 Central Parks. 它拥有26平方公里的空地。那是20个中央公园。
That's enough space to plant 725 million tomato plants. 有足够的空间去种植七亿两千五百万的番茄。
Why in the
hell7 would they not okay this? 他们究竟为什么觉得这样不好呢?
Growing one plant will give you 1,000, 10,000 seeds. 种一棵树能够收到一千,甚至一万颗种子。
When one dollar's worth of green beans will give you 75 dollars' worth of produce. 一美元的绿豆可以为你带来75美元的收成。
It's my gospel, when I'm telling people, grow your own food. Growing your own food is like printing your own money. Alright? Thank you. 这是我的信条,我告诉人们,种植你们自己的食物吧。自己种食物就好像自己印钱似的。好吗?谢谢你!