
高考英语作文高分必备 实践篇 029

时间:2009-01-03 01:38:03



  How the boy got on the bike ?
How did the boy go on his bike ? Look at these pictures, the boy in the pictures is going to get on his bike.Firstly, he puts his hands on the handlebars and his left foot on the left paddle.Next he pushes the ground two or three times with his right foot until the bike is moving. Then he raises his right leg over the saddle1.After that, he puts his right foot on the right paddle.Push the paddle down and rode himself onto the saddle.Now the boy is on the bike.



1 saddle 9C9z5     
  • The bicycle saddle is too high for this child.这辆自行车车座对这孩子来说太高了。
  • We got the order to saddle up just after dawn.我们得到命令,天一亮就要上好马鞍。

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