what makes someone`s sound sexy? to get the scientific viewpoint, researchers gaged volunteers responses to different voices.the conclusion: voices co...
When the first shots were fired at JFK's murder case,police couldn't immediately locate the gunman based on the sound alone. Today, the technology exi...
Chimps show other chimps how to use tools. My roommate showed me some tricks to make better scrambled eggs. Group members teaching each other is calle...
I am in full reporter,are you gonna look at this cons first? which one? I am gonna bluff anyone.the good poker face can hide the quality of the cards,...
If you've ever tried out a flirt up at a party or a club or maybe a construction side, you'll know it can be tough making yourself heard above the din...
People with asthma crog constructive pollenary disease and other breathing disorders need fast relief with airway tighten-up.unfortunately the most co...
Day and night existed long before the first primitive cells coming into being. And that light/dark cycle left its mark on nearly every living thing, m...
Some Eco-tourism often visiter close container with different species. But new research suggests that this activity may not be so great for the animal...
About six million people worldwide post to Twitter, producing some 650,000 new tweets daily. And one percent of these posts include geographic locatio...