
全球社会热点新闻 投资天才—渡边太太

时间:2022-06-22 08:42:13



Investing genius-Mrs. Watanabes


Nakako Ishiyama sits quietly in the living room of her apartment in the old Nihonbashi quarter of Tokyo, not far from its famous stone bridge—the point from which, in Edo times, all distances in Japan were measured. The neighboudiood was once part of the city’s financial district, and Ishiyama’s flat is strolling distance from the Bank of Japan, the venerable institution that controls the amount of yen1 in circulation and, via the interest rate it sets,the cost of money.


Ishiyama serves green tea and autumn chestnut2 biscuits. She has been telling me about her investment history since around 2000~the time, not coincidentally, when the Bank of Japan first pushed interest rates down to within a hair’s breadth of zero. Largely without the knowledge of her husband, Ishiyama began investing the couple’s money,mainly in lots of around $ 50,000. And didn’t stop. Each ftmd in which she entrusted3 their retirement4 nest egg or toranoko, ‘tiger’s cub”, in Japanese- has a more elaborate name than the last. As she lists each one, she invariably adds as a suffix5 the words nantoka nantoka-“something or other” or "thingamajig," It is not altogether reassuring6.

石山仲子端上一杯绿茶和一些秋栗酥。她向我讲述了自2000年以来她投资的经历。那时,日本央行首开先河将利率下调接近于零的水平,这并非偶然。在她的丈夫基本上不知情的情况下,她开始将夫妇俩攒下的大约5万美元用于投资。从那时起,她的投资活动就没停止过。对每一笔投资,她都用日语起了一个名字,比如“棺材本”、“虎崽”,名字一个比一个取得更用心。她列出每笔投资时,时不时在之后 加注上“某”、“之类的”这些后缀。总之,她自己心里也不是很有谱。

Shy and anxious (she refused to be photographed), 66-year-old Ishiyama does not look like someone who has played a role-however modest—in the drama that has engulfed7 the global financial system. Yet she and many of her peers have done exactly that. Japan’s housewives have acted as the guardians8 of the country’s vast household savings9 built up since its rise to prosperity after the devastation10 of war. At more than ¥ l,500,000bn (some $16,800bn),these savings are considered the world’s biggest pool of investable wealth. Most of it is stashed11 in ordinary Japanese bank accounts; a surprisingly large amount is kept at home in cash, in tansu savings, named for the traditional wooden cupboards in which people store their possessions. But from the early 2000$, the housewives—often referred to collectively as ”Mrs. Watanabe”, a common Japanese surname—began to hunt for higher returns.


Many were dissatisfied with the paltry12 interest rates banks were offering. The 0.02 percent return on a typical fixed-term deposit was so derisory that the annual payment on even substantial lifetime savings might come to a mere13 few hundred yen. “If you got a puncture14 on ttie way to the bank, you1 d be out of pocket,scoffs Ishiyama. She, like hundreds of tiiousands of others, found more appealing returns in foreign bonds and other overseas investments. "I was walking in tiie street and I saw a poster advertising15 a 5 percent interest rate. I got quite giddy with the idea,” she says, “I saw TV advertisements with everyone grinning and I thought: "I suppose it should be OK. ”


It wasn’t long before the markets began to notice something was stirring. In the first half of 2003, individual Japanese investors16 bought 2,700bn yen of foreign bonds, easily a record. Brokers17 were delighted, partly because they made a killing18 on fees. But there was nervous chatter19, too: if Japanese housewives opened the floodgates and sluiced20 money abroad, there could be a collapse21 in Japan’s enormous government bond market. Hitherto, the large sums of money trapped inside the country in savings had allowed the government to negotiate remarkably22 low rates of interest on the country’s massive foreign debt.


Professional traders began to study Mrs. Watanabe,s every move. She impressed them by holding her nerve whenever the yen teitqwrarily strengthened, using each occasion as an opportunity to buy more foreign assets at knockdown prices. The lines of Mrs. Watanabes outside banks and brokerages became a barometer23 of what might happen to the yen. While highly-paid foreign-exchange traders dithered, Mrs. Watanabe cashed in and began to acquire the reputation of an investing genius. Some professionals quietly began to do whatever Mrs. Watanabe was doing.




