I realized that, as I worked on improving AI task by task, dataset by dataset, 我了解到,当我努力在改善人工智能,一个任务一个任务、一个数据集一个数据...
So, digging more deeply into this, 因此,深入挖掘这一点, a few years ago I began working on helping computers to generate human-like stories from seq...
I work on helping computers communicate about the world around us. 我致力于协助电脑和我们周围世界的沟通。 There are a lot of ways to do this, and I li...
Now this is just a little study, but it's part of a larger body of research 这只是一个小小的研究,但它是一个更大范围研究的一部分, that is starting to...
And this turned out to be a little more dramatic than we expected it to be, 这个结果比我们想的要更有戏剧性, because none of the participants would ev...
This is the PARO baby seal robot. It's used in nursing homes and with dementia patients. It's been around for a while. 这是帕罗婴儿海豹机器人。它被用...
Now, we're headed towards a world where robots are everywhere. 我们正迈入一个机器人无处不在的社会。 Robotic technology is moving out from behind facto...
Well, of course, we're primed by science fiction and pop culture to really want to personify these things, 不可否认,我们都被科幻小说及流行文化所影响...
But my response to this robot was also interesting because I knew exactly how this machine worked, 但我对这个机器人的反应也非常有趣,因为我确切地知道...
There was a day, about 10 years ago, when I asked a friend to hold a baby dinosaur robot upside down. 大概10年前的一天,我让一个朋友头朝下地握持一个小...