
美国国家公共电台 NPR Majority Of Americans Say Drug Companies Should Be Held Responsible For Opioid Crisis

时间:2019-05-05 02:21:19





A new poll by NPR and Ipsos finds a third of Americans have been touched directly by the deadly opioid epidemic1 that's still killing2 more than a hundred people every day. The survey released this morning found a clear majority of Americans want drug companies held accountable for their role marketing3 highly addictive4 opioid painkillers5. North Country Public Radio's Brian Mann has more.

BRIAN MANN, BYLINE6: The new survey by NPR and Ipsos confirms a lot of Americans are feeling the pain of this addiction7 crisis that's destroyed families and swamped social service and addiction treatment programs. Mallory Newall was lead researcher on the poll.

MALLORY NEWALL: One in 3 have been personally affected8 in some way, either by knowing someone who has overdosed or knowing somebody with an opioid addiction.

MANN: Newall says the survey found huge support - roughly 60% - for making drug companies pay to help clean up the mess. Unlike many issues in America these days, this is something all kinds of Americans agree on.

NEWALL: That's something that - no matter your age, your gender9, where you live, your partisan10 affiliation11 - that people believe in large numbers.

MANN: Support is even higher - more than 70% - for making drug companies pay the cost of addiction treatment services and for the distribution of the drug naloxone, used to revive people who've overdosed. These results reflect a perilous12 moment for drug makers13 and distributors like Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson and McKesson. They're some of the biggest companies in the U.S., and they were once ranked among the most trusted. But speaking in Atlanta at an addiction conference yesterday, President Trump14 treated Big Pharma like pariahs15.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Because we are holding Big Pharma accountable. They should be accountable.


MANN: President Trump shared the stage with Tom Murphy, a state narcotics16 investigator17 from Virginia whose son died in 2017. He started using prescription18 painkillers after injuring his hand.


TOM MURPHY: Twelve days before Christmas, he passed away of a heroin19 and fentanyl overdose. His name was Matthew Jason Murphy.

MANN: The NPR/Ipsos survey found Americans directly affected in this way by the epidemic are even more eager to see drug companies held accountable. Big Pharma has already been flooded with more than 1,600 civil lawsuits20 stemming from the opioid crisis. This week, the Justice Department arrested executives who worked for a major drug distributor called Rochester Drug Cooperative, one of the companies that ships opioids from manufacturers to local pharmacies21.


JEFF BERMAN: It is the first time executives of a pharmaceutical22 distributor and the distributor itself have been charged with drug trafficking.

MANN: Jeff Berman is U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He says the company has admitted wrongdoing and agreed to pay a $20 million fine. Executives allegedly funneled23 prescription opioid pills to pharmacies that then sold them on the black market. At a press conference Tuesday, Berman made it clear this case reflects a shift by federal prosecutors24.


BERMAN: This epidemic has been driven by greed. Our office will do everything in its power to bring to justice anyone responsible for unlawfully fueling this opioid epidemic, and that includes executives who illegally distribute drugs from their boardrooms.

MANN: Company executives with a firm called Insys are already facing federal criminal charges in Boston relating to their marketing of prescription opioids. Jurors are deliberating in that case. Drug companies contacted by NPR in recent weeks maintained they acted responsibly - marketing opioids appropriately and helping25 respond to the addiction crisis. But the Ipsos/NPR survey found a majority of Americans aren't buying it. Seventy percent said even after companies pay fines and penalties, they should be forced to come clean, publicly disclosing details of the role they played fueling the epidemic.

Brian Mann, NPR News.