1 yen JfSwN     
n. 日元;热望
  • He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen.他想将美元换成日币。
  • He has a yen to be alone in a boat.他渴望独自呆在一条船上。
2 chestnut XnJy8     
  • We have a chestnut tree in the bottom of our garden.我们的花园尽头有一棵栗树。
  • In summer we had tea outdoors,under the chestnut tree.夏天我们在室外栗树下喝茶。
3 entrusted be9f0db83b06252a0a462773113f94fa     
v.委托,托付( entrust的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He entrusted the task to his nephew. 他把这任务托付给了他的侄儿。
  • She was entrusted with the direction of the project. 她受委托负责这项计划。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 retirement TWoxH     
  • She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。
  • I have to put everything away for my retirement.我必须把一切都积蓄起来以便退休后用。
5 suffix AhMzMc     
  • We add the suffix "ly" to make the adjective "quick" into the adverb " quickly ".我们在形容词“ quick”后加“ly” 构成副词“quickly”。
  • It described the meaning of suffix array and also how to built it.它描述的含义,后缀数组以及如何建立它。
6 reassuring vkbzHi     
  • He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 他轻拍了一下她的肩膀让她放心。
  • With a reassuring pat on her arm, he left. 他鼓励地拍了拍她的手臂就离开了。
7 engulfed 52ce6eb2bc4825e9ce4b243448ffecb3     
v.吞没,包住( engulf的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters. 他被一群记者团团围住。
  • The little boat was engulfed by the waves. 小船被波浪吞没了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 guardians 648b3519bd4469e1a48dff4dc4827315     
监护人( guardian的名词复数 ); 保护者,维护者
  • Farmers should be guardians of the countryside. 农民应是乡村的保卫者。
  • The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是法律和秩序的护卫者。
9 savings ZjbzGu     
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
10 devastation ku9zlF     
  • The bomb caused widespread devastation. 炸弹造成大面积破坏。
  • There was devastation on every side. 到处都是破坏的创伤。 来自《简明英汉词典》
11 stashed 07562c5864f6b713d22604f8e1e43dae     
v.贮藏( stash的过去式和过去分词 );隐藏;藏匿;藏起
  • She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts. 她有一大笔钱存在几个不同的银行账户下。
  • She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts. 她在不同的银行账户上秘密储存了一大笔钱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 paltry 34Cz0     
  • The parents had little interest in paltry domestic concerns.那些家长对家里鸡毛蒜皮的小事没什么兴趣。
  • I'm getting angry;and if you don't command that paltry spirit of yours.我要生气了,如果你不能振作你那点元气。
13 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
14 puncture uSUxj     
  • Failure did not puncture my confidence.失败并没有挫伤我的信心。
  • My bicycle had a puncture and needed patching up.我的自行车胎扎了个洞,需要修补。
15 advertising 1zjzi3     
n.广告业;广告活动 a.广告的;广告业务的
  • Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising? 你能指点我如何涉足广告业吗?
  • The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。
16 investors dffc64354445b947454450e472276b99     
n.投资者,出资者( investor的名词复数 )
  • a con man who bilked investors out of millions of dollars 诈取投资者几百万元的骗子
  • a cash bonanza for investors 投资者的赚钱机会
17 brokers 75d889d756f7fbea24ad402e01a65b20     
n.(股票、外币等)经纪人( broker的名词复数 );中间人;代理商;(订合同的)中人v.做掮客(或中人等)( broker的第三人称单数 );作为权力经纪人进行谈判;以中间人等身份安排…
  • The firm in question was Alsbery & Co., whiskey brokers. 那家公司叫阿尔斯伯里公司,经销威士忌。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • From time to time a telephone would ring in the brokers' offices. 那两排经纪人房间里不时响着叮令的电话。 来自子夜部分
18 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
19 chatter BUfyN     
  • Her continuous chatter vexes me.她的喋喋不休使我烦透了。
  • I've had enough of their continual chatter.我已厌烦了他们喋喋不休的闲谈。
20 sluiced 63b3c180c65d5edf6da5cdc579d7dab7     
v.冲洗( sluice的过去式和过去分词 );(指水)喷涌而出;漂净;给…安装水闸
  • The sailors sluiced the deck with hoses. 水手们用水龙带冲洗甲板。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • He sluiced the bath and filled it with water. 他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。 来自辞典例句
21 collapse aWvyE     
  • The country's economy is on the verge of collapse.国家的经济已到了崩溃的边缘。
  • The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the bridge's collapse.工程师对桥的倒塌做了一次彻底的调查分析。
22 remarkably EkPzTW     
  • I thought she was remarkably restrained in the circumstances. 我认为她在那种情况下非常克制。
  • He made a remarkably swift recovery. 他康复得相当快。
23 barometer fPLyP     
  • The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.气压表表明气压在继续下降。
  • The arrow on the barometer was pointing to"stormy".气压计上的箭头指向“有暴风雨”。

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