

时间:2010-04-14 05:31:30



B: what do you think about the public service advertisement for quiting smoking?

N: while I think it's great that they're trying to get people to quit smoking, but I don't really care for the advertisement.

B: why not?

N: the fish hook that they use is quite disturbing!

B: it's a pun. They use the fish hook to make you think about how you can get "hooked" on smoking.

N: I know, but I think it's not really appropriate for young children.

B: I think they're trying to scare the young people so that they don't ever start smoking.

N: all advertisers like to catch young people because they know the meaning of loyalty1.

B: perhaps you're right,, though. Maybe the advertisement would be more effective with adults anyhow.

N: I have nothing against them putting the advertisements in magazines and newspapers that are read by adults, but I don't think they should have their ad on billboards3 where children can see them.

B: that's a good point. I think I was so delighted to see that a billboard2 was being used to promote health that I didn't think about how children might understand the ad.

N: you have to give them credit, though. It's about time people started becoming more aware of the dangers of smoking.
1.Disturbing: making you feel anxious and upset or shocked 引起烦恼的;令人不安的;引起恐慌的
a disturbing piece of news 一则令人不安的消息

2.pun: the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same 双关语 ~ (on sth)
We're banking4 on them lending us the money─no pun intended! 我们正指望他们借给我们钱呢 bank 绝无双关之意!

3.Delighted: very pleased 高兴的;愉快的;快乐的 adjective ~ (to do sth) ~ (that…) ~ (by/at/with sth)
a delighted smile 愉快的微笑
I'd be absolutely delighted to come. 我非常乐意前来.
I was delighted that you could stay. 你能留下来我很高兴.
She was delighted by/at the news of the wedding. 听到婚礼的消息她很高兴.
I was delighted with my presents. 我对我收到的礼物很满意.

4.Credit: praise or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened 赞扬;称赞;认可 uncountable ~ (for sth)
He's a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves. 他这个选手好像很少得到应得的赞扬.
I can't take all the credit for the show's success─it was a team effort. 演出成功不能都算成我一个人的功劳,这是集体努力的结果.
We did all the work and she gets all the credit! 工作都是我们干的,而功劳却都归了她!
Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar. 考试中拼写和语法出色者将受到表扬.
At least give him credit for trying(= praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed). 至少该表扬他尝试过.




1 loyalty gA9xu     
  • She told him the truth from a sense of loyalty.她告诉他真相是出于忠诚。
  • His loyalty to his friends was never in doubt.他对朋友的一片忠心从来没受到怀疑。
2 billboard Ttrzj     
  • He ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business.他把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。
  • Billboard spreads will be simpler and more eye-catching.广告牌广告会比较简单且更引人注目。
3 billboards 984a8d026956f1fd68b7105fc9074edf     
n.广告牌( billboard的名词复数 )
  • Large billboards have disfigured the scenery. 大型告示板已破坏了景色。 来自辞典例句
  • Then, put the logo in magazines and on billboards without telling anyone what it means. 接着我们把这个商标刊在杂志和广告看板上,却不跟任何人透漏它的涵意。 来自常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年4月号
4 banking aySz20     
  • John is launching his son on a career in banking.约翰打算让儿子在银行界谋一个新职位。
  • He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.他具有广博的银行业务知识。

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