

时间:2018-11-29 06:42:15



   So, this book that I have in my hand is a directory1 of everybody who had an email address in 1982.  呃,我手里的这本书是1982年所有拥有电邮地址的人的通讯录。

  Actually, it's deceptively large.  它看起来很大,其实不然。
  There's actually only about 20 people on each page, because we have the name, address and telephone number of every single person.  这本通讯录实际上每页只记录了大约20个人,因为我们每一个人都有自己的姓名,地址和电话号码。
  And, in fact, everybody's listed twice, because it's sorted once by name and once by email address.  同时,每个人的信息都出现了两次,因为有两种排序方式:根据名字和根据电子邮件地址。
  Obviously2 a very small community. There were only two other Dannys on the Internet then.  当然这是个很小的社区。当时,互联网上只有另外两个名字也叫丹尼的人。
  I knew them both. We didn't all know each other, but we all kind of trusted each other,  他们两个我都认识。虽然我们彼此之间并不全都认识,但是我们互相信任,
  and that basic feeling of trust permeated3 the whole network, and there was a real sense that we could depend on each other to do things. 这种基本的信任感充满了整个网络,并且大家可以感觉到我们能彼此信赖的去完成一些事情。
  So just to give you an idea of the level of trust in this community,  因此,为了让你们能体会到当时该社区的那种信任程度,
  let me tell you what it was like to register4 a domain5 name in the early days.  下面让我来告诉你在早期是如何注册域名的。
  Now, it just so happened that I got to register the third domain name on the Internet.  现在,假如我刚注册了我的第三个互联网域名。
  So I could have anything I wanted other than and  于是我可以起任何我想要的名字作为域名,除了""和""之外。
  So I picked, but then I thought, you know, there's a lot of really interesting names out there.  于是我注册了"",但是我又想,除此之外还有很多有趣的域名。
  Maybe I should register a few extras just in case. And then I thought, "Nah, that wouldn't be very nice." 也许我应该多注册几个以备不时之需。我又想:“呐,这样不太好吧。”
  That attitude of only taking what you need was really what everybody had on the network in those days,  在那时,这种只取己需的态度在网络上几乎人人拥有,
  and in fact, it wasn't just the people on the network,  而且事实上,不仅仅是使用网络的人有这种态度,
  but it was actually kind of built into the protocols6 of the Internet itself.  这种态度也植根于互联网协议自身。
  So the basic idea of I.P., or Internet protocol,  所以,I.P.,或者互联网协议的基本思想,
  and the way that the -- the routing algorithm that used it, were fundamentally "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need."  以及路由算法用到的工作方式,从根本上来说是“各尽其能,各取所需。”
  And so, if you had some extra bandwidth, you'd deliver a message for someone. If they had some extra bandwidth, they would deliver a message for you.  因此,如果你有额外的带宽,你代别人发送信息。如果他们也有额外的带宽,他们也可以代你发送信息。
  You'd kind of depend on people to do that, and that was the building block.  你将会逐渐依靠于他人才能来完成信息的交换,而这就是构建的基石。
  It was actually interesting that such a communist principle was the basis of a system developed during the Cold War by the Defense7 Department,  有趣的是,虽然这样一个共产原则居然是国防部在冷战期间开发的一个系统的核心,
  but it obviously worked really well, and we all saw what happened with the Internet.  而很明显它的效果非常好,我们已经目睹了互联网发生的一切。
  It was incredibly successful. 毋庸置疑,非常的成功。



1 directory xusxf     
  • Her name is listed in the telephone directory.她的名字被列在了电话号码簿上。
  • You can check the directory near the elevator over there.您可以到电梯旁的指南上查找。
2 obviously uIKxo     
  • Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。
  • Obviously he was lying.显然他是在撒谎。
3 permeated 5fe75f31bda63acdd5d0ee4bbd196747     
弥漫( permeate的过去式和过去分词 ); 遍布; 渗入; 渗透
  • The smell of leather permeated the room. 屋子里弥漫着皮革的气味。
  • His public speeches were permeated with hatred of injustice. 在他对民众的演说里,充满了对不公正的愤慨。
4 register YSVzM     
  • Please list your name in the attendance register.请在点名册上登记你的名字。
  • He was looking over a hotel register.他正在仔细检查旅馆住宿登记表。
5 domain ys8xC     
  • This information should be in the public domain.这一消息应该为公众所知。
  • This question comes into the domain of philosophy.这一问题属于哲学范畴。
6 protocols 66203c461b36a2af573149f0aa6164ff     
n.礼仪( protocol的名词复数 );(外交条约的)草案;(数据传递的)协议;科学实验报告(或计划)
  • There are also protocols on the testing of nuclear weapons. 也有关于核武器试验的协议。 来自辞典例句
  • Hardware components and software design of network transport protocols are separately introduced. 介绍系统硬件组成及网络传输协议的软件设计。 来自互联网
7 defense AxbxB     
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。

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