1 epidemic 5iTzz     
  • That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out.那种传染病早已绝迹。
  • The authorities tried to localise the epidemic.当局试图把流行病限制在局部范围。
2 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
3 marketing Boez7e     
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
4 addictive hJbyL     
  • The problem with video game is that they're addictive.电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。
  • Cigarettes are highly addictive.香烟很容易使人上瘾。
5 painkillers 1a67b54ddb73ea8c08a4e55aa1847a55     
n.止痛药( painkiller的名词复数 )
  • The doctor gave him some painkillers to ease the pain. 医生给了他一些止疼片以减缓疼痛。 来自辞典例句
  • The primary painkillers - opiates, like OxyContin - are widely feared, misunderstood and underused. 人们对主要的镇痛药——如鸦片剂奥施康定——存在广泛的恐惧、误解,因此没有充分利用。 来自时文部分
6 byline sSXyQ     
  • His byline was absent as well.他的署名也不见了。
  • We wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。
7 addiction JyEzS     
  • He stole money from his parents to feed his addiction.他从父母那儿偷钱以满足自己的嗜好。
  • Areas of drug dealing are hellholes of addiction,poverty and murder.贩卖毒品的地区往往是吸毒上瘾、贫困和发生谋杀的地方。
8 affected TzUzg0     
  • She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
  • His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。
9 gender slSyD     
  • French differs from English in having gender for all nouns.法语不同于英语,所有的名词都有性。
  • Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.妇女有时仅仅因为性别而无法获得种种机会。
10 partisan w4ZzY     
  • In their anger they forget all the partisan quarrels.愤怒之中,他们忘掉一切党派之争。
  • The numerous newly created partisan detachments began working slowly towards that region.许多新建的游击队都开始慢慢地向那里移动。
11 affiliation MKnya     
  • There is no affiliation between our organization and theirs,even though our names are similar.尽管两个组织的名称相似,但我们之间并没有关系。
  • The kidnappers had no affiliation with any militant group.这些绑架者与任何军事组织都没有紧密联系。
12 perilous E3xz6     
  • The journey through the jungle was perilous.穿过丛林的旅行充满了危险。
  • We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis.历经一连串危机,我们如今已安然无恙。
13 makers 22a4efff03ac42c1785d09a48313d352     
  • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
  • The makers are about to launch out a new product. 制造商们马上要生产一种新产品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 trump LU1zK     
  • He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown.他始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
  • The coach saved his star player for a trump card.教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
15 pariahs 3ca66f19c1adc46295017bf7f86ac3e8     
n.被社会遗弃者( pariah的名词复数 );贱民
  • Despite the trading frenzy, Fannie and Freddie have become pariahs. 尽管他们仍旧被疯狂的交易着,但是两房已经沦为末流。 来自互联网
  • This effect remains until the Pariahs are eliminated. 直到贱民的这一个效果残余物被除去。 来自互联网
16 narcotics 6c5fe7d3dc96f0626f1c875799f8ddb1     
n.麻醉药( narcotic的名词复数 );毒品;毒
  • The use of narcotics by teenagers is a problem in many countries. 青少年服用麻醉药在许多国家中都是一个问题。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Police shook down the club, looking for narcotics. 警方彻底搜查了这个俱乐部,寻找麻醉品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
17 investigator zRQzo     
  • He was a special investigator for the FBI.他是联邦调查局的特别调查员。
  • The investigator was able to deduce the crime and find the criminal.调查者能够推出犯罪过程并锁定罪犯。
18 prescription u1vzA     
  • The physician made a prescription against sea- sickness for him.医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。
  • The drug is available on prescription only.这种药只能凭处方购买。
19 heroin IrSzHX     
  • Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.海关查获了有史以来最大的一批海洛因。
  • Heroin has been smuggled out by sea.海洛因已从海上偷运出境。
20 lawsuits 1878e62a5ca1482cc4ae9e93dcf74d69     
n.诉讼( lawsuit的名词复数 )
  • Lawsuits involving property rights and farming and grazing rights increased markedly. 涉及财产权,耕作与放牧权的诉讼案件显著地增加。 来自辞典例句
  • I've lost and won more lawsuits than any man in England. 全英国的人算我官司打得最多,赢的也多,输的也多。 来自辞典例句
21 pharmacies a19950a91ea1800ed5273a89663d2855     
  • Still, 32 percent of the pharmacies filled the prescriptions. 但仍然有32%的药剂师配发了这两张药方。 来自互联网
  • Chinese herbal pharmacies, and traditional massage therapists in the Vancouver telephone book. 中药店,和传统的按摩师在温哥华的电话簿里。 来自互联网
22 pharmaceutical f30zR     
  • She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory.她捐款成立了一个药剂实验室。
  • We are engaged in a legal tussle with a large pharmaceutical company.我们正同一家大制药公司闹法律纠纷。
23 funneled 2110cc27d60e873203472314639a3c8a     
  • The crowd funneled through the hall. 群众从走廊中鱼贯而过。
  • The large crowd funneled out of the gates after the football match. 足球赛后大群人从各个门中涌出。
24 prosecutors a638e6811c029cb82f180298861e21e9     
检举人( prosecutor的名词复数 ); 告发人; 起诉人; 公诉人
  • In some places,public prosecutors are elected rather than appointed. 在有些地方,检察官是经选举而非任命产生的。 来自口语例句
  • You've been summoned to the Prosecutors' Office, 2 days later. 你在两天以后被宣到了检察官的办公室。
25 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。

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