
欢乐美语:Write for the Job 求职信

时间:2005-11-22 16:00:00




Today on TUNING2 IN THE U.S.A., Robbie Stewart tries to get a job. He wants to earn money to buy a car. We join Robbie at the offices of his hometown newspaper. He would like to work at the newspaper as a reporter. But the newspaper needs to fill a different job.


Robbie: Here’s my job application.

Secretary: Let me see. Do we have all the information? Robbie Stewart, age seventeen, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York, Telephone?

Robbie: 555- 3090. That’s my parents, phone, of course.

Secretary: And they are [reading] Philip and Ellen Stewart. Do you have other work experience?

Robbie: Just helping3 around the house. I have certain things to do every week, liking4 washing the car. And then my dad pays me extra or jobs like painting and mowing5 the lawn6.

Secretary: I see. Well, that sounds just fine.

Robbie: That’s good enough?

Secretary: I think so. But I have to give your application to Mrs. Ling. She’s in charge of hiring new workers. She’ll call you in a few days.

Robbie: Is that all?

Secretary: That’s all!

Robbie: Thank you.

Secretary: Oh, one more thing. Do you have our own bicycle?

Robbie: Yes. Why do you ask that?

Secretary: Well, you’ll need a bike to deliver the papers7 to the homes of our readers. Some of our newspaper delivery8 routes9 are quite long.

Robbie: Newspaper delivery routes?

Secretary: Yes. I think Mrs. Ling will be very pleased with your application. We need good, strong riders10.

Robbie: [He laughs.] Wait a minute! I wasn’t looking for that job.

Secretary: No?

Robbie: Uh-uh. I want a job as a reporter!

Secretary: A reporter? But you have no experience as a reporter.

Robbie: I write for my school newspaper.

Secretary: That’s fine. But all of our reporters have college degrees. And some of them have years of writing experience.

Robbie: But how can I get years of experience without getting a job first?

Secretary: Well, I’ll give this application to Mrs. Ling. But I don’t think you’ll get a reporting job.

Robbie: May I say hello to one of your reporters, Mr. Bill MacDonald? He came to my house one time to talk to my sister.

Secretary: I’ll call him. [She uses the telephone.] Bill, a young man is here to see you. His name is Robbie Stewart. He says you interviewed his sister. I’ll send him in. [to Robbie] He’s busy now, but you can see him in just a few minutes.

Robbie: That’s great! Thanks.

Secretary: Take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Here. Take a look at this newspaper. It’s today’s edition. Robbie, may I make a suggestion?

Robbie: Yes?

Secretary: There is a list of jobs in the newspaper, the help-wanted ads. They start on page twenty-five.

Introduction to act II

This time on Tuning in The U.S.A., Robbie is in the office of a newspaper reporter, Bill MacDonald. Robbie would like to get a job writing for Mr. MacDonald’s newspaper. But he’s young, and he doesn’t have much experience. Mr. MacDonald offers Robbie some suggestions to help him get started as a writer. Then a messenger11 arrives, and Robbie and Mr. Macdonald get a new idea.

Act II

Bill: Hmm. Well, you decided12 to buy a car. But to get money to buy a car, you need a job. And so you want to be a reporter for this newspaper?

Bobbie: That’s partly right. There’s another reason. You wrote a newspaper article about my sister Susan. She had the idea to give toys to children in hospitals.

Bi: Yes. Of course.

Ro: Well, many people read your article, and now some of them want to help. And that kind of help makes the whole toy program possible. It’s just that I see it now. Journalism13 makes things happen.

Bi: Well, your sister had a good idea. And reporters like me like to write about good ideas.

Ro: I like that! [He thinks] A reporter…

Bi: Robbie, no one here will give you a job as a reporter. Not yet, anyway. But give me something interesting and well written, and I’ll show it to the editor, Mr. Maxwell.

Ro: You mean people like me do write articles?

Bi: Sometimes. We don’t always publish them, but sometimes we print a good story from someone like you. Now, we don’t pay much.

