
高考英语作文高分必备 实践篇 054

时间:2009-01-03 03:27:03



Nowadays almost every family has the TV sets and almost everyone likes watching TV. TV becomes a part of our lives. TV has many advantages. It informs us of the latest news that happened in the world. It can open our eyes and enlarge1 our knowledge and also help us to know more about the world.However, it also has some disadvantages. Many people waste too much time in watching TV in their normal life and work ineffective. To those children who spend too much time in watching TV, it can do harm to their sight and health. In a word, we should take the advantage of TV and control our time on watching TV



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  • This book is intended to enlarge vocabulary.这本书的目的是为了扩大词汇量。

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