

时间:2009-10-16 03:13:07



Lesson 44 Geometry Class 几何课




compute1 vt. 计算


concave adj. 凹的


conceal2 vt. 隐藏,隐瞒


concede v. (不情愿地)承认;让步;承认失败


conceit3 n. 自负,自高自大


conceive vt. 构思,设想


concentric adj. 同心的


concept n. 概念,观念


conception n. 概念,认识


conceptual adj. 概念上的


concert n. 音乐会;一致,一起


concerted adj. 商议好的,协定的


concerto4 n. 协奏曲


conciliatory adj. 调和的,抚慰的


concise5 adj. 简洁的,简明的


conclude v. 推断;做出结论;vi.结束


conclusive6 adj. 决定性的;最后的


concoct7 v. 调制;编造,虚构


concomitant adj. 伴随而来的


concord8 n. 和睦


“You have to conceal your boredom,” John whispered to me, waking me from my nap.


“I can’t conceive of a way to hide it,” I replied with a yawn. I had been sitting in geometry class for two hours, waiting for the professor to conclude his lecture about concentric circles and concaved figures. I understand the concept of geometry but how often am I really going to use it in everyday life? When would I ever need to compute the circumference9 of a circle? I’m not very interested in conceptual thinking. I’m more interested in studying about how to maintain concord between neighboring third-world countries.


“Are you going to the concert tonight?” John whispered again. “They’re playing a wonderful new concerto. You make a conciliatory gesture towards Jane by inviting10 her to come with you.”


“Sorry John, I have basketball practice,” I replied. “My foolish conceit and male pride won’t allow me to contact Jane. She slapped my face last time. That’s a pretty conclusive statement, wouldn’t you agree? Anyway, I’m not ready for a relationship and all the concomitant pain that comes with it.”


“Your conception of a relationship is a bit warped11.” John whispered back. “All that’s required is a concerted effort between two people. Perhaps you should be more concise when you talk to Jane about your feelings.”


“Enough! I concede!” I replied with a grin. “I’ll invite your sister to the concert. But I’m going to need your help to concoct a story that will help me save face!”















1 compute 7XMyQ     
  • I compute my losses at 500 dollars.我估计我的损失有五百元。
  • The losses caused by the floods were beyond compute.洪水造成的损失难以估量。
2 conceal DpYzt     
  • He had to conceal his identity to escape the police.为了躲避警方,他只好隐瞒身份。
  • He could hardly conceal his joy at his departure.他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。
3 conceit raVyy     
  • As conceit makes one lag behind,so modesty helps one make progress.骄傲使人落后,谦虚使人进步。
  • She seems to be eaten up with her own conceit.她仿佛已经被骄傲冲昏了头脑。
4 concerto JpEzs     
  • The piano concerto was well rendered.钢琴协奏曲演奏得很好。
  • The concert ended with a Mozart violin concerto.音乐会在莫扎特的小提琴协奏曲中结束。
5 concise dY5yx     
  • The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.这部词典里的释义简明扼要。
  • I gave a concise answer about this.我对于此事给了一个简要的答复。
6 conclusive TYjyw     
  • They produced some fairly conclusive evidence.他们提供了一些相当确凿的证据。
  • Franklin did not believe that the French tests were conclusive.富兰克林不相信这个法国人的实验是结论性的。
7 concoct vOoz0     
  • I gave her a tip on how to concoct a new kind of soup.我教她配制一种新汤的诀窍。
  • I began to concoct explanations of my own.我开始思考自己的解释。
8 concord 9YDzx     
  • These states had lived in concord for centuries.这些国家几个世纪以来一直和睦相处。
  • His speech did nothing for racial concord.他的讲话对种族和谐没有作用。
9 circumference HOszh     
  • It's a mile round the circumference of the field.运动场周长一英里。
  • The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate.圆的直径与圆周有相互关系。
10 inviting CqIzNp     
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
11 warped f1a38e3bf30c41ab80f0dce53b0da015     
adj.反常的;乖戾的;(变)弯曲的;变形的v.弄弯,变歪( warp的过去式和过去分词 );使(行为等)不合情理,使乖戾,
  • a warped sense of humour 畸形的幽默感
  • The board has warped. 木板翘了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》

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