
欢乐美语:A Newspaper Deadline 初试锋芒

时间:2005-11-22 16:00:00



Today on TUNING2 IN THE U.S.A., Grandpa and Robbie are at the Stewart home in Riverdale. Robbie wants to write a newspaper article about his trip out West. But where is he going to begin? How is he going to write just one article about the Navajo reservation3 in Arizona, the Navajo people, and all his personal experiences? He calls reporter at the Riverdale newspaper and gets some good advice.
Act I
Grandpa: Robbie? Are you in there?
Robbie: Come on in, Grandpa.
Gr: Why the loud music?
Ro: For inspiration4.
Gr: Inspiration? Are you going to paint a picture or something?
Ro: No. It’s for my article. For the newspaper.
Gr: Oh. No ideas, huh?
Ro: Wrong. Too many ideas!
Gr: Too many? Is that a problem?
Ro: It is if you have to put them all in one article, and you can use only a thousand words.
Gr: A thousand! That sounds like a lot to me.
Ro: It isn’t a lot, not if you want to describe the Navajo reservation.
Gr: Oh. I see.
Ro: Do you have any ideas?
Gr: Sure. If you’re sick, call a doctor. If your house is on fire, call a fireman. If you have to write something…
Ro: Call a writer!
Gr: That’s it!
Ro: Bill MacDonald.
Gr: Who?
Ro: The reporter Bill MacDonald. I talked to him at the newspaper. He’ll remember me. [He goes to the phone to dial Bill MacDonald’s number.] I’ll call him right now.
Gr: Let me turn down the music for you.
Ro: Thanks, Grandpa.
Gr: My pleasure. [He turns down the music.]
Receptionist5: Riverdale News. May I help you?
Ro: Hello? I’d like to speak with Bill MacDonald, Please.
Re: Just a moment, please.
Ro: [to himself] Why didn’t I think of this? Call a writer!
Bill: Hello?
Ro: Hello. Mr MacDonald? This is Robbie Stewart. We met when you-
Bill: Robbie! How are you doing?
Ro: Fine. I just got back from out West, and I’m trying to write an article for your newspaper.
Bi: What is your article about?
Ro: It’s about the Navajos. You know, Indians, Native Americans.
Bi: It sounds like your subject is too big. You can’t write one article about all of the Navajo people.
Ro: Exactly. How do I get all that information into one article?
Bi: Don’t even try. You have to find a better way.
Ro: Like what?
Bi: Well, how about starting with a title like “A Day in the Life of a Navajo Child”? Something like that. Use that as your main idea. Or maybe describe the Navajos through the eyes of a young man from Riverdale, New York.
Ro: That’s a great idea!
Bi: I’m looking forward to reading your story. I’ll give you forty-eight hours to finish it.
Ro: But-
Bi: Stop talking and start writing!
Ro: Ok. Thanks. See you in a couple of days.
This time on Tuning in the U.S.A., we’re with Robbie Stewart at the Riverdale newspaper office. Robbie has written an article about his trip out West. His friend, reporter Bill MacDonald, likes the story and sends Robbie to see the editor. It’s an important moment in Robbie’s life. What will the editor think of Robbie’s writing?
Act II
Robbie: [He enters Bill MacDonald’s office.] Hello, Mr. MacDonald.
Bill: Robbie, how are you?
Robbie: Pretty good. I finished my article.
Bill: Great! Let’s have a look at it.
Robbie: Sure. Here. [He gives the article to Mr. MacDonald.] But it’s probably too short. I didn’t have much time. I-
Bill: Never make excuses, Robbie. Do your best, and be proud of it. Let’s see. [He begins to read Robbie’s article.] Your opening sentence is good. Yup. Um-hmm. Um-hmm. I like your description of the Navajo reservation.
Robbie: Well?
Bill: Yup. Your article looks pretty good. I like the idea. Teaching6 the old ways of living beside the new. Look, why don’t you take it to the editor right now?
Ro: The editor! But-
Bi: His name is Maxwell. Charles Maxwell-a nice guy. Tell him I sent you.
Ro: But-
Bi: Just go!
Ro: [to himself] The editor! I don’t believe it. [He leaves to find the editor’s office. He takes a deep breath7 and knocks at the door.] This is it.
Ma: Come in. Yes?
Ro: Mr. Maxwell?
Ma: Mr. Maxwell, yes. Charlie Maxwell. What can I do for you?
Ro: Mr. Maxwell. I-Bill MacDonald sent me. I wrote this article.
Ma: Oh. Well, have a seat. Let me see.
Ro: Thank you. [He gives him the article.]
Ma: Interesting title. Umm-hmm. “The old ways live on in the hearts of Navajo children.” Good.
Ro: Is it Ok?
Ma: Not bad. Maybe we can use it for the Sunday paper. But look. And some of your sentences are much too long. Rewrite it, and get it back to me.
Ro: Ok. When do we want it?
Ma: Can you do it by five o’clock?
Ro: Five o’clock? I can try.
Ma: You can sit at any empty desk out there and rewrite this. By five o’clock. Ok?
Ro: Does this mean I have a job?
Ma: Nope. But I’ll buy this article for twenty-five dollars. First, graduate from journalism8 school, then come see me about a job. Hmm… you are going to journalism school, aren’t you?
Ro: I… I’m going to college next year, so I’m sure I’ll be studying journalism.
Ma: Good. Now get to work. You’ve got two hours.
Ro: Yes, sir!



1 introduction QaSzx     
  • The introduction tells you how to use the book.引言告诉你怎样使用这本书。
  • A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。
2 tuning 8700ed4820c703ee62c092f05901ecfc     
n.调谐,调整,调音v.调音( tune的现在分词 );调整;(给收音机、电视等)调谐;使协调
  • They are tuning up a plane on the flight line. 他们正在机场的飞机跑道上调试一架飞机。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The orchestra are tuning up. 管弦乐队在定弦。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
3 reservation VWBxo     
  • The instruction should be carried out without any reservation.应当不折不扣地执行这个指示。
  • I accept your statement without reservation.我完全相信你的话。
4 inspiration SbLzL     
  • These events provided the inspiration for his first novel.这些事件给了他创作第一部小说的灵感。
  • What an inspiration she was to all around her!她对于她周围所有的人是一种多么大的鼓舞!
5 receptionist hknzIx     
  • The girl is a receptionist of the Beijing Hotel.这个女孩是北京饭店的前台接待员。
  • Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.让接待员把你的电话接到我房间。
6 teaching ngEziT     
  • We all agree in adopting the new teaching method. 我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。
  • He created a new system of teaching foreign languages.他创造了一种新的外语教学体系。
7 breath 9SCyv     
  • I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.我正要出去呼吸新鲜空气。
  • While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.那老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。
8 journalism kpZzu8     
  • He's a teacher but he does some journalism on the side.他是教师,可还兼职做一些新闻工作。
  • He had an aptitude for journalism.他有从事新闻工作的才能。

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