Ro: Oh no. I understand. I want to thank you, Mr. Macdonald. I’m going home now to start thinking about something to write.

Bi: I’m happy to help. Call me anytime.

Ro: I will.

Bi: By the way, Robbie, what about your job? Your car? Did you check the help-wanted ads?

Ro: I did, but with no luck. I’m still…

[We hear the secretary’s voice on the intercom.]

Secretary: Package from Speedy Messenger Service, Bill. Shall I send the messenger in?

Bill: Send him in.

Robbie: I’m still a student, Mr. Macdonald. I can only work part-time.

Bi: Hmm, Good part-time work is hard to find.

Messenger: [He enters.] Are you Mr. Macdonald?

Bi: Yes.

Me: I have a package for you.

Bi: Great! You got here quickly. I just called for this package.

Me: They call us Speedy for a good reason.

Bi: You must have a fast bicycle.

Me: Yes, I do. It’s a good one.

Bi: Should I sign right here?

Me: That’s the place.

Bi: [He signs his name.] Thank you. Just a moment! Young man? Uh, what can you tell us about being a bicycle messenger?

Me: It’s an Ok job. I can work a lot, or I can work a little. I can go fast and make a lot of money, or I can go slow and make less. It’s a good job.

Bi: Hmm. Well, thanks. And goodbye.

Me: You’re welcome. [He leaves.]

Bi: Well, Robbie, do you own good bicycle?

Robbie: I sure do. You know, being a messenger may be the job for me.



1 introduction QaSzx     
  • The introduction tells you how to use the book.引言告诉你怎样使用这本书。
  • A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。
2 tuning 8700ed4820c703ee62c092f05901ecfc     
n.调谐,调整,调音v.调音( tune的现在分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • They are tuning up a plane on the flight line. 他们正在机场的飞机跑道上调试一架飞机。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The orchestra are tuning up. 管弦乐队在定弦。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 helping 2rGzDc     
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
4 liking mpXzQ5     
  • The word palate also means taste or liking.Palate这个词也有“口味”或“嗜好”的意思。
  • I must admit I have no liking for exaggeration.我必须承认我不喜欢夸大其词。
5 mowing 2624de577751cbaf6c6d7c6a554512ef     
n.割草,一次收割量,牧草地v.刈,割( mow的现在分词 )
  • The lawn needs mowing. 这草坪的草该割了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • "Do you use it for mowing?" “你是用它割草么?” 来自汉英文学 - 中国现代小说
6 lawn u9Bz4     
  • The lawn was crawling with ants.草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。
  • They are lying on a grassy lawn.他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。
7 papers qmQzJz     
  • I want to check with my secretary before I sign the papers.在签署这些文件前,我要与我的秘书商议。
  • The lawyer read all the papers relating to the case.律师阅读了与该案有关的全部文件。
8 delivery QxhxY     
  • The strike caused a great delay in the delivery of the mail.这次罢工严重地延误了邮件的投递。
  • He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员。
9 routes 1755347e5f6a762b84a3f6512a3e4e53     
n.路( route的名词复数 );(公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线;途径;渠道
  • Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. 驾车者被告知需另寻其他路线。
  • The company plans to run trains on key intercity routes. 公司计划在主要城际路线上开通火车。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 riders bc3cc5db6bc6041e77d37a99c86254b9     
骑(马、自行车等)的人( rider的名词复数 ); 乘客; 附文; 附加条款
  • a group of riders strung out along the beach 沿海滩散开的一队骑手
  • The riders came trotting down the lane. 这骑手骑着马在小路上慢跑。
11 messenger DCzxM     
  • By the time the messenger reached him,the damage had been done.送信人赶到他那儿时,损失已经造成了。
  • I'll order a special messenger to deliver the document.我会派专人把文件送去。
12 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
13 journalism kpZzu8     
  • He's a teacher but he does some journalism on the side.他是教师,可还兼职做一些新闻工作。
  • He had an aptitude for journalism.他有从事新闻工作的才能。

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