But personal DNA machines can also save human lives. 但个人DNA检测器还可以挽救人类的生命。 Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University ...
You would have thought, Wow! I can now call my Aunt Glenda from the car and wish her a happy birthday. 你一定会想:哇喔!我现在可以在车里打电话给我姨...
This ability to make copies of DNA, as simple as it sounds, has transformed our world. DNA的这种复制能力听起来很简单,却改变了我们的世界。 Scientists ...
DNA is the fundamental molecule the carries genetic instructions that help build the living world. DNA是携带遗传指令最基本的分子,帮助建造了生机勃勃的...
Imagine that you're a pig farmer. You live on a small farm in the Philippines. 想象你是一个养猪户。你住在一个菲律宾的小农场。 Your animals are your fa...
And I want to bring this back finally to the original question I asked, which is, 最后我想要回到最初我常被问到的那个问题, would I feel comfortable le...
But in order for us to actually realize the benefits of technology that can prevent concussion, it needs to meet regulations. 但为了真正利用这一可以预...
So how can we slow the head down? 那我们该如何减缓头部的向下移动? A gigantic helmet. So with more space, you have more time, and this is a bit of a j...
Now, what's there at the bottom of this fissure? 所以,裂缝的底部有什么? It's the wiring of your brain, and in fact this red bundle here at the botto...
Now, this device is only limited in such that it can measure the skull motion, 当下,这个设备仅能测量出颅骨的运动, but what we really want to know is...